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A good two weeks of just sitting still passed. M/n was still unable to see Luffy. Every time he asked, Law couldn't even give him a good enough reason, of why not. Luffy still hadn't woken up. Law said it was better for him to stay asleep, so he wouldn't have to endure the pain.

Eventually after getting on the Kuja ship with Boa Hanncock they arrived on Amazon Lily. Laws crew was able to settle the furthest away from the island inhabitants, since they weren't allowed.

Soon Luffy woke up. But the pain seem to rile him up. He ran around destroying things, looking for Ace. Luffy called out for his brother, hoping he'd magically appear.

M/n sat across from Law, next to Jimbe.
"What'll happen if we continue to let him act like that." Jimbe asked.

"Well, he'll reopen his wounds. Then he'll actually die." Law replied nonchalantly.

"Shit...that's not good at all." M/n twisted around in his spot, looking for Luffy.

Luffy's rampage only worsened. He ran rampant through the trees. Crushing every thing in his path.
M/n jumped up to his feet. Snatching Luffys hat from the ground and smushing it onto his head.

"Luffy come back!!" M/n and Jimbe trailed behind Luffy making sure he didn't hurt himself too badly.
When the two caught up, Luffy was on all fours crouching on the ground.

"Don't say anything!!" Luffy screamed out in a hoarse voice. "I know it's not a dream, I've pinched my cheek so hard that it bled. It's true...Ace is dead!
Isn't he!!"

The tears were no longer being held back. They seemed to shoot out all at once.
"Your right he's gone..." All Luffy could do was cry out. M/n watched, knowing that nothing he said would heal Luffy's pain.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm here if you need me."

Due to Luffy's injuries he couldn't stretch as far. M/n decided to pick him up. Jimbe was still hurt so it was better from him to carry Luffy. M/n lifted Luffy onto his back. He listened to the male sniffling in his ear.
Luffy could not only whisper a small thanks.

On the flip side the snake princess was being scolded.
"I've told you one to many times already. Just because you hugged the boy, doesn't make you betrothed."

Boa Hanncock groaned in response.
"What else do we need to become one in marriage."

"Don't ask me that!" The older woman was stressed out by the princess.

"If another man is needed, I've already taken care of it" Hanncock huffed folding her arms.

"You did what. Who is this other boy?!"

M/n, Luffy, and Jimbe had made it back to their camp. M/n being the line leader came to a stop a the sight of Rayleigh.

"It's good to see you again Luffy. And you too M/n."
The old man sat down on an elevated piece of rock.

"What are you doing here? I planned to use your vivre card to get back to Sabaody archipelago!"
This let him know that his crew mates should delay their reunion.

"Crap, where's Law. I know that asshat didn't leave me!"

M/n looked around frantically. He spotted the rope ladder attached to the side of the cliff. Down below sat the Polar Tang.

Above deck stood Law. "Hurry up M/n we've got matters of our own to attend to!"

M/n rolled his eyes, as he backed away from the rope and the cliff. Law would just have to wait. Luffy slid from his back when Hanncock arrived with the food.

Her and her sisters seemed to know Rayleigh.
"Luffy!" Boa Hanncock called. Walking right past her sisters and Rayleigh.

Her sisters didn't dismiss her rude behavior, but they didn't complain much about it either.
Hancock stood next to M/n, leaning down to bury her face in his shoulder. She went on about how worried she was about Luffy but she was too flustered to face him.

The elder of the island called her out on it too. She squinted her eyes realizing that M/n was the other man. The elder didn't say anything aloud to the princess though.

"What's your deal snake princess?" She didn't answer M/n before Luffy came up next to them. Looking over the mound of food, He offered some to M/n. He smiled at the gesture taking the stick of meat.

"That's not for you M/n!" She smacked the straw hat that sat on M/n's head.

"So? I'm still gonna eat. Luffy you should probably thank her before she decides to hit you too."
Luffy laughed at the two standing before him before thanking Hanncock for the food.

This turned the Snake Princess into a blushing mess, fueling M/n's laughter.

"Oh, I should go before Law actually decides to leave me behind."

He finished up the meat stick before he plopped the strawhat onto Luffy's head.
"I hope we'll meet again Luffy!"

M/n ran off, he knew better than to keep Law waiting for too long. Sliding down the rope he landed on the deck of the submarine.

"You didn't miss me too much did you?"
Law just rolled his eyes.

"Just come on you headache."

He ducked into the submarine, M/n was right behind him.
"No fair. Why did M/n get to see all of the pretty women." Shachi asked, walking up next to Law.
"Yeah, tell me M/n, did they smell nice?" Penguin chimed in, slinging an arm over M/n's shoulder.

"I couldn't really tell..."

"I wish they had female bears." Bepo made sure to voice his displeasure. Shachi and Penguin made sure to let him know that he killed mood.

M/n was back in the library. Sitting in between two bookshelves. His hands traced over the pictures of the knight and princess. He still couldn't wrap his head around the meaning of love. Did the princess want the knight to be her brother, friend, or something more.

M/n read through the story book multiple times, hoping to understand it.
Although most love was between a man and a woman. It seemed like you could love anyone who reciprocated your feelings. But how are you supposed to differentiate between the different types of love.

M/n tossed the book aside. Decided to give up for the time being. Maybe he'd be able to experience love.

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