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The auction showed off any living being that was worth even a couple hundred thousand berries. M/n didn't know whether to be disgusted or angry at the people that had organized such a thing. Most of the people being auctioned off were the run of the mill pirates that were picked up.

Bepo handed him a paper titled human trade. A catalogue of sorts. It was a list of starting bid for any species you could think of. The time was 4:30, it was unbelievable how many people they had kidnapped and brought in.

The large doors behind him opened. M/n turned to see a Celestial dragon. He couldn't see why anyone would want to worship them. The man looked like one of those troll toys from the 1980's.

'Celestial dragon my ass, if he can be considered one I might as well be one.' The h/c rolled his eyes. The little fat man began to speak behind him.

"I want a mermaid, I wonder if they have any?"

'I pray they have none, poor mermaid would die from seeing him.' M/n sighed snuggling into Bepo. He turned his head to the side opposite from the Celestial dragons.

The people on that side stood out. A man with curly eyebrows, a girl with bright orange hair, a mink, and a pervert. His neck began to hurt from his constant staring so he turned back around. The show infront of them went on. Pirates who would rather die than serve the Celestial dragons were auctioned off.

A giant something was brought upon the stage. It was covered in a white sheet. "Alright Ladies and Gents prepare for our special item that you've all been waiting for!" They shined a bright light that gave off a silhoutte. It was that of a mermaid, everyone seemed to go crazy over it.

"We got this one straight from fishman island, Camie the mermaid!" The crowd was quickly riled up at the mention of the exoctic mermaid. The screaming of the mermaids name from behind let M/n know that the group either knew the mermaid or wanted to have her just as badly.

The Troll looking Celestial Dragon obviously had the highest bid, so no one stood a chance at winning the mermaid. "For the price of 500 million the mermaid goes to the world noble Charlos." Before anyone could complain a figure launched right through the roof of the auction house.

"That's strawhat Luffy!" Captain Kidd mentioned, 'what is he, google?' The said pirate, not only busted through the roof, but was now trying to take the mermaid.

Straw hat Luffy bolted down the rows of seats as soon as the octopus fishman let him. Disgust filled the crowd and it distracted them from Luffy. Not entirely because the auctioneers were quick to gang up on him. Anything for a paying customer, right?

A shot rang out and distracted M/n from his thoughts. 'That damn Celestial Dragon shot the fishman.' This angered him, he knew he couldn't act. Law wouldn't allow it. The ugly man sang and danced after shooting the fishman. The Straw hats called out to their friend. Luffy wasted no time punching the Troll look alike who hurt his friend.

'Well it was about time Law wrapped things up, because the marines were bound to show up now.'
M/n looked to Law, only to see him smiling. Him on the other hand wanted to yell and congrajulate Luffy all at once.

M/n tried to get up and join the fight. The rest of the crew sat unmoving. Bepo didn't wanna let him go. "Come on Bepo playtimes over." At this point M/n was strong enough to fight too . M/n was fine to go without Law taking the lead. He wasn't gonna let some rookie that was younger upstage him.

Law didn't hesitate to start a conversation with the 'rookie.' "Straw hat-ya, the marines have already surrounded us outside."

"Really!? Already!? Wait who are you, and why is that guy all cuddled up on that bear!?

"Those are all trivial matters. I don't know who they plan on catching in this mess, but I bet they never thought someone would attack a Celeastial dragon."

While M/n listening to the conversation he tried to free himself from the polar bears grip.
'Too much was going on all at once. The celestial dragon tried to shoot Camie the mermaid. Dark king Rayleigh busted out from back stage. And of course the marines were waiting on their asses to step outside.'

"That strawhat suits you Luffy. I've been wanting to meet you and M/n."
M/n couldn't help but be confused.

In the backrooms of the auction house
"Master Doflamingo where are you...they've lost all confidence in the shop!"

"You idiot human trade is old, people want to trade power.." The denmoshi made the auctioneer feel as low as dirt.

"Doflamingo, I found the boy you mentioned."

"Atleast you've brought up something of interest to me."

"He's one of the worst generation, the travelling companion of Tralfalgar Law."

"Is that all," the man on the other end sighed,
"I'll allow you to handle the shop on your own."

"Wait! You're just going to ditch me!"

"Shut the hell up....and listen. The warlords are being recalled by the Marines. This means that there is an upcoming conflict that needs my utmost attention."

Doflamingo didn't listen to Disco's contious babbling on the other end.
'M/n heading in my direction all on his own. He's on his way to the new world after all these years.'

Doflamingo calculated M/n's age in his head.
"So he's 19 now. Even if he does return I won't be able to forgive his betrayal so easily." A smirked flashed across Doflamingo's face.

"Isn't it fair that I put him through the same things, that I felt when he left.

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