16. [Forcing A Smile And Waving Goodbye]

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    Where was Alexa? Did Alex misunderstood it? She said Friday was her last day, right? Then where was she?! Alex sat in math class, next to Jamie, not being able to concentrate on anything Mr Johnson was saying. "Mr Turner, would you mind paying attention?" He snapped at him, interrupting the boy's thoughts. "No, y-yes, sorry." Alex apologised. Jamie whispered something into his ear but he wouldn't hear it because he completely zoned out again.

Miles looked at the boy diagonally sitting behind him. He blew him a kiss but Alex didn't notice. Miles couldn't take it anymore. He had to get him to talk. When class ended, Alex was the first one to leave and Miles ran after him. But before he did, he informed the others. "Guys, I'll go after Alex. I need to talk to him." He told them, earning a nod from them. They were also worried about their friend, of course.

   Miles grabbed Alex's wrist and dragged him away from all the people. "Al. Talk to me, please." He said, taking his hand in his own. "What? There's n-nothing to worry about. I'm f-fine!" Alex obviously lied. He wasn't feeling well at all. Just as Miles was about to say something, Alexa appeared and Alex gave her all his attention. "Alexa, I thought you weren't coming!" He said with a weak smile, tearing his hand away from Miles', "Sorry. I missed the bus and then the traffic was a state." She replied with a chuckle. Miles had enough of it.

   "He's me boyfriend by the way.. stop trying to take him away from me." Miles crossed his arms and closed his eyes in attempt to ignore the girl. "What? Miles, I'm not trying to." Alexa said, facing Miles who then opened his eyes again. Both Alexa and Alex noticed tears in his eyes. "Then why are you with him all the time?!" Miles asked in a raised voice, making Alexa look unbelievably at Alex. "You didn't tell them?" She questioned, as she looked into his face. Alex felt such guilt. He only then realised how he neglected his friends and his boyfriend. He shook his head and Alexa rolled her eyes.

   "Why would you do that to yourself? They're your friends. Miles is your boyfriend." She said and Alex looked into Miles' confused and sad eyes. "What, Al? Tell me what's wrong. What didn't you tell us?" Miles asked and Alex hesitated. "I won't see Alexa again.. she's doing an exchange year and after, we don't have school together anymore. I promised her to spend the rest of the week with her." Alex explained, still with huge guilt.

   Miles' expression softened. "Oh.. Al, I'm sorry. I didn't know." He said in a lowered voice. "N-No, I'm sorry for not telling.. I didn't want ya and the others to feel neglected. Sorry." Alex apologised and Miles smiled at him. "Don't worry. But I'd like to spend some time with my boyfriend again.." He said and Alex nodded, "of course!" Then, Alex went closer to him and kissed him on the lips. In school and in public. He didn't care for once what others would say about it. And he felt comfortable doing so.

   Miles kissed him back, surprised by his action. It showed him that Alex really loved him, especially when he remembered that he was too scared to even hold hands in public. Alexa smiled at them, as they broke the kiss. To Alex's surprise, no one around them seemed to care. Sure, some people looked at them but that was it. Well.. maybe Miles was right. No one cares.

"Miles, you were kinda jealous, eh? There's no need be be.. really." Alexa asked and laughed it off. "Uh.. maybe?" He said but it sounded rather like a question. Alex smiled at him. He somehow liked to see his boyfriend a bit jealous like this. He found that it was really sweet and it showed Alex that Miles really loved him. "Don't worry, Mi.. I could never replace ya with anyone. I love you too much for that." Alex said. "Mhmh.. I love you too.." Miles mumbled with slightly pink cheeks. Alexa looked at them with a smile. They were so cute together.. but it hurt. Alexa still liked Alex so much.

Suddenly, Alex's expression changed again. He remembered that Alexa was only there for one more hour. It was the last lesson and they had PE together. "Hi Alexa." Someone greeted the girl who then turned around. "Andy! Hey." She said and looked between him and the other two boys. "Andy, this is Alex and this is Miles." She introduced them, as he greeted them. "Andy, we'll take care of you!" Alex said.

   "Uh Al, actually, I promised Andy to show him around now. Mr Walker already knows." Alexa explained, as the boy nodded. "Ah okay.. well, then we'll take care of you from next Monday on." Alex smiled, as Miles agreed. "Thanks" Andy thanked them.  "Well.. we should go now. See you then.. meet me where I was picked up by my father yesterday." Alexa smiled weakly at him, as she turned around and left with Andy. "Yes see ya.." Alex said with a sigh and Miles knew he wasn't feeling great and took his hand in his own.

   "Al.. it's going to be alright, okay?" Miles whispered and planted a kiss on his nose, as Alex slightly smiled at him. They walked together towards the sports hall and saw their other friends, waiting for their teacher. "Al! We were worried about you.." Matt smiled at his friend who had an apologetic look. "Sorry.. it's just that Alexa won't be here after today.." He explained. They all looked shocked.

"Oh.." Matt muttered. "Why does she have to go?" Nick asked. "Exchange year.." Alex explained with a half smile. "That's ass.." Jamie commented, as everyone agreed. Then, their PE teacher approached. They changed their clothes in the cabinets and walked into the sports hall. Mr Walker told them to play badminton, so that's what they did. With every second passing, Alex got more nervous. He didn't want to say goodbye..


   "Hey uh.. I-I'll go to Alexa and s-say goodbye.." Alex mumbled, on the verge of tears. Nick, Jamie and Matt nodded. They were all worried about him because they knew that Alex really liked Alexa. They nodded at him, as he went off. Miles joined him. "I'll come with you." He said and Alex smiled at him. Once they reached the spot where he was supposed to meet her, Alexa was already standing there. She instantly smiled at the sight of him.

   "Well.. I guess this is our goodbye.." Alexa muttered, the corners of her mouth sinking. "Yeah.." Alex said. "Alexander.. before I-I go.. I.." She interrupted herself before taking a glance at Miles. Then she looked back at Alex and continued. "I.. whenever I'm around you, I always feel so funny.. You can make me smile regardless of how I'm feeling. You make my days better, Alex. W-Well.. what I want to say is that I-I fancy you so much." Alexa said, her cheeks slightly flushed.

   Both Miles' and Alex's eyes widened. "Y-You like me romantically? I-I thought.. you didn't mean it like-.. Alexa I'm so sorry.. I-I didn't know." Alex felt a bit guilty. He knew she really liked him but not that it was that much. He was really oblivious and it probably hurt the girl how he was talking about Miles all the time. And that they're together.. Miles rolled his eyes. He was scared she'd do something stupid. "Alex.. it's okay. Don't worry. As long as you're happy, I'm happy." She sweetly spoke with a smile and turned towards Miles.

   "Just please. Take good care of him. He deserves everything and more, Miles." She said to Miles. His expression softened and then he nodded. Suddenly, a car appeared behind Alexa. It was her father to pick her up. Alex panicked and felt tears threatening to spill. "I gotta go.. Al." Alexa said. "W-Wait! Alexa, h-how am I-.. I can't. Alexa, please." Alex's voice broke, as tears started falling down.

   "Alex.. don't cry. You have Miles. He'll be there for you. And remember, we'll text every day. It's not over. It's just one year." Alexa softly spoke, who was also on the verge of tears. She hugged him. It was really long because both didn't want to let go. Miles only stood there, frowning at them. He knew it was hard for both of them but especially after that love confession from her, he didn't want her to be too close to Alex. "Al.. I gotta go now." She whispered but he wouldn't let go. Then, the girl tore herself away from him. "I'll miss you so much, Alexa." Alex said, making Alexa smile.

   "I'll miss you too, Al." She replied and entered the car. "Bye.." She added and closed the door. Alex's eyes were all red and everyone could see that he'd cried. He stood there, forcing a smile and waving goodbye. Before Alexa could to the same, her father drove away. Alex instantly got closer to his boyfriend and put his head on his shoulder and cried his eyes out. Miles hugged him and placed his head against his. He stroke Alex's back with one thumb.

   After one or two minutes of silence, Alex broke the contact. "Those tears don't look good on you, Al.. it hurts to see." Miles said, as he gave him a kiss on the forehead. "I-I love you, Mi." Alex whispered through sniffs. "I love you even more.." Miles whispered back. Alex took a deep breath and calmed down a bit. "Please come home with me. I need you right now.." Alex said. "Of course." Miles smiled, as both started walking towards the bus stop.

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