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It had been two years. M/n was now what you'd call a full fledged adult. Turning 21 made him feel like he could do more. Law had become a warlord. He and Law decided to step away from the crew to go on a side mission.

M/n didn't question it. Before he knew it they were on the snowy side of Punk Hazard. 'Aiding' a mad scientist. It didn't sit right with M/n. The crazy man was experimenting on children. Making sure that they were too strung out and addicted to a drug to escape.

He was unable to aid the children. To make matters worse Law had warned him. If anything were to go south, they would call 'Joker.' M/n wasn't afraid of someone with such a silly nickname. It was the look of seriousness on Law's face when he said it. Making him worry more than he should.

M/n was assigned as a caretaker of the giant children. He did everything he could to make the children happy. Making sure not to treat them any differently because of their size.

M/n rarely left the children alone. The only time he left was when they got cranky over candy or when it was time for their check ups. M/n sat atop one of the large pink cushions. Reading the story of the tortoise and the hare. Some of the children sat around him. Others continued to play around the room with various toys.

M/n shut the book, as it came to an end. His eyes focused on the door. A commotion from the other side catching his attention. With a loud bang the door bursted open. A group of four, that he seemed to recognize.

The children froze at the sight of the newcomers.
"M/n who are they?" One of the kids asked.

"It's a bunch of..."

"Giant kids"

"What are the straw hats doing here?"

M/n stood up, walking towards the group that stood in shock and awe.

"Check it out M/n! That one's a robot!"

The children began asking questions, trying to figure out where these outsiders came from.

Some of the kids shyed away, others asked questions, then the other few cheered after seeing that Franky was a robot. M/n chuckled at all of the reactions.

"If you're here then, Luffy can't be too far away."

"Is that a raccoon plush?!"

"Look at curly brows!"

"Shut up you brats!" Sanji yelled at the kids.
M/n was being ignored by the crew, them being more focused on the children before them. The head of the samurai suddenly spoke up. This scared the Sugar Honey Ice Tea out of the children. Children of all sizes ran to the corner of the room.

"Geez, did you have to bring the Sour Samurai with you. Ever since Law sliced him up he's been a handful."

"Law?" The navigator of the crew questioned.

"Nevermind that. Here come the hazmats. You might wanna bounce." The crew turned around, finally noticing the group of armed hazmats running towards them.

Mocha scooped M/n up. Out of all of the children he was the closest to her.
"Please Lady. You have to help us. M/n too. We all just want to go home." The young girl pleaded.
Almost in sync all of the children reassured that they were no longer sick.

The hazmats had caught up.
"Come on kids. Don't talk to strangers. M/n what happened to watching them?!"
The man tried to talk as calmly as possibly. If they lost the children or M/n. The boss would have their heads.

"M/n ask them to help us..." Mocha whispered into his ear. He didn't like asking for help. But nothing would make him happier than seeing the children free.

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