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This lead to the long journey ahead of them. M/n didn't mind, as long as Law had a chance of not dying in a years time. The now group of three made their first stop at a hospital. The doctors, the nurses, they feared him. Not even knowing that the disease wasn't contagious.

The doctor and the nurse grew pale after hearing that Law had the amber led disease. They screamed out in fear, afraid to treat him. Law finally couldn't take it anymore, he ran out of the hospital. How could these people who are supposed to save lives treat him so coldly.

"Isn't your job to save lives?" M/n asked them.
They seemed relieved at the fact that Law had left the room. "Maybe if you were really educated in this field, you would know that the Amber lead disease isn't even contagious."

Not surprised that they're shocked at an eight year old yelling a them. Corazon was also angered by this. He hit the doctor so hard in the jaw that he was knocked out of his chair. Corazon picked M/n up so they could go find Law.

"Is there anyone who'll even try to save Law?"
The two thought on this while they looked for Law.

Corazon found Law. "Sorry if this brought up the past." He apologized. Law's face was full of tears.
M/n pulled Law close to him. "It's okay Law, don't listen to any of that. I know you hate hospitals, but maybe there will be a nice doctor in one." Even though Law found it hard to believe, this sentence gave him hope.

The three of them went from town to town, going to as many hospitals as they could. It had been 6 months and they had found no one. Law was only continuing to get worse. Seeing Law in such a state only made M/n cry as the group settled down for the night. Law had fallen asleep from exhaustion.
The h/c boy covered him with a blue blanket. He then sat next to Corazon.

"M/n, I could only pity him. He wants to die." Corazon sighed to him. "All Law could think about was how much he wanted to die. I thought that might have changed after he befriended you."

"What does it matter if we couldn't even save him in the end." Corazon covered M/n's eyes so he couldn't see him crying. Instead he was surprised by the tears that poured into his hand.

"Cora-san I hate it too. What did Law do to deserve this." They didn't know that Law was listening to them.

The next morning the transponder snail rang waking everyone up. On the other end Doflamingo called out to Corazon. "Are Law and M/n there with you?" He didn't wait for an answer before he continued.
"I doubt you've found a good doctor, so why don't you three return to the ship. I think there's a solution here."

M/n was the first to speak up.
"Doffy are you sure? If we were unable to find something in six months time how could you possibly find something?"

Doflamingo's transponder snail chuckled. "Why don't you and Law come back to find out. I've been meaning to check on you anyway. Your mother entrusted you to me not Corazon."

"Cmon Doffy just tell us, so we atleast know it's not some hoax." M/n asked.

"Well if you must know we have found a ope-ope fruit that can remove the disease from Law's body."
Corazon and M/n looked at each other.
Doflamingo also revealed that the someone had planned to sell it to the Navy. Undecidedly he set up a rendezvous point. The conversation ended and the snail was hung up.

Corazon was over the moon with the news. He lifted the two kids into the air. "Guess we won't have to worry about you dying after all, huh Law?" Law chuckled at the thought that he would live.

"Doffy knows I betrayed him. So we're dead if we head to swallow island." Corazon revealed.

"Damnit we need that devil fruit to save Law's life." M/n didn't know what to do.

"If we can skip around that island and head straight to the selling place of the devil fruit, we could steal the fruit and avoid him completely." M/N thought the plan might be a bit risky for Corazon though.

"You dumbass, he'll kill you if you get caught." Law shouted. "What's the point of you getting killed for my sake."

"Well I've basically just wasted 6 months of my life trying to cure you, what's the point of you die anyway."

"Law, Cora-san is right. We'll have to steal it. It's safer for Cora-san than it is for anybody else. "
M/n assured Law. Hopefully this made the plan that much easier to go through with.

Whether it was the heat from the conversation or from the sun, Law fell down sweaty and out of breath. He had three more weeks left so what was happening. There was no change of plans though. The trio still had to obtain the ope-ope fruit. While doing so they had to completely miss Doflamingo and the crew. Corazon planned for the navy to ambush Doffy.

Law laid in the ship wrapped up in a blanket as they traveled through a heavy storm. "They dug knowing we'd get sick. The government didn't give a damn whether we lived or died. It was none of their concern. Everyone is dead because of them.
So Cora-san are you sure you don't belong to the Navy."

"No way would I be apart of the Navy you hate so much." Corazon made this known to the two children. Corazon also knew that the Navy had killed M/n's Mother.

Finally they arrived at the selling spot, Rubeck island. This is the place where they planned on selling the Ope-Ope fruit. The storm had let up. "You two stay put, I'll be-" Before Corazon could finish Law tugged on on his black coat. He rubbed his head, a bit reluctant to bring the two along.
Corazon left M/n to watch Law. To sheild them from the cold he placed them in a small storage room. This gave him the chance to slide in and steal the devil fruit.

Corazon has tried showing the two how cool his powers were. His ability to conceal sound wasn't cool, but it was significant. He concealed the sound of his gun going off. The people inside of the targeted building didn't realize until it was on fire. Some ran out before they were hit and others were blown back by the explosion. M/n watched the flames from the small window.

Corazon came back...with the heart shaped ope-ope fruit that could save Law's life. Law was picked up by Corazon. The trio needed to relocate before they were caught. M/n only follwed in silence until they reached a stopping point.

The group sat on a hill behind the remains of what looked like a brick wall. Corazon smiled at the two. "Shouldn't you two be more excited, I got the fruit. And a thank you would be nice."

"Atleast the last six months didn't go to waste."
M/n said smiling at Law. He glanced at the pale white splotches on his friends face, glad that they would soon be gone. Law decided that this was the time to vent his doubts about the fruit.

"Hey, no backing out now, I already stole it." Corazon then wasted no time shoving the entire fruit down Law's throat. M/n could only watch as Law choked down the fruit.

"Ughh, it tasted terrible. What made you think I was ready to use a devil fruit."

Corazon began to laugh before sputtering and falling onto his stomach . "What's wrong with you Cora-san, Law help me flip him over!"

"Don't worry about me, we finally beat Doffy. Now we can all travel together." Law and M/n eventually got Corazon onto his back. This gave way to a view of multiple gunshot wounds.

"What the hell happened, you said you were okay." M/n spoke while he pressed down on Corazon's wounds. Blood staining his hands.
"Calm down you guys, I won't die from this. Just try and stop the bleeding."

The two children stood over him not knowing what to do without him. "I know the two of you are still weak, but can you deliver this letter to the Navy. They'll understand when you hand it over." Corazon placed the cylinder with a marine symbol in M/n's hand. "Didn't I tell you that I hate Marines. Why would I want to do them a favor." Law was  now holding back tears. M/n hushed Law, by placing a hand on his shoulder. Corazon sucked in a sharp breath before responding. "This info can save the lives of many people."

M/n's unoccupied hand left Law's shoulder. Now grasping the other's hand.
"We'll do it, just stay put. Come on Law."

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