15. [Jealousy]

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1240 words

Two days passed. It was Thursday and Miles wasn't alone with Alex once. Alex was with Alexa in school all the time and behaved so weird. Miles texted him after school but all he got was a I'm with Alexa right now. Sorry. What the hell happened? Miles was scared that his boyfriend was cheating on him with her so obviously. He felt such jealousy and anger.

   "Miles? Yer there?" Matt waved his hand in front of the other boy's face, trying to get him out of his dream state. "Huh? Yeah.." He mumbled. "Has he said nothing? Not even to you, Miles? Why is he behaving so weird? He seems sad.." Nick questioned. No one knew the answer to Alex's questionable behaviour. Was he ghosting his friends and betraying his boyfriend?

   Miles and the others were looking at Alex and Alexa in the distance. They were laughing, having fun but both had a slight hint of sadness and pain in them. "Am I not good enough?!" Miles asked, watching Alexa. "Miles.. Al loves you so fuckin' much. He'd never cheat on you. He'd never cheat on anyone. Al is way too nice for that." Matt said, earning nods from the others. Miles was still worried about it. What other reason did Alex have? Suddenly, a car parked near them and a male person waved at Alexa.

   The girl hugged Alex and left for the car. Alex looked after her and then he approached his other friends, who he hadn't been really talking to since Tuesday. "Al!" Miles ran up to him and hugged him but he didn't seem to enjoy hugging back. He quickly shoved him off, which hurt Miles. Did he do something wrong? Alex looked really unhappy, even depressed a bit. "What's wrong?" Miles asked, empathic. "Huh? Oh.. nothing.." Alex mumbled and seemed deep in thought. Their last lesson just ended.

   Alex wanted to meet up after school with Alexa again but her father didn't want it. He said it was just a distraction and that the girl needed to prepare for her big day. That is why Alex walked up to his other friends. Miles and the others looked at him, worried. "Hey, uh.. d'you wanna come home with me?" Miles asked, hoping he'd say yes. However, Alex didn't feel like it. "No sorry.." He replied. He either wanted to be alone or with Alexa.

Miles frowned at him, not commenting any further. Matt, Jamie and Nick looked at each other, all three wondering what has gotten into Alex to make him say no. "Uh.. our bus is there.." Alex said, looking at Miles and left instantly, without really waiting for him. "Bye to you too Alexander!" Matt yelled after him. "Uh, yes bye." Alex replied, as Miles rushed to him. He didn't know what to say.

"Why don't you.. wanna meet up?" He spoke up, after they had entered the bus. "Huh? Oh.. I just don't feel like it.." Alex said and Miles only looked at him and muttered something under his breath. When they finally reached their bus stop, both left. "Bye Miles.." Alex said and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and went to leave but got stopped by the other boy. "I love you, Al." Miles grabbed him by his hand, worryingly looking into his eyes.

    "Huh? Oh.. Love you too." Alex replied, as Miles let loose of him. Alex left, as his boyfriend watched him closely. Miles just stood there at the bus stop, looking after him and then turned around to leave too. Once he arrived at his home, he opened the door and got greeted by his mother. "Hey, mum.." Miles mumbled and Pauline raised an eyebrow at him. "Hey, Miles. How was school?" She asked.

"I dunno.. Alex is behaving weird.. I just really care about him.. but he won't tell me what's wrong." Miles said, not giving any more details. "Oh I'm sure he'll tell you sooner or later." Pauline smiled at him but he didn't seem too convinced of that. "Y'know that Alex trusts you and well- even if you're still drowning in denial.. I'm pretty sure he got a slight crush on you. Like Penny told me, you always seemed to have this specific influence on Alex." Pauline chuckled slightly. Well, she had no idea that her son actually felt the same for Alex and that they were together.

However, Miles didn't feel ready to tell her. "Uh.." Miles cleared his throat awkwardly and looked onto the ground. He didn't know what to answer. "I feel like.. I'm getting ignored by Alex. Once Alexa is there with him, she gets all his attention.. She's so.. annoying! I don't get why Alex is spending so much time with her.. i-instead of.. me." Miles said, as he frowned at the name of her. Pauline had to keep herself from smiling but failed slightly. "Why is that so funny?" Miles crossed his arms.

"You're jealous, Miles.. it's adorable, though. I know how much you care about Alex.. he will tell you." Pauline replied and the boy rolled his eyes. "Yes. Yes I know." He mumbled. "But I can't help it, mum.." He added. "Hey, I'm sure Alex has his reasons.. maybe it's something about her? Something not nice happening to her?" Pauline said, making Miles think about it more. Yeah.. maybe. But- what about the slight chance Alex was cheating, though? Miles couldn't get that out of his mind. "Yeah.. thanks.." Miles said and went upstairs.

In the meantime, Alex also just got home and instantly walked into his room without greeting his parents. Penny noticed his son storming off and decided to join him. She knocked at the door and shortly after, she entered. "Hey, Al. How was school?" She wondered, taking a few steps towards her son. "Yeah.. alright.. I guess." Alex answered. "How come yer not with Alexa?" Penny asked, making the boy look up at her with a scoff.

    "Ugh.. her father says I'm too much of a distraction.." He crossed his arms. "Oh okay.. hey, what about Miles? To distract you a bit from all that Alexa stuff?" Penny suggested but Alex shook his head after slight hesitation. "I-I already told him I wanna be alone." He said and Penny looked at him worried. "Al, he always makes happy for.. whatever reason. Give it a chance. You'll feel better." Penny said and Alex thought about it.

She was right. Miles always made him happy, regardless of him being his boyfriend or not. And besides, Penny still didn't know about it. "Okay.." Alex gave in and took his phone out. His mother smiled at him and then left through the door. However, he got distracted when he saw a text from Alexa.

Sorry that you couldn't come Al. But what about texting right now? Maybe a call later.. when my father isn't around anymore.

Sure!! So, are you excited?

Yeah, I mean I dunno.. it's a bit scary but yes. I'm kind of looking forward to it..

That's nice to hear

    Alex completely forgot about what his mother had said. Instead, he kept texting Alexa for that evening. Penny had asked him at some point about what was with Miles and him meeting up but Alex told her he had something else to do and that's why he couldn't. Penny didn't question his lie any further.

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