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"M/n...I want candy. We need candy."

M/n dove out of the way to dodge a giant fist. Slammed down by an irritated child. Said child became even more frustrated when they missed him.

The giant child collapsed back down in pain.
Other children, that weren't as affected by the drugged candy cried out in fear. An arm wrapped around M/n, flinging him out of harms way. Robin caught the younger with her devil fruit.

Luffy swapped places with the former. Attempting to distract the distraught giant children.

"Chill out, the candy is bad for you!" Luffy tried to preach to the Giant child standing before him.

"Didn't you say you'd go get it?!" The giant grabbed his head. Gripping it tightly enough to tear hair from his head.

"Stop it Shindo! You're gonna hurt yourself!" M/n yelled, while being held back by Robin. Her extra set of hands keeping him in place.

In front of the group Luffy stood his ground. Not attempting to hurt the aggressive child in any way.
Shindo ceased his hair pulling. Instead he swung his arm, knocking Luffy completely out of his view.

Kids don't like taking no for an answer. Then they wanted to hit others when things didn't go their way. It automatically becomes 10x worse when Giant children are the ones fussing. Not to mention, M/n had a terrible habit of spoiling them. More of the Giant children began to adopt the erratic behavior.

The wind was knocked out of Luffy, after he was flung onto his back. Luffy heaved in a breath.
"If the candy is good enough to fight over. I wanna have some too!"

Luffy stood up. Raising his fist, repositioning himself into a fighting stance. "I got this, so stand back."

From the shock of his statement, Robin dropped her hands. Almost immediately M/n ran up to Luffy, grasping the younger's forearm.

"You idiot, they're just kids. And you'll be just as strung up as they are if you get ahold of any drug candy."

Luffy turned to face him. A small pout crossing the blackette's face. "No fair, just because they're kids, they can have all the candy?"

The Straw hats behind them, face palmed.
"No you idiot! It's because they're kids that you can't hit them." Ussop yelled aiming his slingshot at the group of kids.

"Bakusui-Boshi!" The sniper king released a set of orbs that held a sleeping gas. This had an immediate affect on the children. Lulling them into a dream-like state. All of them beginning to tumble onto the ground to sleep.

"Poor kids. They were kidnapped, then on top of that were forced to become test subjects."
Chopper and the rest of the Straw hats gathered around the unconscious children. M/n hand slipped down, no longer holding Luffy's forearm in place. It was now holding Luffy's hand tightly. His head hung low.

"Luffy...they need your help! I need your help. All the children want is to see their parents."

Luffy slipped out of M/n grasp. Walking over to one of the giant children. He was small compared to the Giants head. Luffy poked at the large head. The blackette spun his head around. Letting out a laugh.

"I guess me and my crew should help get them home. Especially since it's a request from a friend."
M/n lifted his head. Almost immediately lighting up at Luffy's reply.

"Didn't you say some Clown guy was behind all of this?"

The h/cette nodded.
"Yeah. Caesar Clown. He kidnapped these children and experimented on them. Apparently he's working for 'Joker.' Or that's just what I overheard."
Robin rubbed her chin in thought.

"Looks like we can't move forward until we expose this Caesar Clown."

Holding up 10 fingers he took away 3. This included the Straw hats and M/n.

"We're down three. But I think we can still kick some mad scientist ass."

Chopper spoke up from Sanji's body.
"As much as I'd like to beat that guy. I think it'd be better for me to watch over the kids."
That's when Nami also offered to stay behind. Relieving M/n of his babysitting duties for the time being.

Together they restrained the giant children. Tight enough to stop them from moving, but not tight enough to hurt them.  The next plan of action was to meet back up with Law. In order to fix the freaky Friday straw hats.

The group of five had gained a lot of distance from the cave. There was a loud sound, causing the ground and other surroundings to shake.

"What the hell was that?" M/n yelled.  He whipped around. The loud sound had come from the direction of the cave. While looking back, M/n tripped over a dip in the ground. Catching himself before he managed to fall completely.

"Giant footprints?"

M/n pulled him self out of the dip in the ground at Franky's inquiry. The footprints could have been made by whatever created that explosion.

"Looks like wild animal footprints. Nami and Chopper are in danger. So we'd better head back."

M/n was ahead of the group to head back. Worried about the Giant children he left behind.
Another loud explosion went off. Alarming the group. Making them pick up the pace a it. Two giant figures stood around the cave.

"What the hell are those things! They're huge!" The figures were oddly dark and blurry, but one visibly held a gun.

The moment M/n finished his sentences a shot blew between the group. The explosion sent them flying into the air. M/n shut he eyes, waiting to feel the pain of the ground underneath him. Instead he felt a crushing weight around his body.

After the dust and snow settled. There no longer stood a pair of enormous looming figures. Nor was there any sight of M/n.

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