Ch. 6

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The Man they called the dark king Rayleigh freed the mermaid. He used his haki to make all of the people who were weak minded pass out.

"That was close, he almost made me blackout too..." Shachi complained. Only the Heart Pirates, Kidd Pirates, and the Strawhat Pirates could withstand the haki. "If you guys could take that, I wonder what else you can pull off."

Law sat dead center of the group, as egoistic as ever. "Never thought I'd meet a guy like you in a place like this." He was refering to the old man, Rayleigh.

"You can't mistake him for someone else, so what's he really doing here?" Kidd added.

"Could you not go around calling me by that name?" Rayleigh stopped his walk to stop next to the shot down fishman.

"Alright Bepo, let me up." This time Bepo complied, this let M/n assess the situation. He wiggled out of his comfortable spot on the Polar Bear's lap. Before he was able to walk off Law took hold of his wrist. M/n turned back to face Law.

"M/n I know were already involved, but try not to sink in the quicksand." With that he let the younger go off. M/n went down the stairs to stand next to Luffy and the old man.

"Hey, what did you mean you wanted to meet us." He questioned Rayleigh. The man wasn't reluctant to give an answer.

"We'll have to talk later, I have no doubt that you two will survive." Well since he was the big man with the plan M/n listened. He headed up the stairs with the rest.

Luffy, Law, and Kidd, were about to fight each other to get at the marines. Luffy the smallest out of the three spoke first.

"You guys can stand back I got it," he crossed his arms at the two next to him.

"Actually, I thought I told the two of you to stay back," Eustass Kidd protested.

"If you try to order me around again, when it comes time to remove limbs, I'm starting with you Eustass." Law made sure to kill his audience with is katana and not with kindness.

M/n stood behind the trio.
"Aww, the three of you are so cute. Im going to get the first lick in." After making such a statement M/n jumped over the trio, dodging the canon balls that the marines sent. He might not have a devil fruit, but the haki he possesed did the job fairly well. The three behind him wasted no time coming after him to fight.

After the marines were taken care of, M/n sat on the ground with his legs crossed. "You damn idiot, are you tryna get yourself killed!?" Law came up behind him, yanking the younger up by his collar.

"Law I've told you, I can protect myself now." M/n pushed Law away so he could stand up. A set of arms roped around M/n waist, literally. It was Luffy.

"You're stronger than you look M/n!"

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean." Law tugged on his shoulder, yanking Luffy off in the process.

"Sit this one out, there will plenty more opportunities for you to hurt yourself." He pushed M/n to sit on a tree trunk and wait for him. The latter was used to listening to Law, so he didn't put up much of a fight.

Heads and limbs went flying because of Law. Luffy blew into his fist making it large enough to knock over giants. Kidd was like a magnet the way he brought in metal and used it as a weapon. Yeah, M/n did envy them a bit because of their devil fruit powers. But what was the difference if he was just as strong without a devil fruit.

"What's wrong Straw hat? You look tense." Luffy had shrunken down after using his devil fruit. M/n now had a pout on his face. He went to stand next to Bepo. Lucky for him the number of marines only seemed to increase. So, while Law was distracted he fought alongside Bepo. Bepo fought with Punches and kicks. M/n did the same. Although it was boring to watch it was fun to do. The numbers of marines weren't dwindling, so an escape plan was needed. Law seemingly recruited the giant Jean Bat for the time being.

Out of everything the Marines found it weird that Bepo could talk. The Polar bear apologized for being able to talk. "Come on Bepo, it's not that serious!" M/n yelled. The crew had no plan, they were just running. Up ahead was Kidd and his crew and the stood against a Pacifista. It called Law by name, ready to zap him off of the earth.

'Damn out of everyone to run into.'
The Pacifista's mouth shot lazer beams. M/n was knocked back by the explosion the beams let out after they landed. The air was pushed out of his lungs and he passed out.

Law used 'Room' to transfer all his crewmates back to the Polar tang. He didn't bother to look after Kidd, after they defeated the single Pacifista. No way would Law stick around for more trouble. He adjusted M/n over his shoulder.

The younger wasn't badly injured, just unconscious. Bepo trailed behind the two, watching as Law laid M/n down onto his bed. The scratches he did have were neatly patched up by Law. The doctor tenderly rubbed, the bandaged area around M/n's face.

"Didn't I clearly tell you not to fight." The gentle rub turned into a harsh pinch on the male's cheek.
"You idiot, could you atleast try not to get yourself killed." M/n sat up with a groan, Law's hand still pinching his cheek.

"Calm down Law, I've gone this long without dying. What makes you think I'd die from one little hit." His eyes softened and Law pulled M/n in close to him, wrapping his arms around the younger's head. M/n's head pillowed by his chest. Bepo payed no mind to the affectionate behavior from Law. The crew had grew used to it long ago. The captain had a soft spot for his first mate.

M/n sat up in bed shocked at the close contact. Everyone else might be use to Law's affection towards him but it continued to surprise him every time.
"Just listen to me for once M/n-ya, there will always be someone stronger than you, so you have to be careful." This was one of those times when Law becomes weird and pours his heart out to the younger. M/n could only think back to the time Cora-San died. People become vulnerable when they have something to protect.

'Should I promise to listen to him and continue to be sheltered by him,' He was conflicted. M/n didn't want Law to suffer because of him. At the same time he also wanted to be free for once. Alas, Law was like family to him. Seeing the other male stress over his well being so often made him uneasy. M/n decided to reassure Law and numb all feelings of worry.

"Im sorry Law, if me not fighting makes you happy." He moved to hug Law around the waist. "I guess,
I have no choice but to listen to you." The older of the two really planned to make to make a damsel in distress out of M/n. After receiving the assurance from M/n, Law's grip slighty tightened. A smirk was suddenly pulled onto his normally unmoving face.

Bepo noticed this. Unfortunately he knew that interfering would cost him. Although it was hard to ignore the actions of Law, he did so anyway.
Law continued to cling to M/n, when it came to touching him it was never intolerable.

M/n was the first to move, pushing his face away from Law's chest. "Geez Law, I couldn't breathe!"
M/n squeezed the words out, breathing heavily. Looking up at the other he was met with a stone cold face.....As usual. The touchy side of Law was gone in an instant.

Law fixed his hat on top of his head and ducked out of the room. M/n still sat on the bed. He would never understand how Law could switch up on him like that. Flopping over on his side he noticed Bepo in the room.

Bepo poked his paws together nervously. "M/n-san do you really plan on not fighting." M/n sighed, signalling Bepo to come closer with his hand.
"Don't worry, I plan to protect myself if I do end up in a tight spot. A guy who won't fight can't be called a pirate, can he?" He placed his hand atop Bepo's head, looking at the bear as he stood next to the bed.

"Other than that I plan to please Law by letting him protect me." M/n let out a chuckle. It was pratically fool proof plan, he trusted that Bepo wouldn't tell.
Even so he believed that Law wouldn't care whether M/n lied or not, as long as they stuck close together.

Outside of the door stood Law listening to the so called secret. M/n was right, he didn't care if M/n had lied. Law wanted to use this to his advantage. The doctor wanted to use any excuse to tie the younger down with him. Still, he couldn't let his intentions be known.

All that he needed was M/n at his side. He already had the ambition, so what he really demanded was something to use as motivation. The Motive was obvious aswell. The katana at his shoulder bounced as he shifted against the wall. 'Well if his plan is to deceive me anyway, shouldn't I make him pay for it in the long run."

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