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11 years later the pair made it into the ranks of the worst generation. The past couple years hadn't been easy for them. Law became the Captain of the Heart pirates. M/n never seemed to stop following Law.

The death of Cora-san changed the two. M/n became a heavy talker and Law on the other hand  became less talkative. Their small circle of people they kept close never seemed to grow. Hopefully they would soon receive a change of fate.

"Lawwww...are we there yet," M/n called through the submarine. The 19 year old continued to whine until Law gave him a reply. "Laww, I know you can hear me."

"Room!" M/n couldn't begin his next sentence before Law uttered the magic words of "Shambles," and swapped his lips out with a piece of paper. This made the h/c haired male go quiet.

Bepo came up behind the two. "Captain why must you do that, instead of simply replying to him. Taking his lips only makes him want to annoy you more."

Law glared at Bepo, this made the Polar Bear stop with his interference. Bepo shyed away from helping out his friend.

M/n now sat on the floor of the submarine holding onto Law's calf. The piece of paper that replaced lips rattled but formed no words. Law looked down at the younger, without an ounce of sympathy.

"M/n-ya, your quite the nuisance when you talk." Law sighed, "If you promise to be silent, I'll consider giving your lips back." He gave the pair of lips in his hand a wave.

When he said he would give them back he meant when the crew reached saboady archipealago. Law wouldn't sympathize with M/n for any dumb reason, that's why he often ignored him.

Law then yanked his leg away from M/n and scurried off to do more important things with the lips in hand. (prolly kissin on them lips)

M/n began to think their was no hope for his anti-social friend. He attempted to sigh but all that did was make the paper on his face flutter.

Bepo came out of hiding to comfort his h/c haired friend, yeah lipless and all. Bepo then revealed a red crayon, he used this to draw lips on the paper. M/n paper lips weren't much to be proud of, still he gave Bepo a hug.

The crew eventually reached Saboady Archipelago. M/n was also again granted permission to speak again. He was used to the treatment from Law. His lips never seemed to stay attached to him, in more ways then one. A smile was the first thing to cover his face.

"So this is the way to the New World, huh Law?"
M/n didn't bother to help onload the Submarine. He was eager to run ahead and explore. Law was busy as always, so M/n was without supervision. The youngest of the crew was quick to wander off before Law had the chance to get ahold of him again.

'Hmm, I heard that Saboady has a market for purchasing slaves. I should probably check it out.'
M/n ran into the town, looking around. A strange group was looking for a mermaid, who they adressed as Camie. Without anything else to do he watched them from afar.

Judging from their conversation he determined that their mermaid friend had been kidnapped, she was now at the auction house. M/n had no plan so he decided to  head there.

The auction was full of people, from pirates, to celestial dragons. At the entrance M/n was met with one of the big shots from the worst generation, Captain Kidd. The mans bright red hair stood out among his crew. You could say he was tall, but everyone one was compared to the young h/c.

The man spoke in a brash tone, "Damn compared to them, the rest of us look like saints." He was referring to the Celestial Dragons, that treated anyone that wasn't like them worse than trash. They could just use their unchallenged power from the government to solve their problems.

M/n stood by Kidd, finally being noticed. "Won't you look at that," his eyes met brighter ones, "The first mate of North Blue's 200 million bounty."
Not that M/n was surprised he knew. Law had made quite the name for himself.

He rested his back against the wall. "So, you've heard of me." The red man's eye's travelled away to glance across the room. That's when the male next to him tensed up. There sat Law and the rest of the crew, in the rows of seats. Captain Kidd noticed this, "What's the matter, you some kind of runaway. Go on back to your Captain." He chuckled, realizing that the shorter wasn't eager to leave.

"As cute you are, I don't think you're tough enough to stick with me."

"That's what you think, I bet I could kick your ass just fine."

"I'll hold you up to that, just don't turn tail and run when that time comes."

Kidd continued to joke around with M/n, until it was eventually time for the auction to start. The Red head lifted M/n into the air by his waist. He let out a yelp.

"What the hell are you doing!" M/n didn't appreciate the sudden touch and lift off into the air.

Kidd waved them above Law. "I think this belongs to you, Tralfalgar Law." Kidd didn't hesitate to use the Doctors full name. Law sighed for the thousandth time.

"Bepo grab him." M/n was then passed to Bepo. He sat in the Polar bears lap. Although it was comfortable he felt trapped in a way. Law made sure to flip Kidd off before he departed.

Law bopped M/n on the head with the hilt of his katana, Kikoku.

"M/n-ya your such a headache, atleast you saved me the trouble of searching for you." Bepo patted M/n's head to soothe the pain.

"Did you have to hit me Law?"

Law gave him a side-eye, "M/n-ya did you have to run off? Yeah, the question answers itself." Next to Law, M/n pouted in Bepo's Lap.

The auction had begun. This gave the duo no more time to argue amongst themselves.

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