If I Get My Way

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Tim started his car, a smooth ride to the station. He kept his eyes busy, scanning the roads for anything abnormal in Los Angeles.

Smoothing down his shirt as he walked into the locker room, he nodded his head to a few coworkers, then made way to his own locker, quickly changing into uniform. He greeted officers and colleagues, detectives who sat at their 'cushy' desk seats, and a few superiors.   Sitting beside Angela now, they spoke about anything and everything, the game Tim watched last night, the vomit Angela had to clear after Wesley's poor decision to buy two wine bottles, and the newly solved case.

Two drug lords had been caught by a detective duo a few stations down, and it was all any cop was talking about.

Detective Hernandez and Detective Jones, both grew up together, both became cops together, and were now partners.

"We should hit them up, maybe you can get your name further!" Angela joked, sucked a breath through her teeth, punching Tim's shoulder.

The two suspects, Smith and Leone, had been on the run for a little less than a week. Hiding out at an old friend's place, they managed to stash thousands of dollars worth of drugs behind walls, beneath the house, and around the property.

If it weren't for Jones and Hernandez working past hours, those criminals would still be on the loose.

"I'm just glad I can sleep tonight without having to worry about more civilians overdosing with their product." Nolan joined, sitting behind both. Lucy joined at John's side, tracing her finger tips on the wooden table.

"Ooh, yeah. I agree, that one couple that overdosed was supper young. Some of the baggies had more compounds, and I think it was two or three men who are still hospitalized." Lucy frowned, clasping her hands together. Angela and Tim nodded in agreement, and then turned to face Grey.


"Twenty bucks he makes a run for it." Tim rolled his eyes, gripping onto the steering wheel, foot pressing into the gas pedal as Lucy switched on the sirens.

"Deal." Lucy cocked, brushing her arm against his.

This is going to be a long day.


Lucy's thoughts of Tim running his fingers through her hair warped around her brain; his admittance, expression of feelings.

She thought back to last night, how she'd sworn to herself that she would confess her true feelings for Tim Bradford.

Tim suddenly snapped Lucy out of her thoughts, when his hand stroked her arm. "Lucy?" Tim grinned, dipping his head lower to meet Lucy's eyes.

"Did you wanna hit the showers?" He leaned against the blue wall outside the women's locker room, watching Lucy's body language shift.

"I think I'll go home, first. Do you think you could stop by later? I wanted to talk to you about something," Lucy's eyes enlarged, leaning her own body against the cold wall.

"Yeah, whenever you want."


Thanking the cashier, Timothy exited the small shop, the bell of the door ringing as he stepped out. He waved to a woman walking past him, jogging toward his car with gifts in one hand.

He hopped into his truck, looking over to the bouquet of roses with a stapled note on the designed plastic. Then to the large box of assorted chocolates, and the dark-brown teddy bear. All placed in the passenger seat.

He shot a quick text before making way to Lucy's, pressing his foot to the gas pedal.

T: I'll be there in twenty


Lucy reassured Tamara that she didn't need to leave, but the girl insisted on letting the two work things out. Even if it meant not getting a coffee.

Tamara exited the apartment with a final hug from Lucy, leaving Chen to herself in the kitchen. She spread her arms apart, leaning her body against the marble island.

Replaying the words she rehearsed in her mind, Chen was stumbling and screwing up the entire speech she had prepared.

A few minutes passed, and then a few more, and a few more... until finally, finally, Tim arrived. Lucy was in her bedroom, desperately looking for a new outfit.

"One second!" Lucy yelled loud enough for Tim to hear through her door, and he waited patiently in the hall, waving to a few of Lucy's familiar neighbors.

Covering the black, lace set, which she doubted Tim would see tonight, she threw on a fitted green long sleeve, and flowy, gray shorts. She ran her fingers through her hair, walking toward the door.

Suddenly regretting her choice of attire, she hesitantly pulled open the door, noticing Tim's patient posture. He stood tall, yet head dipping so he could meet her eyes. Both his arms rested behind his back, Lucy's eyes narrowing as she watched him, curiosity clear on her face as he stepped inside.

"What are you hiding?" Lucy giggled, trying to look behind his back, thought Tim's quick reflexes moved his surprise out of the way.

"You get this later, no peeking." Tim warned, arching an eyebrow.

"Fine," Lucy rolled her eyes, and Tim quickly shuffled past her, placing the gifts in the small chest ottoman of the couch as Lucy covered her eyes with a smile on her face.

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