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The duo travelled to the Marine base to deliver Corazon's letter. They hid and picked a Navy officer to hand it over to. M/n found it easier to follow Law's lead. So he didn't question the strange navyman that Law had chosen.

Law came out and handed the man the letter. M/n wasn't to far behind. The two were thanked for the information given. "Can I trust you?" Law asked the stranger. The man reassured him about the letter.

"Then can you help us. Can you save someone, he was shot. He's hurt very badly." M/n was practically begging the man with his eyes.

"Please help, he was shot because of me." Law told the man while he cried.

Law was being carried on the man's back while M/n was being carried in the man's arms. The mood had calmed. Neither Corazon nor Law were in danger anymore. "Cora-san, check it out we got you some help!" Law shouted from the man's back.

"Cora-san!" The man recognized the name.

"Vergo!" It seemed Corazon did too.

The two children were too late to realize who the helpful man really was. Vergo happened to be undercover for Doffy.

"Hm, how do you know each other." Law asked.

"Damnit, Vergo don't open that letter." M/n only looked from Corazon, to the man, and then to Law. Corazon moved across the snow covered ground towards Vergo. The man called Vergo suddenly slid Law off his back, but kept a tight grip on M/n.

The man slammed a heavy kick right onto Corazon's face. "Cora-san!" They yelled. M/n scrambled to get out of the man's grip. Law jumped at the man from behind. "Let M/n go!"

"Yeah, yeah. I know all about how the three of you ran away. Especially lil M/n, Doffy should've known he'd jump at the chance to leave his side." The man now had Law in a choke hold.

"You're Vergo." Law choked out the words.

"Doffy couldn't believe his little flamingo had run away with the white town brat. And it's Vergo-san to you."

With that Law was flung out of Vergo's path.
"Law!" M/n yelled out.

"Ugh, you're cute and all, but a little too noisy."
M/n felt a harsh pain in his neck before he was knocked unconscious. He was then settled onto the ground.

Vergo began to use his haki. Growing larger and thicker. He began to repeatedly punch and kick Corazon. Telling him that he was nothing but a dupe.
"Stop you'll kill him!" Law screamed from the ground. Blood poured from his head. He scooted to the youngers side to make sure he was okay. M/n was still breathing softly. Law passed out next to the other.

For a brief moment Vergo stop to take a call. That's when Corazon concealed their sound and scooped Law and M/n up. They made their escape, but they couldn't be sure how long that would go unoticed.

Law woke up to see M/n talking with Corazon. Doflamingo made sure that no one could escape the island. He had created a literal bird cage to keep them from leaving.

Law's eyes grew heavy again. Corazon had a bright smile on his face. "Thanks to the two of you I'll be able to die with a smile." He went to wrap his arms around the two. Enveloping them in a tight hug. It was the end of the line for Corazon. He had a plan to save the kids atleast...

The safe place for the pair of children was some sort of heavy duty treasure chest Corazon told them to stay in. Law and M/n weren't strong enough to push open the latched door. So they could only listen to what was happening outside. Law pressed his ear up against the wood of the treasure chest as the Donquixote family ganged up on Corazon.
M/n also went to press his head against the wood to listen.

Corazon pulled out a gun, pointing it a Doflamingo. Doffy didn't falter in the slightest. Corazon stated his codename for the Marines. "Im sorry, I didn't want you to hate me so I lied."Doflamingo thought the apology was meant for him, but it was to M/n and Law.

"I have two questions for you before I finish this! Where's my M/n and where the hell is Law with my ope-ope fruit."

"To answer that, I gave Law the devil fruit. As for
M/n, both him and Law are on a Navy ship." Corazon spoke as if he didn't have a care in the world. He had to do whatever it took to keep them safe. He had promised it after all.

Buffalo flew in the sky saying that Corazon spoke the truth of their whereabouts. "Wait, there was only one boy they spoke of on the Navy ship"

"I see what your scheme is." Doflamingo chuckled rubbing his head. "You sent Law away on a Navy ship. If he's there then where might you be hiding my little flamingo. I bet he's freezing, just waiting to get back to me. Doflamingo let out a chuckle. The fluff on his coat shaking as he did so. "Prepare to sail we have to go fetch Law, and some of you search the island for M/n."

Corazon was close to his plan being found out. It didn't matter if he died, he knew he would. But if any harm came to those kids he saw as his own, it would be worse than death.

"Law just became more valuable now that he ate the ope-ope fruit. I guess it's about time he learned to die for me. Oh I'm not forgetting M/n, he'll learn the importance of living for me. Just as the celestial dragons intended."

"M/n and Law will never give in to you."
"Damnit, why are you making it harder than it already is. Making me kill my own flesh and blood!" Doffy yelled pulling out his own gun.

The pair sat in the treasure chest listening to Cora-san speaking for them.

"He lied, he said Doffy wouldn't kill him." Law looked at the younger sitting next to him. Rubbing his smaller shoulders.

"Just let them go, they're supposed to be free now. M/n didn't ask for you, just like how Law didn't really ask for a disease that killed his parents."
Doffy and Corazon pointed loaded guns at each other. Ready to shoot.

"Let them go! Their free now!"
Doffy wasted no time putting a bullet through his brothers chest.

Inside the treasure chest M/n sobbed into Law's chest. They cried monotonously. "Cora-San can't be dead, Law he promised us he wouldn't die." Law hugged M/n trying to muffle his own sounds of agony. The treasure chest jerked causing the two of them to fall back.

The Treasure chest was hoisted up into the air. The load was brought towards the Jolly Roger.
Neither of their cries were heard by anyone outside of the barrier. Wrapped in the blanket they slipped out of the treasure chest unseen. White snowflakes and mountains were the only things that laid ahead of them. The Donquixote family didn't notice them as they fled from the navy ships. They were able to escape from Doflamingo. Forced to wander until they found sanctuary.

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