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M/n woke up, still in Law's bed. He was hit with chills. The blanket was tossed aside. The submarine walls shaking, sounds of objects clattering to the ground reverberating. All of the room's furniture went sliding. Causing M/n to tumble out of the bed.


The male landed face first onto the floor. Dodging the furniture as it came sliding back in his direction. M/n slid across Law's floor, latching onto the door handle to keep himself still. The heavy metal of the door swung open, M/n flipped himself outside of the room.

Soon the tremors came to a stop. He took this as an opportunity to see what all the commotion was. Hastily M/n made his way to the upper deck of the polar tang. Swinging wide open, the door revealed Law on the other side. Leaning over the railing of the deck yelling to someone. M/n eventually reached Law's side. They had reached Marineford.

In the distance Luffy was out of commission, he had passed out from the shock of losing his brother and from the pain of his injuries. Buggy struggled to carry both Jimbe and Luffy to the Polar tang. The group consisting of Law, M/n, Bepo, Shachi, Penguin, and Jean Bart could only watch the scene before them. Sea water began to rise and sink inside of Marineford.

The longer they delayed their departure the harder it would be to escape.

"Give them to me! Straw hat may be my enemy, but it would be hella boring for him to die so soon!" Law yelled across the battle field to Buggy.

Inconsiderately Buggy just tossed them, not caring for their gruesome injuries. Jean Bart caught them, at Law's command. Luffy's deep wound gave him a low chance of surviving if the crew didn't act fast. The rest of the crew took the two inside the Polar Tang.

"Come on we need to hurry and dive! Get inside    M/n-ya"

"Look Law, we have to get Luffy's hat." In front of him, Buggy crossed the waters once more to send the Straw hat carelessly flying toward them. Soaring through the air the hat dropped just before it landed on the submarine.

Before the hat could fall down into the icy waters, M/n threw his upper body over the railing to catch the hat. Law wasted no time, he quickly pulled M/n back onto the deck by the waist.

"That was close, thanks Law."

Law had already turned around heading into the Polar Tang to operate on Luffy. Hoping to prolong his life. M/n jogged behind him, so they could depart. The sooner they dove under water, the less they'd have to worry about being shot down.

On the flip side, Doflamingo watched as the little yellow submarine sunk under the sea. He couldn't help but grin at the sight. The smirk never faded as he cut down pirates that tried to flee.

'It looks like my little flamingo decided to flock to Law's side. I wonder if Law made you forget all about me.' Doflamingo used his strings to sever the limbs of a nearby pirate. "Don't worry M/n I'll make Law pay for separating us."

It was probably a good 24hrs before Law had finished operating on Luffy and Jimbe. Breaking free from the water, the Polar tang rose up right next to a marine ship. M/n was one of the first to go out on deck. Due to the fact that he had been locked out of the operating room and the infirmary. Law really didn't want M/n to see Luffy.

Above him on the Marine ship, a head stuck out.
M/n recognized the head to be Boa Hancocks.
It was weird that she didn't take out their submarine on the spot. Strangely enough the warlord sent a wave.

"How's Luffy!" She yelled down to M/n.

"What!!" M/n strained his ears trying to understand what she was saying. M/n  then motioned for her to come aboard the submarine.

Now Hanncock was either feared by everyone that knew her or revered by them. M/n was in neither one of those groups. She threw the roped ladder over the railing of the marine ship. M/n caught the other end, making sure it was steady. He watched as She climbed down to the Polar tang. Boa Hanncock's oversized snake not to far behind.

Standing at a good 6'1 Hanncock towered over M/n.
"What were you saying earlier?" He rubbed the back of his head, staring at the woman before him.

"I asked you, if Luffy is recovering alright."

A voice spoke up from behind the two. "You did an amazing job finding out where we'd resurface."
Of course she would, knowing that her beloved Luffy was on board. Bepo, along with Shachi and Penguin stood behind M/n.

"Well I told Salome to follow you...don't change the subject you dumb beast!" Said Polar Bear began to sulk, apologizing to the woman.

"I get why they call you the snake princess, you're a bitch..." Not long after he mumbled that, Salome yanked him from the deck floor. Wrapping around his torso, M/n was left with his legs dangling. The rest of the crew backed away from the two. Three? Boa Hancock lifted up her hands, making a heart shape with them.

"I see that you know who I am. Yet you don't understand why I have my title."

M/n squirmed in the snakes grip that only seemed to tighten. "Your attitude sure does live up to the title Princess."

Her scowl was no longer hidden behind a calm demeanor. Hanncock blew into her hands. Pushing a pink heart shaped cloud toward M/n. He tried to duck away from it but Salome held him upright. The heart shaped puff of pink hit M/n right in the face.
Sputtering turned into a coughing fit. Besides that, the heart shaped cloud had no effect.

"What was that stuff, it stinks!" Boa Hanncock turned her nose up at the sight of M/n. Shocked that her devil fruit powers didn't work. For now he was spared from a stone turned fate.

The snakes grip loosened, but it didn't want to let
M/n go. "It was going to turn you to stone. You and one other man have dared to defy my devil fruit."
She didn't elaborate on that before Law burst through the doors leading to the deck.

"I've done all I can. There's no guarantee that he'll survive. From this point forward that's up to him. Now would your snake mind putting down my first mate?"

Law questioned the warlord, drying the blood from his tattooed hands.

"Actually Salome would mind. Your first mate here, might as well be his first meal of the day."
At this point it was useless for M/n to try and escape, so he just dangled in the air.

"Wouldn't be my first time getting ate out.."

While Law rolled his eyes the rest of the crew burst out laughing, along with a few fugitives on the Marine ship. "Shut up M/n-ya, you always find something obscene to say with that mouth of yours."

M/n continued to laugh. "My bad Law!"
The end of Salome's tail lightly smacked the side of his head.

Ivankov jumped down from the Marine ship, landing on the Polar tang. The escapees from Impel down were glad to hear that their savior was still alive. They went on about how he got back up no matter how many times he got knocked down. Luffy did what ever he could to save Ace and it was cruel for his brother to die anyway.

This made Boa Hanncock sob into her hands.
Salome followed behind her, his upper half still wrapped around M/n.

" That's terrible...I feel bad for Luffy. If only we could switch places." Hancock whispered, not realizing that M/n heard.

" know, if you wish things like that on yourself you'll end up miserable."
After hearing that the anger and sadness from her seemed to fade. Salome patted the snake princess' back with his tail. Although M/n didn't really like her, he felt bad seeing her cry. Still being lifted by the snake he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Boa Hanncock didn't pull away and neither did he.

A bit later Boa Hancock pulled away from M/n telling Salome to put him down.
"So your'e a softie after all." She rolled her eyes, strolling away from the shorter.

"You, Beast! Do you have a form of communication." She pointed at the Polar bear. M/n sighed knowing that he had spoken too soon. Bepo trembled, answering her question with a yes.

"Great, If I call the Kuja ship, it'll be easier to pull this submarine across the calm belt. When the government finds out that Luffy is still alive they'll come looking. He'd be safer on my island of women."

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