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Chopper worked on wrapping M/n's leg. The male's coat was unzipped and his injured leg was propped up. Luffy stood close enough to see M/n's bare thighs and the beginning of something else.

"M/n's thighs look like meat!" Luffy said this while he inches closer to see more.

"Don't say stuff like that you dolt!" M/n wasn't close enough to swat Luffy away. And shouting didn't do him much good. Law stepped between the two. Pushing Luffy aside with his katana.

M/n yanked his coat closed when he noticed that Law was looking and from behind him, Luffy was peeking over his shoulder.

"Don't you guys have better things to do than stare?"
M/n got up. Going to see what the commotion with the other Strawhats was.

Brook had dropped the frozen Samurai. Shattering him across the ground. Sanji and Luffy hurried over. Standing over the broken man.

"You went and broke him after he already died!?" Sanji's question was more like a statement.

"Broke him to death!" Luffy cut in.

M/n picks up Momonosuke. Waving the dragon in front of Brook. "Orphaning children, is that what we're doing now?"

The four began to scream when the frozen figure of the Sour Samurai began to crack and reveal a more colored version. Sanji kicked the Samurai for making them think he was dead.

Maybe it was due to shock. Within a moment and a poof of smoke Momo had become human again. He had startled M/n, the male almost dropped his naked form into the snow.

Kinemon sat up recollecting himself. Rubbing the footprint on his cheek.When he looked up. A child came into a focus. Momo had turned back into the boy that he was familiar with. But whether it be dragon or boy. The Sour Samurai still had love for the kid.

Before M/n could let go of Momonosuke. Kinemon pull the two of them into a hug, squeezing tightly. Even if M/n didn't want to be, he was now included in the family reunion.

"So Momo was Kinemon's lost kid?" Luffy seemed surprised. Even though Momo had told him that he used to be human. And it wasn't coincidence that Momo had the same name as the child Kinemon was looking for.

"I thought you realized it when I did. Never mind, why did I even expect you to catch on?" M/n was released from the hug. The Samurai placing a leaf upon Momo's head and granting him warm clothes and shoes.

Momonosuke was now dressed pink kimono and red scarf. The boy was still teary eyed from the reunion.
"Aww, it's cute that you missed your dad. Sometimes I wish I had a kid that would miss me." M/n smiled, gently placing Momonosuke on the ground.

As soon as he did, Luffy wrapped around him. Settling his head into the males shoulder.
"I'd miss you." Luffy spoke into his ear.
M/n regretted his previous words immediately. Taking the rope like arms and attempting to pry them off.

"No. I meant a small kid. Not an over grown kid like you who doesn't listen." Luffy only laughed at that. Taking the opportunity to jump onto M/n's back. The older having no choice but to hold him up, if they both wanted to stay upright.

While the pair was goofing around. Momonosuke fell forward. No longer being able to take the hunger he felt. M/n paused, slipping Luffy off his back so he could check on Momo. He was okay, he just needed to eat.

Sanji had finished the meal. Deciding to give Momonosuke and Kinemon the first pickings because they had gone a long time without eating.
M/n quickly pushed the boy towards the table. Assuring him that Sanji had made plenty and he should eat his fill.

From behind them, Luffy hopped around. His mouth watering. "You're really hungry aren't ya Momo. Sanji's cooking is the best. You should eat up!"
Even though Momonosuke's mouth was watering he shook his head no.

Momo rose a bowl of soup, given by Sanji, above his head. "This isn't necessary. My stomach is fine!"
M/n came to Momonosuke's side. Taking the bowl from his hands, so Sanji wouldn't grumble about them wasting food.

On the other side of the table, the Sour Samurai took a bite first. "This is heavenly. Momonosuke be at ease. Enjoy some of this incredible food."
M/n sat the bowl of soup in front of Momo. Letting him savor it.

Not long after, Sanji began to hand out food for everyone else. Kids, pirates, and Marines alike surrounding each other with food and laughter.
M/n looked around for Law. Hoping that they would eat together to celebrate.

Luffy noticed M/n's dismay. To cheer him up, the younger slapped an arm around M/n's shoulder. Shoving some chopped meat into his mouth.
The pleased look Luffy's and everyone else's faces eased his worries for the moment.

Further away Law chatted with Smoker. Slowly eating bites of his own food.
"I'm surprised. I thought you'd slice me up to silence me for good. Stirring up trouble with Straw in the new world?" Smoker mumbled to Law whilst he ate.

"Hmm, it's not really your business. You'll just have to wait and see like everyone else. While keeping your mouth shut. That's the price of me letting you live, White Hunter."

Law stood up. Dropping his bowl. Smoker had gone quiet. "I'll be headed to Green bit. Hopefully the Straw-hats will be more than just a headache."
He swung kikoku over his shoulder walking back towards where everyone was gathered.

A stifling laugh made Law stop. He snapped his head to the side. Looking to see an apprehended Buffalo laughing.
"Do you really think an alliance will be enough? Straw hat won't be  able to save you. Poor M/n, I almost feel bad for what's gonna happen to him."

Law kept walking. A dark look on his face. He decided not to entertain Buffalo by replying. But the truth was there and the chances of beating Doflamingo weren't very high. M/n's safety was also at risk. 13 years ago M/n was definitely the favorite. And not as a subordinate.

Yet Law hadn't heard much from Vergo or anyone else working underneath Doffy. The silence could only mean more danger for the two of them. And instead of getting M/n further away. Law was only digging a hole for two.

Law kept his distance once more. Watching from afar as M/n said goodbye to the children. He could tell that the children were appreciative. Thanking
M/n and the Straw hats even when the Marines told them not too.

The simpering look on M/n's face. That's what it was like to be careless. Only living in the moment and not worrying about the future. But that's how Law liked it. It was his job to take care of anything ahead. That is what he promised M/n the day they fled swallow island.

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