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"Law wake up!" M/n shook Law with his smaller hands.

"What is it M/n-ya?" Law yawned rubbing his eyes. Before M/n could get the words out. The door began to creak open. M/n ducked down next to Laws bed. The older shifted over onto one side of the bed.

Law brought a finger to his lips signaling for the younger to be as quiet as possible. The door continued to open, revealing a large man. The man was known as Doflamingo. Doflamingo ducked into the room towering over Law's bed. M/n had quietly rolled underneath the bed to hide. He covered his mouth waiting for the man to leave the room.

Shutting his eyes tightly. After waiting he opened his eyes to glance around. M/n no longer saw any sign of the shoes that looked something Pinocchio would wear. M/n rolled from underneath the bed to show himself. He let out a chuckle, ecstatic thinking he had fooled Doflamingo.

"Not today you stupid bird!"

"So," M/n was lifted by the scruff of his shirt and into the air. "This is where you've been hiding?" He couldn't have mistaken the voice for someone else's. It was no one but Doflamingo. "My little flamingo~" M/n turned his head to the side to face the man. Kicking his legs in the air, not appreciating the nickname in the slightest.

"What have I told you about sneaking into Law's room?" M/n huffed a bit before answering him. "You told me not too..." A grin spread across Doflamingos face. Law clenched the sheets as he listened to the two interact.

"Cmon now back to bed," Doflamingo put on an act for the child. Simply trying to lure him out of Law's room. M/n tried to give Doflamingo the saddest look he could.

"Please Doffy, I just wanna sleep next to Law." Doflamingo grumbled at the thought of M/n and Law being so close.

"Might I remind you that you can get sick from him."

"That's not true, Big sis 5 told me that Amber lead isn't contagious." The young boy huffed in response. He tucked M/n under his left arm and ducked out of the room. M/n pouted under Doflamingos arm.

"Cmon Doffy I don't like sleeping in my room. It's cold and boring." The tall man took the child through the Jolly Roger.

"Well, since you're so eager to sleep everywhere but your own room, come sleep in mine." M/n pouted but didn't disagree.

Doflamingo tucked him into the large bed. He used is devil fruit powers to string up toys and make them dance around M/n. "Sleep light, don't let the strings get too tight." M/n shut his eyes and drifted off to sleep. Doflamingo sat on the edge of the bed observing. "In the future, don't betray me for Law. I'd rather not have to kill him..." He whispered in the dark room.

M/n tossed and turned in his sleep that night. He imagined Doffy's invisible threads squeezing Law into pieces. Then Doflamingo attempted to thread him back together leaving the poor child a complete mess.

The smaller finally settled when he felt circles being rubbed into his back. Stirring again to wake up. "Cora-san...?" M/n yawned massaging his eyes. Crouched over the side of the bed, was Corazon. The tall man stood up over the bed reaching over to pick up the child. He gave the kid a smile. M/n could only take a guess at what they were doing. Hopefully it was something fun.

Corazon was an odd man. Not much off a talker either. The first time he met Law, he threw the kid off a balcony. M/n was only five when he met Law but that's a story for another time. Law came from the white city and that's why he ended up getting sick. M/n was lost in thought until Corazon slipped on literal air. Landing flat on his back. M/n's fall was pillowed by Corazon's stomach.

When the pair finally made it outside to the docks, they saw Buffalo, Baby5 and Law sitting together. The other two circled around law as he spoke. "Not that I'm supposed to tell you guys, my true name is
Tralfalger D. Water Law."Baby5 and Buffalo complained about how boring his name was.

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