Chapter 43:New Day,New Foe

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Right Now At School..........

Arthur:"Rio,can you sit properly

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Arthur:"Rio,can you sit properly.Papa is doing some homework please".

Rio:"No,rio want to play with papa".

Rinne:"Come here.Play with mama. Let papa do his work first".

Rio:"Alright mama".

Random Girl Student 1:"They so cute".

Random Girl Student 2:"Isn't it.They looks like a real family".

Random Male Student:"Damn.Lucky bastard to get rinne".

Right Now,The Kid That Arthur Meets Last Night Is His And Rinne Daughter And Her Name Is Rio,Rio Sonogami And Thanks To Their Teacher,They Can Bring Her To School......

Last Night........

Kotori:"From the examination,this kid is indeed you and rinne daughter".

Arthur And Rinne:"Ehhh?!".

Jin:"Never thought both of them go that far".

Mayuri:"Never thought they gonna be a parent this earlier".

Yuzuru:"Answer:Indeed.He never goes that far on me and barghest".


Nero:"Damn big bro.You didn't wear safety on her".

Arthur And Rinne:"Hoi,it's not like that".

Kotori:"Alright,alright.Calm down first.From the examination,she has both of your spirit and demon power that probably fuse due to your fight that occur before".

Jin:"So,she likes mayuri case isn't it?".

Kotori:"Yes,she born due to both of your fight".

Arthur And Rinne:"Ugh".

All Of Them:"You guy's!".


Then Both Of Them Faint Straight Away After Knowing The Fact......

Later On...........


Rio:"Yes papa".

Arthur:"When were you born?".

Rio:"Rio can't remember much but rio can see papa and mama fighting and.........".

He Then Stop Her From Continuing It..........

Arthur:"Don't say another word".

Rinne:"Oh my god.She saw it".

Rio:"Rio don't want to see papa and mama fighting.Please don't do that again.Rio don't want to lose papa and mama".

She Then About To Cry Where Then Both Of Hug Her To Calm Her Down.......

Arthur:"Don't cry.We wouldn't do that again".

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