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"Hey! This is no way to treat a guy." M/n yelled as he swung in the air. Tied up next to Nami in Franky's body.

"Shut up you idiot! That should be my line!" Nami scolded as the cold wind made the two sway in the air. M/n rolled his eyes at her.

"What are you perverts planning to do with us? Let us go right now, or else Luffy will make you pay." Nami went on about how she was too pretty for this. The Yeti's glanced back and forth in confusion.

"Aye, man up will you!" M/n directed this toward Nami, who glared at him.

"You think you're funny. It would've been great if your stupid boyfriend didn't put me in Franky's body."

The two Yeti's watched the cyborg and boy argue back and forth.

"He's not my boyfriend. Law just happens to be a close companion of mine." M/n had thought of the possibility many times. Would Law want to be something more than just a friend?

The h/c haired male pushed the thought out of his mind. Law would surely shoot down his request.
"Why are you bringing that up? It's not my fault!"
Nami looked at M/n. Swinging in his direction. M/n did have a point.

"Somebody ought to keep that Law-guy in check. And you just happen to be that somebody."
Before M/n could argue back, one of the Yeti's held up their shotgun. Ready to blow the two into next year.

"I'll ask the two of you to be quiet..."

"...people who argue all the time aren't cool at all."

The other Yeti finished.

Nami and M/n went quiet. That had to be the lamest way to finish each other's sentences ever.

"It's a shame we can't kill you two now. The Cyborg is made of cool weapons that our master would like to see. The boy on the other hand isn't special. But killing him isn't allowed." One of the Yeti's sneezed.

The Giant creatures huddled together. "It's also super cold out here!"

Both Nami and M/n looked dumbfounded. The idiots who are cold, are the ones who chose not to wear jackets in the first place.

"You know that idiots aren't cool at all, right?" M/n was outright with his point. One of the Yeti's plucked him. M/n was knocked right into Nami.

"Didn't we tell you to be quiet..."

"..I'm sure we did." The other Yeti finished.
All the swinging made the chained up pair dizzy.

"That was unnecessary." M/n groaned as him and Nami continued to hang in the air.

A sudden yell, scream, rippled through the icy air. It was obviously Luffy, wasting no time to rush in like an dumbass. The Yeti's thought of Luffy as a dumbass too.

"M/n look. It's Luffy and Chopp—no Franky." Nami pointed out. The giant Reindeer and Luffy disguised as a candy cane began to plummet from the cliff. Spiraling towards a pit of ice spikes.

Even though Luffy didn't visibly have a plan. He used his haki to destroy the ice spikes, before they impaled him.

Suddenly Luffy inflated his body like a balloon. Floating upward. This took the attention off of Nami and M/n. The Yeti-cool brothers aimed their guns at Luffy. Turning their backs to the chained up pair.
Instead of struggling more within the chains. The pair began to hurtle towards the ground. M/n let out an even girlier scream than Nami. Before he connected with the snowy ground below, M/n landed lightly in a set of arms.

Next to him Nami crash landed into the snow.
"Fuck, I thought I was gonna die for sure." Shutting his eyes and taking deep breaths he still hadn't noticed who broke his fall.

M/n looked in Nami's direction when he heard a thud. "Hah, looks like the princess doesn't always get caught by a prince." Nami riggled in the snow, unable to respond.

A cold hand grasped M/n's chin. Swiftly turning him in a single direction. The man that faced him was Law. "I didn't know that you would run off and join the Straw Hat Pirates." M/n sat in shock until the older put him down. Softly dusting the fallen snow from his hair.

"Law! I'd never join another crew. I'm devoted to the Heart Pirates. Unless there's a new Captain or maybe if you croak..."

Law covered M/n's mouth with his hand, deciding not to waste his 'room' on the younger.
M/n pushed his hand down.

"It was a joke. So don't act like that Samurai shoved a sword up your ass."

Law's eyebrow twitched in aggrivation. He already had enough to deal with. It was much easier to simply ignore the younger and his shinanegans.

Luffy and Franky were busy fending for themselves. The cyborg had zero control over Choppers Monster form. Before the giant reindeer could attack Luffy, he was knocked out of the air. Luckily Chopper's body had turned back to normal. Luffy checked on Franky. And M/n was caught up with whatever him and Law had going on.  Nami finally popped her head from the snow, her body was still stuck. She sat catching her breath.

While everyone was preoccupied Nami was snatched up from her sunken state in the snow. 

"Nooo, M/n. Help!"

M/n stood there crossing his arms.
"What the hell am I supposed to do!" It really wasn't time for the h/c haired males bullshit. Luffy was too far away to save Nami. And Law wasn't much of a knight in shining armor.

This gave the Yeti Bro's a clear escape with Nami. Until Law swooped in. Slicing the Yeti that held her clean in half.  The Yeti fell. Still alive, just half of a whole.  Within seconds the Yeti's partner snuck up behind Law. Jumbo sized dagger in hand.

Law hit some kind of combo move. Taking out the other Yeti. Surprisingly, M/n hated when Law did that kind of thing. Always trying to show off. For what? For who?

M/n rolled his eyes. Moving next to Nami, trying to remove her restraints.
"Thank you," then Nami remembered she wasn't in her own body, "Fuck that! Give my body back!" M/n laughed out loud. Receiving a glare from Law.  Luffy ran up after realizing Nami was safe.

"Hey Tra-guy! Did you help Nami out?!"  Law ignored his question. Walking up towards a cliff.  A little ounce of M/n wanted him to jump, but never mind that. Law began to yap about something he had been thinking about. M/n tuned out the unimportant bits.

Luffy took the chain around Nami from M/n's hands. Taking a bite out of them.  The chain broke. A piece settled in Luffy's mouth.  M/n smacked the back of Luffy's head. The younger spit out the metal chain in surprise.  "Cmon now Luffy, you can't be that hungry all the time?"

Luffy laughed at that.  "I wasn't trying to eat it. But now that you mention it, I'm starving."  Luffy brought his face a bit closer to M/n's.

"Are you knuckle heads even listening to me?" Law interrupted. M/n pressed his hand to Luffy's cheek. Gently pushing him away.

"No, I wasn't listening. What's your point anyway?" Luffy asked, jogging up to Law's side.

"I want to form an alliance. In order to rise, we have to fight or join up with Emperor's."

"An Alliance?" Luffy looked back at M/n, wondering if he was included in this partnership.

"If you and I team up, we might be able to pull this off. I have a plan to take down one of the Emperors."

"Are you crazy! Do you really think you could defeat a big shot with the help of us?  That's ridiculous. Luffy, this guy is up to something." Nami worriedly voiced her suspicions. 

She was right. From her perspective. Law didn't seem all that trustworthy. His first mate on the other hand. M/n was the type of guy you'd trust with your baby. Even if he did let his mouth run wild sometimes.

"I'm not saying this will be easy. But if we stick to the plan, it might work out. So what do you say Straw hat?" The question was sincerely asked.

"So which emperor are we fighting?" Luffy asked. This time M/n answered. "Isn't it obvious? He wants to take down K-." Out of no where a pile of snow dropped down on M/n. Law really wanted to be the one to pitch the news.

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