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"So you're a Samurai from Wano?"
The said Samurai stood proudly even without a torso and sword. Many questions were strung up from the Straw-hats.

"How the hell did you end up in Punk Hazard?" Ussop asked, realizing that he couldn't be here without reason.

"I came to seek my missing son, Momonosuke. I figured that if all of these other children were being held captive, then he would be somewhere around here."

'Missing' M/n gave a puzzled look. Trying to put a name with a face. No one came to mind.
"Sorry, I don't remember a Momonosuke."
The giant children came together to help the samurai.

"There were kids who came before us, but we don't remember their names." It was true. Many children had come and gone before M/n had even arrived.
Zoro then brought up the distress signal that brought the Strawhat crew to Punk hazard.

M/n chuckled. "If I'm being honest, whoever sent that distress signal was probably running from Law. He's in charge of removing witnesses."

The Samurai knew the name of Law too well. "He is referred to as a Warlord."

"Wahh!? Traffy's a Warlord." Luffy was suprised at the mention.

"Yes, he's also the one who reduced me to only a head." He told the short tale about how he was sliced up and how he lost his torso and legs. Because the Strawhats had found his legs attached to the dragon, he only needed a torso.

"Maybe he did say something about a warlord when we found his legs." Luffy stood up stretching next to Zoro and M/n.

"So he was talking out of his ass?"

"It is a peculiar skill that I posess." By farting, words slipped between the lower cheeks.

M/n brought a hand to his nose. "We didn't need a demonstration. Ughh, Sour Samurai."

Propping the katana over his shoulder Law lightly squeezed the heart in his hand. M/n had ran off behind the Strawhats. Cursing the younger in his mind. Remembering all those times he had told M/n to be cautious, to stay out of trouble. Maybe it was due to all the time he had spent babying M/n. Law knew he couldn't stand to see the pout on M/n's face when he said no.

"Fuck.." He stepped back into the facility, the large metal door shutting behind him.

"Law! What the hell are you playing at!?" A smokey figure revealed itself from the shadows. Caesar Clown, the man who had kidnapped and experimented on the children.

"If anything, I should be complaining."

"Aw, Damnit you lost the children and M/n. You could've easily stopped them."

"Cut it out, I was busy keeping the marines out of here. Unless you want to get busted. Then we'll both be in deep shit."

Law turned on his heel to leave the room.
Monet flapped her wings. Spinning away from the desk and her research. Laughing at the display before her.

"I thought you had everything under control Law? Unless you need an extra hand, to get everything back on track."

Monet was another problem. She had been gunning to get her hands on M/n from the start. Law gritted his teeth.

"No thanks, I've got it. I'm pretty sure M/n has a feather allergy, so you're not best suited for the job."
This time her left. Not looking back to see her reaction.

For Law nothing mattered to him more than M/n and getting his revenge on Doquixote Doflamingo. By stirring up trouble on Punk Hazard, M/n may have given Monet the idea to inform Joker of the situation. In no way was Law prepared to face Doflamingo. Being afraid wasn't the issue. It was
M/n he was concerned about. Law should have left him with the rest of the Heart Pirates. But for some reason he could never be content if M/n wasn't by his side.

"I knew Tra-guy was a good guy. He saved my life too!" Who would've thought Law was nice enough to replace the stranded pirates body parts.

"Yeah, he's really not as bad as he seems." M/n sat down on the snow covered ground, growing tired of standing.

Brown-beard told his little sob story to the group.
Telling them how Law was their savior and anyone that had a problem with that could fight him. Not that he could do much now that he was chained to an oversized pillar.

"Now that I've told you, don't think you'll just prance around our master's territory. And M/n why haven't you tried to stop them?"

The Strawhat crew looked around. M/n was no longer sitting in his spot on the ground.
Rather than that he was gathered in a circle with the children. Playing a game of duck duck goose. Minjae sat in the center of the circle. Stuck in his thoughts after his quick and subtle defeat in the game.
Usopp sighed, shaking his head at M/n's childish antics.

"Are you listening?! Damn idiot!" Sanji yelled stomping over to M/n. This cause the circle of children to disperse. Sanji hovered over him in Nami's body.

"M/n, whether you realize it or not, you have betrayed the master by releasing the children." Brown beard's large body shook against the restraints.

M/n huffed at the accusation. "I know, I know. But you're just as bad as Caesar by defending him, after he kidnapped and drugged children."
Brown beard didn't argue. M/n did indeed have a point.

"That Clown guy isn't my boss anyways. I'm just here until Law says we can leave." He stood up next to Sanji, crossing his arms.

"I didn't think you could stand up for yourself babysitter." Sanji puffed some smoke before turning back towards Brown beard.

"You lot would be lucky if you only became new science experiments for our master."

Luffy didn't care much for Brown Beard's talking. While sitting upright he had already fallen asleep, sitting upright.

"Damn it where'd that Samurai go?" It was weird for Sanji to be concerned for anybody outside of the female classification. All of a sudden M/n and the missing Samurai were granted his attention.

Sanji along with Brook and Zoro fled the cave to retrieve the Samurai.

Luffy was now bouncing around the cave. Franky was now inside of a Fluffy ball that was Choppers body. Both of them seemed to pique the children's interest. Making them forget about the previous danger.

Some of the Straw hats plus M/n sat around in a circle. "We need a plan. What should we do next?" Ussop brought up the question.

"First off we have to switch back. I can't stand being a pervert for to much longer." Nami complained.
M/n regained his composure enough to speak up.

"So we should go find Law."

In the center of the circle Chopper tested samples from the children, trying to figure out what was wrong with them. Behind the group a child dropped to his knees. The other children surrounded him.
M/n ran up to the giant child, holding the child's shoulder. Commanding him to breathe.

"It's happening already?! When was the last time you guys got candy?"

None of the children were able to answer him. They began simultaneously dropping to their knees in pain. Usually around this time of day they received a drug like candy that they were addicted to. M/n knew what would happen if the children left the lab. He thought that they'd have enough time to escape before the children had a relapse from the drug.
"M/n, Chopper, should I get them more candy?" Luffy suggested.

"No way, that will only make their condition worse." Chopper was at a loss for words. M/n was only tasked with the job of watching the children. When it came to drugging them he knew, but he was still nothing but a bystander.

"We need candy, M/n give us candy."

"I can't, Chopper said it's bad for you. Fight it you guys. I know it was wrong of me not to step in sooner."

Amongst all things M/n was feeling real beat up over the whole situation. No one cared for the children more than him.

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