19. [The Element Of Surprise]

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Everyone joined Matt at his house, except for Andy. His parents weren't home. Miles was worried about his boyfriend, though. Not like he already did get absolutely drunk just because he couldn't handle something with a specific other person, eh? "Alex.. uh.. please don't drink too much.. like last time." Miles said.

    "What? Why would I? And why is that a problem?" Alex raised an eyebrow. They're celebrating, anyway! So if so, why not? "Alexa.." Miles muttered and Alex's expression obviously changed. "N-No I won't.. I promise." Alex said and he meant it. He just wanted to get a bit drunk, just as Miles and the others did. Only a bit. "Finally I don't need to deal with Alex's- and now also Miles' rabbiting about each other alone! Yeah!" Matt said in victory and raised his glass. "Great thanks!" Jamie ironically replied and took a sip of the margarita.

    Long story short, everyone had margaritas and all got really drunk. Yes, also Alex, who said he wouldn't, as well as the others.. but by that point they couldn't even blame each other because no one was really able to do so. They played some party games and the point came where everyone started laughing at random shit. Alex randomly sat down in Miles's lap because Miles asked him to. "Al, uh come here!" Miles said with a bright smile and pointed at his lap.

    Alex's eyes widened and smirked at him shortly after. He did what his boyfriend asked for. Miles smashed his lips into his and Alex returned it. Both were tangling their hands in each other's hair, being watched by the other three in the room. They aggressively made out with each other. "Haha!! They're gonna..gonna fuck! Right in front o-of us!" Jamie laughed at them, as Matt and Nick also laughed.

    "Undress! Undress! Undress!" Jamie started to yell and the other two joined him. Alex pulled his T-shirt off of himself and the others cheered him up. "Alexander yer s-so hot." Miles whispered into Alex's ear and a smirk spread across Alex's face. "Yer the hottest.. out of uh.. everyone in.. in this room. God I can't fucking resist you." He slurred and kissed him once again. Matt decided to do a small mistake- no, a huge and stupid mistake they would all regret for their lives, especially Alex and Miles. Matt got his camera out and started recording them. "Say 'ello!" He said, as both Miles and Alex waved and smiled into the camera for a second, before continuing their make out session.

    Alex moved a bit so he was sitting with his legs being around Miles' upper body, whose crotch was directly under Alex's. They were both a bit too horny. Especially on camera.. Miles placed his one hand on Alex's ass and squeezed it. The others started cheering again before Miles and Alex stopped because of Alex's stomach that started growling. "Fuck I'm so hungry." He said. "You c-can still eat me out." Miles winked at him and Alex started chuckling. "With pleasure.. but I'm really hungry. I'll g-get summat. Anyone else want?" Alex asked and received a nod from everybody.

    Alex stood up and put his shirt on and then walked into the kitchen, only to realise that it wasn't his house and he was too drunk to remember where to get the snacks from. Luckily, Matt joined him. "The snacks are 'ere mate." He said and opened a drawer in the kitchen. Alex's stomach started growling again. "When was uh the last time you ate mate?" Matt asked. "Uh.. yesterday?" Alex replied and Matt looked at him in disbelief.

   "That ain't good for ya. Al, I-I may be pissed but uh I'm sober enough to tell you that.. that y-you have to eat!" Matt said in a serious voice. "Matt I'm fine!" Alex replied but the other boy shook his head. "Jesus Al I'll uh make you summat proper to eat now." He said and got bread out of its packaging. "Go sit down to the others!" Matt demanded and pointed behind him at their friends. "Okay.. uh thanks.." Alex replied and joined them.

After a few minutes, Matt came back and handed him three slices of bread. He also put down a cup with snacks in it for the others. "Thanks.." Alex muttered and took a bite. "Miles watch over yer boyfriend and make sure he's eatin'.. he didn't eat a-anythin' today." Matt said and Miles raised an eyebrow. "You lied to.. to me!" He looked at Alex with a frown. "Sorry.." Alex mumbled and took another bite. Then his phone vibrated.

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