Surprise Surprise

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"Night, Lu!" Tamara called behind the shut door.

Lucy wished her best friend goodnight, then slithered into her bed, her shaved legs smooth along the white comforter.

She rolled onto her stomach, reaching for her phone.

"Hey," Lucy smiled, eyes closed.

The video call between Tim and Lucy lasted a few minutes, not long before Tim's announcement.

"I've been thinking," he started, watching Lucy's eyebrows curve.

"That's never good!" Lucy giggled, clearing her eyes. Tim rolled his eyes with a shy smile, moving his arm under his head. He laid comfortably in his bed, feet crossed.

"As I was saying,"

"I'm thinking about getting Tamara a car for her birthday. Does that sound crazy?" Tim smiled, internally screaming.

"Oh my God, yes! She's gonna love that." Lucy smiled, in complete awe.

"So, I was hoping you'd come to a car dealer with me? This weekend. I would pay it off for a while, then I figured she could slowly start pitching in, with her new job and all."

"Of course I will, Tim. She's going to love it." Lucy admired the caring man, thinking back to only a few weeks ago when was a complete hard-ass on her. He'd been training her even harder that last week, and it only infuriated Lucy more. Now, here he was, offering to give the girl he grew to love a car.

"Hey, you remember our first day together? Off duty, at that bar with Lopez and West?" Lucy rolled over her bed, hair spread against the silk pillow.

Tim nodded, simply watching the woman. Even now, this late at night, she looked flawless. Gorgeous waves sprawled against the pillow, smooth legs rubbing against each other, red pajamas contrasting with the light tint of red on her cheeks and lips.

"Tim? Are you listening?" Lucy's eyebrows drew together. He'd been far too distracted watching Lucy, so when she asked him when the two were moving in together, Tim's eyes grew large.


"You weren't listening!" Lucy whined, throwing her phone.

"Y-yeah. Sorry." Tim stumbled, scratching at his head. Lucy peered her head to the screen, watching Tim fluster.

"Okay, you're tired. And, we've got a long day tomorrow." Lucy finally decided.

"Yeah, tired. I'll see you tomorrow, Chen." Tim gave a small smile, then hung up the phone before Lucy could even reply.

Why'd he get all weird? He hasn't called me Chen in weeks.


Meanwhile, Tim was trying his hardest to not pull out his hair. The bare thought of being together with Lucy drove him mad. Why couldn't she just want this?"

The image of Lucy laid beside him on a Sunday morning, with tinted cheeks, soft hair, and silky pajamas poked and prodded at his brain. Discarding his thoughts, he hastily shuffled in his covers, comforting himself as he fell into a slumber.


Lucy's mind was blank, eyes stuck on the ceiling as she watched every detail displayed.

Why was she hung up on Tim's change in voice? Then it hit her. Lucy had actually fallen for Tim Bradford. Sure, she had admired the man, he was hot, and definitely had the abs. She should know. But he was also her former training officer, her mentor, and her friend.

Lucy knew Tim wanted more, and deep inside Lucy was trying hard not to take a leap and ask him. Then she thought back to Chris, his knife slashing her arm, his fist connecting with her stomach, but then there's Tim; an honorable, respected and admirable man. He's warm, familiar, and a comfort to her. He's also cold, and exciting, and all of Lucy's innocence disappears when she thinks of him. His hands caressing her curves, his hot breath against her neck, and his lips leaving lingering kisses along her skin.

The way Tim could be so gentle with her, though so gruff and serious. How she could always open up to him, and go completely silent at the same time. All these thoughts ran through Lucy's head at once, and the memories brought a smile to her lips.

When Lucy had gone silent after Tim hurt her feelings, a giggle escaped her mouth. She rubbed her soft, smooth legs underneath the sheets, fluffing her pillow.

Tim has to ask me, I'll say yes this time.

Now, instead of hoping to avoid the million dollar question, Lucy prayed that Tim would ask her to be his. Because she'd known all along. But it was Tim's sudden behavioral change that lit Lucy's bulb. He wanted her, and now she was ready. She was sure she could handle it.

If she were to ever hesitate, she knows Tim would be there for her, with open arms, to comfort her and soothe her worries. No rush would come from him, he had said it himself.

So, she decided tomorrow she would declare her feelings. She would finally express herself, truthfully, because waiting for her mind to clear of Chris wasn't going to happen soon. And though Tim said he is willing to wait, Lucy could never allow him to. Because she loved him.

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