26. [I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor]

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1545 words

   "Alright.. so meet up at 6pm?" Alex asked and received a nod from everyone. "I'm kinda excited!" Andy said with a chuckle. "Oh ya should be. We're pretty good, y'know.." Jamie joked. "Well, I'm not sure if we should say that after 2 weeks of no practice.." Matt told him with a raised eyebrow.

    "Such a killjoy.." Jamie rolled his eyes. "I'm sure we're still good!" Nick jumped in with a smile, as Alex agreed. "Uh.. what's your address, Alex? I don't even know where to go.." Andy said. "Oh right. Lemme text you when I'm home." Alex replied, earning a nod. "Al, can I come home with you?" Miles then asked, as he saw their bus arriving at the bus stop. "Oh sure." His boyfriend smiled at him widely. Matt, however, frowned slightly at this. He kept himself from asking whether he could tag along too.

Just when the bus arrived, Miles and Alex said goodbye to their friends and entered the bus. Once they reached Alex's home, they entered through the door. "MUM! I'm home with Miles!" Alex yelled to inform her but got no reply. He looked around the living room and yelled again. "Yes, outside!" Penny yelled back and Alex joined her. "Just wanted to say I'm here." He smiled brightly at her. However, he didn't repeat he was with Miles a second time. Penny nodded at him.

Alex joined his boyfriend again who was patiently waiting next to the staircase. "Mum's outside." Alex informed. "So.. you wanna do homework together?" He then asked, as he walked upstairs, closely followed by Miles, who agreed. "Jeez.. we gotta analyse that one Shakespeare poem right?" He questioned in return.

"Yep.. Fear No More." Alex replied. "Ugh.. how much Shakespeare does he wanna go through with us?" Miles asked, rolling his eyes. "Probably until the year ends, I dunno." Alex shrugged, as they entered his room. Miles and Alex both got all their school stuff out and began doing homework. They also studied a bit for an upcoming history test. But after one and a half hours, they stopped with the school work.

"Okay that's enough for today.." Alex chuckled, receiving a nod. "Yeah.. getting tired of this.." Miles said and stood up to clean up. Alex did the same thing until all their school stuff was in their bags. "What now?" Alex asked and Miles looked him deeply in the eyes. No Miles, behave yourself. He then shrugged without a comment. "I'll get summat to drink. What d'you want?" Alex asked, as he walked towards the door.

"Uh.. just coke please." Miles replied with a smile and the other boy nodded. Alex went downstairs to get Coca-Cola, also some orange juice and two glasses and rejoined Miles in his room. Alex put everything down on the small table in his room and opened the coke and poured some of it in one of the glasses. Once done, he poured the orange juice into the glass that was left. Miles stood up to get the one with the coke in it but at the same time, Alex stepped back, accidentally hitting the glass out of Miles' hand. The coke spilled all over Miles' T-shirt, as Alex turned around to see what happened.

"Fuck, Mi! I'm so sorry! Wait, lemme get this off!" Alex panically apologised, as he grabbed a tissue from his desk and tried to wipe the coke away. However, he kinda only made it worse. "Oh fuck.." Alex mumbled. "Al, it's okay.." Miles said. "I'll get this out!" Alex added and gave him a small kiss. He then pulled his T-shirt off, revealing Miles' bare chest. But just as he took it off for him, the door opened.

Both Miles and Alex looked at the door to see Penny, standing there, with widened eyes. "Oh.. I'm so sorry! I didn't know.. uh.. sorry." She apologised and went to leave instantly but Alex stopped her. "N-No mum! We weren't.. jeez.. I-I accidentally spilled coke over him!!" Alex explained, his face red out of embarrassment. "Yep.." Miles agreed. "Oh.. uh alright.. I thought-.. never mind. Reach me the T-shirt. I'll put it in the washing machine." Penny said, as Alex handed her the T-shirt.

"We really weren't uh.. about to like.. make out, okay??!" Alex said loudly, still panic in his voice. "No.. of course, Al." Penny cleared her throat. "I see the.. coke on the T-shirt.. all good." She added and Alex took a deep breath and nodded. "Jeez, Al.. it's not that big of a deal." Miles said through some giggles. "Be quiet, you wouldn't want me or yer mum walking in on us having.. y'know what.., or do you?" Alex frowned and crossed his arms.

"No, of course not. But it didn't happen yet. So calm yer balls." Miles replied and Penny widened her eyes. "Yet?" She raised her eyebrow, as a smirk started to appear on her face. "What?" Alex asked, then the realisation hit him. He hid his face in his T-shirt out of embarrassment. Miles, however, found this amusing. Penny did too. "Alright.. sorry. I'll be going then." Penny said and left through the door, closing it behind her. Alex still didn't speak up.

Miles approached him and pulled down Alex's T-shirt to reveal a tomato red face. Miles couldn't keep himself from laughing. "Just get dressed already.. yer so embarrassing.." Alex mumbled, as he got a T-shirt out of his drawer and violently threw it at his boyfriend. Miles stepped to him again, not putting on the T-shirt. "Hey, Al.." He almost whispered. Alex tried not to look into those beautiful eyes of his, a forced frown plastered onto his face.

Miles put a hand on Alex's cheek and gave him a big kiss on the lips. Alex couldn't keep himself from smiling. Miles chuckled at this. "Now get dressed, you idiot!!" Alex said through laughs, as he pushed him away. "Alright, alright." Miles replied. How bad he wanted to throw him onto the bed just then. But Alex's wish stayed in his mind. Shortly after, they could hear the doorbell ringing a million times.

Both sprinted down to see that Penny already opened the door. "Ohh you haven't all been here in such a long time! Oh and who are you?" Penny asked curiously, looking at Andy. "I'm Andy. I'm the exchange student from America." He smiled at her, reaching his hand out and Penny gladly accepted it, shaking his hand. "You can call me Penny." She replied and let them in. Alex and Miles greeted their friends.

"Well, we'll be going to the garage now." Alex informed his mother and received a nod. Once they arrived in the garage, everyone ran to their instruments. "God how I missed me drum set." Matt said, hugging one of his drum sticks. Alex giggled at this. "Sorry guys.. sorry you all couldn't see yer instruments in two weeks." Alex then apologised. "Well I forgive you.. but damn.. that was a long time." Matt replied.

"Matt's right, though. I do hope we're able to play the new one." Nick smiled. "Are ya kidding, mate? Of course we are. We're the fookin' Arctic Monkeys!" Jamie threw his hands in the air, making everyone laugh. "Andy, come 'ere." Miles said, motioning for him to join him for the perfect spot to watch the band play. Andy joined him, as Alex cleared his throat.

"Are ya ready?" Alex questioned and looked at his band mates who all nodded. Matt spun his drum stick around and threw it into the air and caught it again. He gave Alex his thumbs up. "Alright. This is I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor. Don't believe the hype." Alex said, and everyone played their part of the song. Both Andy and Miles were surprised by how expressive the song began. It seemed all to work out just fine. Everyone remembered their part.

Alex still seemed kind of nervous whilst singing. Miles noticed it instantly when he sang the first lines. When they reached the pre-chorus and heard Matt sing those two lines, Andy and Miles were impressed by his strong voice. Once the band reached the refrain, their small audience started cheer loudly. Alex smiled at this and felt a small confidence boost hitting him.

Miles was once again mesmerised by him. He just dreamily smiled at him. Andy noticed his look and followed his gaze. "You really love him, eh?" Andy chuckled slightly. "Huh? Oh.. yes.. yes, I do." Miles replied, his eyes glued on Alex. Andy only smiled at this. Meanwhile, the band reached the end of the song and stopped playing. Andy and Miles applauded loudly, as Miles instantly sprinted off to Alex.

"You were great, love." He said and gave him a kiss, which Alex returned. "Thank you.." Alex giggled playfully. "Eh, y'know that a band isn't only one person, right?" Jamie said, raising an eyebrow at Miles. "Sure! I'm sorry guys. You were all great. Matt, I love yer voice, honestly." Miles apologised, receiving a smile from Matt. "Thanks, as long as ya don't call me love, I'm fine." Matt joked. Miles only slightly laughed at this.

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