23. [Liverpool]

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    Okay, Al. Don't fuck this up. Alex took a deep breath, before knocking at the door. He was really nervous. Suddenly, the door opened. "Al.." It was Miles. "Miles! I-I.. uh.. you.. I-.." Alex stuttered, not knowing how to begin. Great, you idiot, you already fucked up.. Alex innerly blamed himself. Instead of talking, he handed him his diary with the opened pages. "I-I wrote this on the day you kissed me.. right before I got this message from Alexa.. Miles.. I'm so sorry for what I said." Alex apologised but Miles shushed him.

    Alex obeyed. He didn't know what it meant. Did Miles want him to shut up because he wouldn't want to hear his stupid voice? "Im trying to read, Al.." Miles said.. with a slight smile? Alex and Miles both stood in silence. Alex was watching his boyfriend reading. When he was finished, his eyes looked up from the diary. "Miles! S-So.. like I said.. I'm so sorry. I love you. Yer my boyfriend a-and it.. I wasn't fair. I shouldn't have blamed you, Mi! I'm sorry, I-.." Alex got interrupted by another shush.

    Miles sighed and looked down at the ground.  "No, Alex. Stop making this so hard.. please." He muttered and looked back up at him. He had tears in his eyes. Alex looked at him confused and worried. Miles noticed his look. "Im not mad at you, Al. I'm moving back to Liverpool. I was trying to get you out of my mind. I'm just trying to make it easier for us both." Miles informed him. Alex's heart shattered into a million pieces. This couldn't be. "N-No please don't." Alex's voice broke. He was also on the verge of tears.

    "I'm sorry. Me father got a new and better job offer there. A-And we have family there.. so.." Miles informed. "No.. Miles you don't understand. H-How am I suppo-.. I-I can't Miles. I can't. Please. Don't." Alex panicked. "Alex.. he really wants that job offer. I don't want to disappoint him." Miles explained but Alex wouldn't let him. He didn't see how this was a reason to let his father tear him away from his own boyfriend. "Doesn't he care about us? Miles please." Alex asked.

    "I-I haven't told him about us.." Miles honestly replied, after slight hesitation. "D-Do it. Please.. convince him otherwise!" Alex answered. "I don't think it will work-.." Miles said but was cut off, "Please.." How couldn't he at least try? Wasn't Alex important enough to him? "I-.. I don't know.. Al." Miles nervously answered. "Why? What are you scared of?" Alex frowned at him. "Their reaction, Al! Why don't you get it?" Miles almost yelled.

    "I thought we already talked about this..?" Alex muttered. "Yes- no, Al.. me father wouldn't be pleased with it. He pointed out a few times how boy and boy or girl and girl doesn't work. How that isn't what nature intended. You don't see what I see, Al. His reaction whenever he sees gay people.. it's disgusting. He always tells me to bring a beautiful and nice girl with me. He'll despise me. Al, I can't tell 'em." Miles explained, as tears were rolling down his face. Alex got closer to him and cupped his cheeks with his hands. "What about yer mother?" Alex questioned. "She isn't like him.. she even figured that you liked me." Miles replied with a smirk that disappeared again after a second.

    "Y'know what? Tell her. She'll be at yer side, just as I will. Then yer going to tell your father and ya won't care about his reaction." Alex said. He sounded so serious and grown up but then his soft side came up again. "Please M-Miles.. if I have to say goodbye.. then I at least want to say goodbye with the thought that we tried to convince 'em otherwise." He added.

    Miles looked into his eyes. God.. how he missed looking into his chocolate brown eyes. He glanced at his lips and couldn't resist. Miles smashed his lips into Alex's. Both smiled into it. They didn't realise how much they missed feeling each other's lips on their own ones. Miles broke the kiss and laid his forehead against Alex's. "Okay, Al.. let's tell me mother. She's in the garden right now, watering the plants." Miles said and Alex chuckled. "Me mum was also in the garden, watering the plants when Matt knocked." He said.

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