Chapter 29:Back To Redgrave City

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Shido:"Are you sure it's alright if both of you go?".

Arthur:"With current power,yes.After all,who's gonna look over tengu city if all of us go".

Shido:"You have a point".

Yuzuru:"Arthur,be careful".

Barghest:"And make sure you are back safely".

Arthur:"Yeah,yeah.I know you guys too".

Mayuri:"Be safe jin.I will be waiting for you and promise me that you will be alright and no injury.I mean it".

Jin:"Alright mayuri,it's a promise and I will".

Tohka:"Good luck big bro".

Yoshino:"Don't worry on this side".

Kaguya:"Indeed.We will deal with those demon".

Kotori:"Along with ratoskr,we will protect tengu city".

Miku:"Hmm,so you don't need to worry".

Arthur:"Good,alright then we will go now".

Then Both Of Turn Into Their Devil Trigger Form And Fly Heading To The Redgrave City.........

Redgrave City............

At The Moment,Nero Just Defeat A Large Demon Called Goliath While Searching For V...........

At The Moment,Nero Just Defeat A Large Demon Called Goliath While Searching For V

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Goliath:"No way!I get defeated by a mere human.Not in here".

Goliath Then Try To Run But Suddenly Get Stop By Some Sort Of Demonic Bird Where At The Same Time V Appears While Reading Some Poem..........

Goliath Then Try To Run But Suddenly Get Stop By Some Sort Of Demonic Bird Where At The Same Time V Appears While Reading Some Poem

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V:"I curse my star in bitter grief and woe.That makes my love so high and and me so low".

He Then Points His Cane Towards Goliath Where From His Body Appears A Demonic Tiger That Attacks Goliath..........

Goliath:"Why......why are you here?".

V Didn't Respond To Goliath Question And He Continues His Poem And Killed Goliath........

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