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M/n stood outside on the upper deck of the submarine. The delivery bird that appeared every now and then dropped off a news paper. M/n silently read over the front cover of the stack.

"Portgas D. Ace is set to be executed in two weeks, well isn't that interesting?" The male stood behind him, pulling the newspaper stack from his smaller hands. M/n didn't even have to turn around to know who it was.

"I wasn't done reading that, Law." Law rested a hand on his shoulder, making the younger turn to face him.

"Looks like you didn't have to"
M/n had no reason to argue. He found it strange that Law always tried to be two steps ahead him. Law took the stack of papers and tapped M/n's head.

"Looks like it's time to set sail." He could only watch Law's back as retreated back to the entrance of the submarine.

"Wait up Law!" M/n hurried behind the older to catch another glance at the newspaper.

The heart pirates didn't even get a glimpse of rest and relaxation before they were off again. "What's so special about Fire fist Ace that we have to be at Marine ford?"

"It's not necessarily him that we are going for."
M/n rolled his eyes. Could Law be anymore vague when he spoke of something important. He didn't speak any further, knowing that the older would just brush him off.

M/n took it into his own hands to investigate. They only had a few days before they reached Marine Ford and he still didn't understand why they were going.

Asking Law was pointless, so he decided to ask his other crew mates. Starting with Shachi and Penguin.
The pair sat at a table in the library, caught up in their own conversation before the h/c arrived. Penguin called out to him.

"What's up M/n ?" The male in question sat down across from the two. Not letting the silence settle he spoke up.

"Would you guys know why Law wants to go to Marine ford?" The three pondered.

"Nope, not a clue. Why?" Shachi asked The other that sat across from him.

"Because I don't like sticking my neck out without a good reason. We're going to Marine ford knowing damn well that one of the four emperors is gonna be there, not to mention booku marine admirals. That's gonna be a hot ass mess."

Shachi and Penguin sat across the table and let
M/n spiral on about Marineford.

"Chill out dude, there's no way Law doesn't have a plan. You'll just have to trust him." Penguin spoke up hoping that would reassure the younger.

M/n was about to lose his head from all of the thinking. He found it better not to ask questions. None of his crew mates gave responses that answered his questions. It was almost as if they were purposely letting M/n remain oblivious.

M/n sat in between two bookshelves. Sitting cross crossed on the carpeted floor. Although there was a small picture book in his hand. It was something Law had gifted him almost a decade ago. The pages were slightly tattered, but the book still gave a nostalgic feel. It was a short story about a girl who fell in love with a knight. Yeah it was about a girl, but he could still relate to it.

M/n ran his hands over the pages of the picture book. The princess had been tricked by one of her friends. This left her falling for a trap. She ended up lost and she couldn't find her way home. Luckily for her the knight that was passing through and saved her. That created her unrequited love for the knight. The princess could never confess her love because she already had an arranged marriage. M/n looked over the last few pages, seeing how the princess never got with the knight.

He thought about how random it was that Law had given it to him. Maybe he had done so on a whim. It also happened to be how Law taught him to read.
M/n would probably never find out.

The silence was pleasant and had no reason to be filled. "Room" M/n heard the soft chant that he had heard numerous times. A quick 'shambles' following after. It was Law, he used this little trick when he wanted to find M/n but couldn't bother to get up and look. This made M/n spawn almost automatically next to him.

"Law how many times do I have to tell you not to use that on me?"

M/n now sat on the floor of Law's room. He sat cross legged on the carpet. Law sat on the bed towering over him.

"What do you want?" M/n pouted, the book was no longer in his hand. This left him with nothing to look at but Law.

"I thought I'd play along with your little game of hide and seek. You're not very good at hiding from me though."

"I wasn't hiding."

"You sure? Nobody seemed to have seen you since yesterday, when you asked why I wanted to go to Marine ford."

"Yet no one has told me why we're going."

Law placed his elbows on his knees, clasping his hands together. "It's a bit of a recon mission. Nothing you need to worry yourself about."

M/n listened to Law half heartedly. The man before him was obviously plotting something. He just had to figure out whether it was a good or bad something.

"This must be one of those go for show type of things." The younger huffed out a sigh. He was never able to truly grasp what Law was thinking.
"And I am concerned because I'm involved. What happened to you being my knight in shining armor?
Cause it seems like I'm being thrown in the fire."

Law fiddled with the katana at his side, not meeting the other's eyes. "I know what I'm doing. Just go with it like you usually do."

His captain was right. All M/n could ever manage to do is trail behind him.

M/n used the base of the bed to pull himself up. He was no longer interested in continuing the conversation. Law felt pressure against his back.
M/n slid him aside, climbing into the bed Law sat on it. Law didn't mind, silently watching the younger climb into his bed.

The covers shifted, as M/n shimmied into them. Not to long after his head hit the pillow, Law saw that he had already gone to sleep.

The h/c haired male had always been a quick and heavy sleeper. Law poked M/n's cheek to double check.

He knew for a fact that M/n was pissed at him. It had always been hard for the younger to deviate from the norm. M/n preferred to go solo, but when Law asked him to follow. He always seemed to drop everything, just to do what Law wants.

Law on the other hand was pleased by his first mates devotion. Not at all bothered by M/n's internal conflicts. Law took every opportunity to take advantage of M/n.

Moving over to M/n's spot on the bed. Law's hand traced M/n's face as he slept.  The pair of hands, moving lower. Ghosting over M/n's waist. Law stopped himself.

Another thing his devil fruit didn't provide. Self restraint. Luckily for the sleeping male, Law knew what would happen if he had his way.

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