11. [The Bakery]

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1660 words (AN: thank you for all the votes HGTJJUTRFV ily)

    Alex passed his time with voluntarily helping his mother in housekeeping. He cleaned the kitchen and did the laundry. Penny was very thankful for it. Alex laid down in his bed when he was finished and waited for Matt. Alex ran down when he heard the doorbell ringing. He opened it to see Matt and Alex instantly dragged him upstairs. He needed to tell him everything that happened-.. well maybe not everything.

"We had a deal.." Penny said, crossing her arms. "Yes! Of course. Mum, it's really important. Can this go first, please?" Alex explained, to which Penny nodded. Alex closed the door behind them when they entered his room. He turned around and a big fat grin appeared on his face.

"Ok sooo!! He just came 'ere unexpectedly and I was like What a surprise and he was like Do you like me? and he somehow knew and I was like yes and spoke about how we can just be friends, of course. But he told me to shut up and then he kissed me and then he pushed me onto the bed and I was like Oh my god! and he was bein' so hot. Bla bla bla and then he was very sweet and boom! Boyfriends." Alex said in an excited voice. Like he was a teenage girl, rambling about her favourite band.

"Uh.." Matt didn't know what to say. That was a lot at once. But before he could reply, Alex started again. "Oh and when he left I was like Wait! and I made him blush and mocked him but I instantly paid for that 'cause he seductively was like You. Me. Tomorrow 6pm. Me parents aren't home. Like can you believe it? We're gonna have se-.." Alex got interrupted. "ALEXANDER! SHUT YER MOUTH! I don't wanna know the details, Jesus!" Matt yelled the first part to drown him out.

"Really Alex, I'm happy for ya. It's nice to see you have the happiness ya deserve. But please. I don't need details about me two friends shaggin' each other." Matt added after Alex went quiet. "S-Sorry." Alex apologised, extremely embarrassed. "It's okay, Al. Just keep it in mind. Is he happy with ya?" Matt reassured him. "Uh.. yes? I mean, I do hope so." Alex replied. Miles definitively looked happy in his eyes. "Well, if he wasn't happy with you, he'd be dumb. And he's not dumb." Matt shrugged and laughed, joined by Alex.

"Are ya planning on telling yer parents and Nick and Jamie?" Matt asked and Alex suddenly seemed uneasy. "I dunno. Nick and Jamie are not the problem.. but I'm so scared to tell me parents.." He answered, honestly. "We both know 'em, Al. They'll be absolutely cool about it. Don't they love Miles already?" Matt reassured him. "Yes they do.. but not as much as they love ya." Alex joked, giving a small chuckle away.

"Sometimes I ask myself who their actual son is.." He added, making both laugh. "You wanna go help yer mum now?" Matt asked, as both nodded. They went downstairs to join Penny. "Alright let's go!" Alex brightly smiled with enthusiasm. "Darling, what happened to make you so happy all of the sudden?" Penny asked with a chuckle and Alex couldn't stop smiling. Just as he wanted to reply, Matt did, "Miles happened." He sniggered, as Alex's cheeks turned red.

"Oh really? Why that?" Penny raised an eyebrow but Alex kept his mouth shut. His mother remembered the talk she had with Miles' mother. About how there might be more than friendship between their sons. "We're just.. uh.. nothin' special. I'm just h-happy he's in me life." Alex said and forced a smile, so that Penny would believe it. "Okay.. it's always good to have such great friends. I do hope Matt gives you the same happiness." Penny replied.

Matt looked at her, before looking back at Alex. "Great friends, eh?" He smirked. "Matthew.. please just shut up." Alex mumbled, as his face flushed again. Penny looked at them, knowing, as Matt chuckled at Alex's comment. "Al, do tell, though." She smiled sweetly at her son. "Jeez, y-you two are unbearable together!" Alex frowned, "You can bake yer cake alone, i-if ya keep bein' m-mean!" He tried to sound serious but it wouldn't help, as he crossed his arms.

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