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The entire Straw hat crew, along with Admiral Smoker, Tashigi, and M/n were knocked unconscious. Unlike the rest, M/n wrapped in gas. Kept afloat and at eye level with Caesar. All the key players had been taken out. Caesar wasn't  done though. He swiftly entrusted all the unconscious culprits to Monet and Vergo.

Out of everyone, M/n was the only one who wasn't chained in sea prism stone. Just a normal rope. Not only that, he wasn't put in a cage with the rest. The sleeping first mate was a bit too comfortable. He was laid out across Vergo's lap, that way if he jumped up, he wouldn't get far.
The sleeping gas was a little too effective for Vergo's liking. He wanted M/n to run, just so he could chase. Or fight, he'd take any interaction possible. It had been about 13 years since M/n and Law had run away. Maybe it was the fact that he was what Joker had been looking for all those years. It could also be the fact that Vergo was the last to see him before he disappeared. Whatever the case, M/n stirred Vergo's curiosity. How had he grown?  Was he Law's mini me, or was he the exact opposite?

Vergo was soon distracted by the captives and their chatter. Law told the group about Vergo's inside job. This entire time he was a pirate and he never had any good intentions. "I can't let Law in on any secrets. But now that you know, I can't let anyone else find out. If you get the picture I'm painting."
Vergo gently slid M/n off of himself. Walking toward the cage. Law peeked around the man to make sure M/n was alright. He was fine, if Law could ignore the preying harpy hovering over the h/c male. Law tuned everything else out. Glaring at the woman as she fluttered over the couch. Rubbing a white feather across M/n's face out of sheer boredom.

"Hey Tra-guy."

Law came out of his daze. Leaning closer to Luffy, trying to give his ally some attention. 
"Who is this Joker guy? I've never heard of him."

" Him? Once upon a time I worked for him with
M/n. That's how I know Vergo. Joker is only his black market name. But his true identity you all know quite well. He is Donquixote Doflamingo." The entirety of the room went quiet after hearing the name. M/n seemed to hear it too, even in his sleep. He awoke with a jolt, feeling nauseous.

"What the hell is going on?" He looked around locking eyes with a tied up Law. M/n knew that if he acted rashly he could put everyone in danger. A voice rang out over an intercom, ringing throughout the room.

"Numerous trespassers have made their way onto my island. So I've decided to test out my latest experiment." Caesar didn't elaborate either.
Monet wrapped her arms around M/n's neck, pulling him back so he rested his head between her boobs. Law glared daggers at M/n. The male only shrugged his shoulders, sinking into the woman's touch.

"Sooo, who's your friend Monet?" When M/n talked to her, it seemed like she was gonna fly away with him. Nothing like this had occurred before.
If Monet wanted to stay in Law's good graces, she couldn't touch M/n. No one could, not until now. "That's Vergo, he's only visiting." M/n squinted a little, the man looked familiar. Although it could be a mere coincidence. The man across from the pair didn't disagree.

"Shirororo sorry to keep you waiting Vergo." Caesar came into the room. But something was off, he seemed genuinely sorry. Normally Caesar ran this place like he was king. The way he talked to Vergo made him seem like the maid serving tea.

"What's this experiment they're talking about Clown?" M/n asked.

"Didn't I tell you to call me Caesar or nothing at all?" Caesar seethed at M/n. Miasma from his body taking over the couch M/n sat on.

"I don't know, I've been busy raising kids and remembering their names. If I forget they throw a fit, much like you're doing right now." M/n chuckled, while Caesar looked ready to wring his neck.

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