Hired to Love

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"You said you wanted to talk?" Tim rested on the sofa, Lucy sat on the other side with a blanket covering her body.

Lucy threw the fabric over to Tim, letting her feet rest on his lap.

"Yeah," Lucy sucked a breath through her teeth, wincing at Tim's cold hands wrapping around her feet.

"Do you want to stand?" Tim cocked his head, rubbing her ankles. Lucy shook her head, swapping her position so that she was sitting on her legs. She put her hands on her thighs, giving Tim a queasy expression.

"You okay?" Tim's eyebrows knitted together, his hand reaching for Lucy's. She gave a quick nod, lips parting as she prepared to give her speech.

"I've been thinking about what you said a few nights ago, the whole relationship thing. Look.. I know you said that you were okay with waiting, but I don't want you to feel like you have to. This," Lucy waved her finger between them, "isn't just about me. Your opinion matters too. I just don't want you to think that I'm.." Lucy stoped to take a breath, eyes meeting with Tim's.

"I don't want you to think that you're anything less. Because, Tim," Lucy tilted her head, squeezing Tim's hands. She bit at her cheek, drawing blood. Her nerves eased slightly when she caught Tim's smile, but quickly returned when his eyes narrowed. "Tim. I really, really like you." Lucy tried to puzzle Tim's face, the way his lips were pursed, eyes dark.

After what felt like forever, Tim's lips curved into a smile, and his eyes beamed with joy. He shuffled closer to Chen, letting his finger intertwine and run down her hair. Her eyes were large, trying to figure out what must have warping around Tim's brain.

"Can I show you something?" Tim picked up Lucy's dropped head by the chin, blood flowing to her cheeks.

Lucy nodded, her face suddenly pale. He didn't respond.

"Close your eyes," Tim smiled, nodding his head. Lucy obliged, using her cupped hands as a blind fold. Tim stood, shuffling through the living room, reaching the ottoman. Retrieving his gift, the crinkle of plastic made Lucy's eyebrows furrow, eager to open her eyes.

"You can look now," Tim chuckled, a sparkle in his eyes. Lucy's heart immediately swelled, the image of Tim with a bouquet of flowers and a teddy making her stomach fill with butterflies. Giggling as she rose to her feet, she smiled at Tim, taking the beautiful bouquet of red roses. She grabbed the stuffed animal, rubbing her fingertips onto the fuzzy object, letting herself remember the feel of the thought teddy.

"Thank you so much," Lucy awed, eyes beginning to swell with tears. She placed the teddy onto the coffee table, embracing Tim into a comforting hug, her roses hitting Bradford's back.

He took in the smell of her floral shampoo, hesitant to let her go as he started loosening his arms.

"Turn it around." Tim spoke calmly, making eye contact with Chen. Her eyebrows drew together, lip quirked upward as she gave a confused smile.

Tim gestured to the bouquet, and Lucy brought her eyes to her hand, turning the bouquet so she could see the plastic. A small note was stapled to the designed plastic, and she looked up at him for confirmation. Letting her know that she was meant to read it with a small nod, Lucy removed the note from the bouquet, placing it alongside the brown bear.

*That night, when you told me you knew what we have wasn't enough for me, you were right.* Lucy read the first part, her eyes brimmed with tears. She bit at her lip, trying to hold in a sniffle. She had known that Tim would eventually speak up. Her eyes wandered the room, trying to refrain from crying in front of the man. He could tell the pause was taken before she finished reading.

"Read the rest," Tim whispered, letting his hands rest on her arms. The hairs at the back of her neck stood straight, the feel of his cold hands against her warm skin sending a shiver down her spine.

*I love you, Lucy Chen.* Lucy's pout immediately turned in a grin, and she let out a small sniffle before opening her arms, letting Tim embrace her.

Feeling as though the words may be an illusion, Lucy sobbed into his chest. She squeezed at his arms, letting the small paper fall to the floor. Tim's held Lucy's head against himself, nuzzling his nose and mouth onto her hair.

"I love you, too." Lucy's muffled voice sounded, face smashed against Tim's shirt.

"Don't say too, it sounds like you're agreeing with me." Tim kissed her head, his embrace so strong he felt he might lose her if he let go. The moment didn't feel real to either of them.

"Waiting for the right time after the whole Chris thing wasn't going to happen. I feel like an idiot. I should've just told you how I felt from the beginning." Lucy chuckled, nuzzling her head.

"Oh yeah? When would that have been?" Tim tried, stroking his hand onto Lucy's hair.

"I only really thought about it, like really after I saw you proposing to Ashley." Lucy admitted, gripping onto Tim's shirt, feeling as though she just said the wrong thing.

"Jealousy isn't a good look on you," Tim clicked his tongue, shaking his head with a smile.

"You seemed to like it when I.." Lucy was cut short when Tim bowed his head to her, pressing his lips onto hers.

This kiss felt different. As if they had eternity together, like time would never end if they were standing here, together. With Tim trying to keep Lucy's inappropriate words from being released, their tongues danced, slow and passionate kisses before they finally released for air. Lucy pressed her hands against Tim's stomach, resting her forehead on his chest. Bradford dipped his head, placing a final kiss at the back of Lucy's hair.

"I love you, Tim."

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