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"Asshole.." M/n mumbled, still patting snow and ice out of his winter coat.

The Straw hat crew or what was left of it were panicked at the idea of an alliance.
Ussop especially. Shaking Luffy hard enough that his tiny brain probably fell out of his nose. No one liked the idea of a pirate alliance.

"Since you made this decision I won't object. But alliances like these leave room for betrayal. I think you're a little too trusting." Robin did have a point.
Luffy swung his arm around M/n's shoulder.
"You're not gonna betray us N/n? Not you either

Law looked at the closeness between M/n and Luffy. Sighing at the sight. "I don't plan to."
"And what about you?" Luffy poked at M/n's cheek.
The older smiled, grabbing the hand that poked at him.

"I would never. Besides we're friends now. Aren't we?" Luffy chuckled, swinging his rubber like arm around M/n's waist. Giving it a squeezing before retreating. Knowing full well that he could get away with that much.

"This pirate alliance sounds fun! I think Tra-guy is a good guy. N/n too. And even if they aren't, don't worry. I have you guys to back me up if things go north, or is it south?"

The whole group flattered by his statements. M/n punched Law's shoulder playfully.
"I wished I had a captain that actually gave a damn."
Law returned the gesture. Tapping M/n with the sheathed sword on his side. A small, almost unnoticeable smile appeared on Law's face. While the older male was feeling generous, M/n asked him to unswap the straw hats bodies.

The task was simple enough, so Law complied. Everything was almost right. Except for Nami. She was moved to Sanji's body, Sanji was off somewhere with her body. But there was nothing more Law could do to help.

Law turned around, noticing the sleeping children.
"These kids are more trouble than they're worth. And they've been drugged. It would be easier to forget about them."

"We can't do that Law. They need help getting home. Our help."

Law didn't look at M/n. He went on to explain that the government had been trying to make giant humans for military purposes for years. If Caesar could make this work, he'd be able to prove that he's better than Vega-punk.

"So are you really sure you want to save these kids, you know nothing about?"

M/n walked to Law ready to tell him off.
"I know these kid's and they know me.  Even if I didn't know them, I'd try to save them. No one deserves to be live like this."

Nami was next to speak up.  "He's right, they begged us for help. They were tricked into being here. So until I know they're safe, I'm not leaving."
"So you're gonna stay here by yourself?" Law asked.

"She's not. I'd never leave a crew mate behind. 
Oh, and Sanji wanted to put that samurai back together."
The look on Law's face said it all. M/n bursted out in laughter.  "Law's never done community service before.  Maybe this will help with your poor social skills."

Ussop noticed the look.
"Yeah this alliance is more of a friendship to Luffy. He does whatever he wants and there is no stopping him."

"A crew mates request has nothing to do with an alliance." Law mentioned.

M/n shoved a hand in Law's face to stop him.
"Sure we'll help. Helping a friend of a friend is nothing. Right Law?"

"Fine, you guys can handle the Samurai. I'll go find out what I can about the drugs the kids have been given. I'll be borrowing your ships doctor.  This is an inside job so we'll have to go behind Caesar's back."
Chopper raised a hove.

The crew came up with the bright idea to tie Chopper to the top of Law's hat. It was perfect, the hat was big enough. Law bit back the urge to curse.
Instead he tied Chopper to the hilt of his sword by the antler. It wasn't very humane, but it was better than nothing.

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