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"That back-stabbing little bastard! He's already stolen from me once! But twice, did he really think I'd overlook this." A voice rang through the facility hallway. The yells were coming from Vergo's transponder snail.

"Yes. This is confirmation of Law's betrayal." Vergo sped up hoping to catch Law in the act.

On the other end of the transponder snail, the warlord let out a laugh. "I knew this was coming. No matter how much you give to someone they'll always want more. But does he really think it'll be that easy to ruin me. This is my game and I play to win."
The line went quiet before Doflamingo began to speak again.

"I'll give him points for having a good plan. Unluckily enough for him, destroying the S.A.D factory won't be enough. And the price to pay for messing with me. Law will lose more than he'd ever gain."

On Doflamingo's end an explosion sounded. The man was quiet until debris fell around him. Vergo continued the conversation. Informing the warlord of Law's failed kidnapping.

"Yeah, if I were Law it'd be much easier to just kill Caesar. Especially knowing that he is the only man that can produce S.A.D. It's better that Caesar stays alive, he's a bit too useful. And without Caesar I'd have a problem."

A gun went off on Doflamingo's end. "And you know full well what happens when I have to solve problems. I'm done being generous, I enough chances have been given." Murmur from other people could be heard. But Vergo had a hard time making it out, so he decided to pay it no mind.

Out of the side conversations he did catch M/n's name. The boy seemed to not only peak his interest, but others too. The line went quiet again before Doflamingo asked Vergo for a favor.

"I need you to get rid of Law for good. In the process I want you to make him regret living a life that wasn't given by me."
Vergo promised to take a picture with the camera that he didn't buy. After being reminded that there was no camera, he promised to take an ear from Law.

"Caesar, Monet, can you hear me?"
Doflamingo received a reply from both of them.

"Getting rid of Law should be your first priority. Then you should pay special attention to that Straw hat brat. He's more annoying than Law, especially now that he has haki. Oh, and don't forget M/n. Before you kill Law, I'd like to give him thanks for taking special care of him."

Doflamingo told the three that he was going to send Baby5 and Buffalo to pick them up once everything was finished. The man hung up the phone. A smirk on his face. One man's loss is another man's gain. And believe me Doffy had no problem taking what didn't belong to him.

"Son of a bitch..." M/n's lone figure sat propped against a wall. He was no longer in the hallway. His leg throbbed but he had no choice but to move before the gas got to him. M/n slowly stood up catching the wall with his hand. Head spinning and a leg ready to give out at any moment, he headed for section R.

M/n made it there fairly quickly. Even though he went through block D, M/n didn't run into to anyone else. As he went deeper into section R, he happened to run into a fight. It was Luffy and Caesar again.
M/n smiled hoping this would end in Caesar getting his ass beat.

He pressed against the wall again, decided to stop so he wouldn't be in the way.

Sliding down the wall he sat down watching the fight. Something rubbed against his injured leg.
'A snake?' M/n thought. But it couldn't be it was too big, not to mention it had a weird looking face.

"Uh, hey?" The snake didn't say anything, it seemed scared but it didn't try to run.

Gently M/n patted the snakes head, the sickly looking thing was wary, but enjoyed the touch anyway.

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