21. [Mistakes Are What You Learn From]

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   A few days passed and nothing changed. Miles was purposely avoiding Alex who tried to approach him all the time. Matt also tried twice but Miles's reaction was the same. Deja vu.. But this time, it felt more serious. Like Miles really didn't want to be in contact with them. For what reason ever, he still seemed nicer towards Matt, though. Matt was also trying to talk to Alex, of course, but he would ignore him once he tried to.

    Both Alex and Miles received stares. From everyone. The video spread like a virus. It was a question of time how long it would take for the video to reach the principal and then their parents. Both didn't want to go to school anymore. They wanted to disappear.

Well.. Miles kinda had to..

"Oh hello, faggot. I didn't know you were becoming a pornstar now!" Noah suddenly appeared next to Alex. He wasn't with anyone, just as the day before. He didn't want to join Jamie and Nick because Matt was also there. And Miles wouldn't let him. "Can you for once fuck off?" Alex questioned. He wasn't scared anymore. And you could hear that in his voice. "Oh so brave." Noah replied but Alex didn't listen. He walked away from him and his two friends who tried to yell something after him.

Alex sat down on a small bench and watched the people.. who were also 'secretly' watching him. "Hey Alex. What's wrong with y'all? I tried talking to Miles but he seemed so off. And why aren't you with him and your friends? What happened?" Andy asked and Alex looked up at him. Andy never got the video because he had no one's number, besides Alex's. "The video.." Alex muttered. He wasn't really in the mood to talk. Andy looked extremely confused. "You didn't see it?" Alex asked and the other boy shook his head. "Oh.. uh.. yeah nevermind.. summat terrible happened and yeah.." Alex half explained.

    "Uh okay.. what happened in that.. uh video?" Andy carefully questioned. The point came where Alex thought that it didn't matter that even more people could see it. "Oh you wanna see it? Sure. Everyone saw it anyways." Alex said, raising his voice, as he got his phone out and showed him the video. Andy's eyes widened. He didn't expect.. that. "Oh.. I'm sorry.. uh.. are you okay?" He questioned.

    Alex sighed and gave in. "No.. we were drunk and Matt sent the video to the wrong person.. and now everyone keeps looking at me in the hallways. I got into a bad fight with Miles.. and I'm angry at Matt." Alex replied, receiving an overwhelmed expression. "That must suck.. I hope you'll be okay.." Andy smiled at him, earning a 'thank you'.

The bell rang. They had maths. Once they reached the classroom, they got greeted by Mr Johnson. Andy politely greeted back but Alex didn't. "Why in such a mood? Did somebody die?" Their teacher asked in a 'funny' voice and instantly received a death glare from the boy. He sat down, as well as Andy. Soon after, his other friends entered. Jamie sat down next to Alex, as Matt worriedly looked at Alex, while he was walking to his seat.

Miles also entered and Alex's eyes widened. "Mi.. heyy uh can w-.." Alex started but got cut off by his teacher. "Mr Turner no talking. I'd like to start." He said and Alex kept quiet. Suddenly, the bell rang again. An announcement. "Miles Kane and Alex Turner please head to the principal's office, immediately." The principal said. Both Miles and Alex stood up and left. "Miles, please talk to me." Alex began but Miles kept ignoring him. The words 'Why did he have to make this so hard?' wouldn't leave Miles' mind.

They entered the principal's office where the principal was already waiting. He looked mad. "I didn't expect such behaviour from you two. What did you think you were doing?" Mr Wright questioned. Both boys knew what this was about. "Sorry.." Alex muttered an apology. "I can't let this happen without any consequences. You can't send around those kinds of videos! It doesn't matter who. I will have to inform your parents." Their principal informed and Miles panicked, as well as Alex.

"N-No! Please don't tell them. Please." He said. "I unfortunately have to." Mr Wright replied. "No you can't! Uh.. our.. our telephone is broken!" Miles lied. His parents couldn't know. Especially not his father. "Well.. we'll see about that." The principal exclaimed and the boy kept quiet. He figured he had to break the telephone himself. He would tell his parents that it was an accident. Alex glanced at Miles and saw the look on his face.

"Sir, we're really sorry.. b-but is that really necessary? I mean.. We both weren't.. like naked.." Alex tried to talk their principal out of it. "Unfortunately that doesn't matter. Those are the rules. Just be responsible about what happened." Mr Wright said and Alex nodded. He knew it wouldn't make a difference if he argued with him or anything. It would just end in an unnecessary fight. "You both are dismissed.." The principal added and Alex and Miles stood up to leave.

On the way back to class, it was just as quiet as the way to the principal's office.


    Alex was walking home. He was scared that his mother was waiting for him to scold him for the video. Mr Wright probably already had called. He took a deep breath and unlocked the door. "Alexander." Penny instantly said and looked angry but also worried. "Mum, I'm so s-sorry. Please.. I know I-I was stupid. We were drunk.." Alex rambled, completely hysterical. Penny looked at him and sighed. She figured that he already knew that the principal had called. 

   "Al. Listen. I'm mad at you for this video this but.. everyone does dumb mistakes. Especially when yer drunk.. Yes, this was a big-.. huge one but.. it's okay. I know how much yer regretting this. And following your reaction at the weekend, I know that yer not doin' too great. That's why I don't want to put any more pressure on ya. I won't tell your father, don't worry.. just please never let this happen again. Never." She told him and sounded really understanding. "N-No I won't. I promise.. I'm so sorry, mum.." Alex replied.

"I know you are, Al.. mistakes are what you learn from." Penny said and weakly smiled at him to reassure the boy. "So.. how's the situation with Miles and Matt..?" Penny asked and Alex didn't answer. The corners of his mouth sank. He didn't want to cry again. Penny kissed him on the forehead. "Not better.." Alex finally mumbled and Penny hugged him. "Al.. everythin' will be just fine.." She whispered. Yes.. hopefully. Alex took a deep breath, after they broke contact. "Well.. I'll go into my room then.. maybe taking a nap.. to pass time.." Alex muttered and walked upstairs.

He threw his rucksack on the ground and threw himself on the bed and closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.


    "Al, you fucked up so bad." Matt frowned at the boy. "Yes.. what the hell is yer problem?!" Miles joined him, as Alex felt panic hitting him. "If you weren't that fucking horny all the time, this would've never happened!" Miles almost yelled, as him and Matt stepped closer. "And now blaming it on me, huh? Idiot." Matt said as Alex started crying.

    Luckily, this tore him out of the nightmare he just had. He was breathing very heavily. Once again.. another nightmare. Was it about that video? Alex felt a few tears rolling down his face. It seemed like he didn't only started crying in his nightmare. However, he kept thinking about those horny words from Miles in his dream. He had a bad conscience about it.. He figured it would do him good to keep his horniness suppressed for a while. Alex looked at the clock. 9pm. He had slept for three hours. Well.. that wasn't a 'nap' but he really needed that.

    Alex walked downstairs to look for his mother. "Hey look who's finally awake." Penny joked with a grin. "Yep.." Alex forced a smile and walked towards the kitchen to get himself something cold to drink. Then he walked back into his room and checked his phone. He had 2 missed calls from Alexa. Alex's eyes widened, as he instantly called back. Luckily, she picked up. "Heyy Alexa! How are you?" Alex asked with a smile.

    "I'm fine. What about you, Al? How's it going Matt and Miles?" Alexa questioned in return and the boy's smile faded. "Uh.. can we please not talk about it..? How.. how's it going there?" Alex cleared his throat. "Oh sure.. uh, it's quite alright. Like I said, Andy's parents are nice and are really welcoming me. They've showed me the city a bit, y'know." Alexa replied. "That's great to hear. Andy is really nice too." Alex answered.  "Yep!" Alexa chuckled.

    They basically talked the whole evening until Penny eventually asked Alex to do the laundry. Alex didn't message Miles that day, not like the days before where he would try to have a small conversation with him. Alexa also couldn't contact Alex after the laundry was done, so that's why he had a small movie evening with his mother.

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