Chapter 1: Arrival At Japan

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At Fortuna,Can Be Seen,Arthur Is Packing His Belongings And Have Talk With His Brother,Nero..........

At Fortuna,Can Be Seen,Arthur Is Packing His Belongings And Have Talk With His Brother,Nero

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Nero:Are you sure you don't want me to follow you?".

Arthur:"Yeah,I'm sure.After all,you still have may thing to settle after what just happened recently isn't it?".

Nero:"Yeah.Kyrie need my help to take care the kid and at the same time I need clean some mess that happen".

Arthur:"Yeah,anyway,where's dante?".

Nero:"That guy just leave and give me something.He say to give it to you".


Nero Then Gave Arthur A Box.When He Open The Box,There Is Some Sort Of Gauntlet And Boots Weapons In There Along With A Note.........

When He Open The Box,There Is Some Sort Of Gauntlet And Boots Weapons In There Along With A Note

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Arthur:"Yo arthur.Take this as a give for helping me deal with those guy.
P.S: Thanks for the money that I take from your wallet,now I can buy some pizza.Let say this is the payment.Hehehe.Sincerly,dante.That motherfucker!If I meet him again,I'm sure gonna kill him!".

Some Where Else.........

Dante:"Achoo!Someone talk shit about me.I can feel it".

Nero:"Hahaha!He really takes your money like he says before".

Arthur:"Haih,anyway.Time for me to go".

Nero:"Alright bro.But before you go, take this".

He Then Summoned Yamato And Give It To Arthur.........

Arthur:"Are you sure to give me this.I already have jashin blade,mirage edge and hunter".

Nero:"Yeah,I'm sure and this one is a second version that somehow nico made it by taking a little piss of yamato.Besides that,she also is making my red queen.So,it's not a problem and also it will help you.I'm sure about it".

Arthur:"Wow,she really something else.Anyway,time for me to go.Send my greetings to kyrie and nico.Call me if you need help".

Nero:"Sure and have a safe trip.Bye!".

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