Chapter 40:Reality Rewrite

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Jin Along With Others Who Want To Help Arthur Is Too Late Where When They Arrived There,Arthur Is Already Dead..........

Jin:"No way?!".

Shido:"It can't be?!".

Tohka:"This is a joke isn't it?I know you will wake up isn't it?".

Yoshino:"Big bro.Please wake up".

Kotori:"Stop pretending arthur.I know you there".

Kaguya:"Come on arthur.You promise to play game with me".

Yuzuru:"Arthur don't play death. Please wake up!".

Miku:"Arthur!Wake up!You say you want to teach me singing and dancing!".

Mayuri:"Come on arthur!You say you want to teach me how to cook".

Mana:"It's not funny arthur.You say you gonna train me".

Barghest:"Arthur,wake up please!".

But He Didn't Respond At All.......

Meanwhile,From Afar........

Kurumi:"This is unacceptable!She use rinne to rid of arthur that probably a threat to him!Like before!Where she uses me!".

On D.E.M Headquarters............

Wescott:"Hahahahah!Intresting turn off event.He die!".

Mori:"Too bad.I wish I can have a rematch with him".


In Some Where Else........

Kyrie:"Nero?Are you alright?".

Nero:"I feel something was off".

At Some Place At Redgrave City...........

Dante:"Hey vergil!Did you feel it?".

Vergil:"Yes,I feel it.Something was off".

Back To Jin..........

Knowing Arthur Dead,The Others Start To Crying........

Jin:"No way!I can't believe this!".

He Then Punch The Ground.......

Shido:"I can't believe this!".

Rinne:"Stop it you guys!".

Rinne Suddenly Ask Them To Stop Crying.......

Tohka:"What?!It's your fault he die!".

Rinne:"I understand it.I also suffer of his dead but I can fix it".

Then They All Slowly Stop Crying And Want To Hear Rinne Word.........

Yuzuru:"Go on.We're hearing it".

Rinne:"Well I can..........".

Meanwhile On Border Of Afterlife...........

Arthur:"Huh.Looks like I'm really dead huh".

He Awake At A Place That Looks Like A Space........

He Awake At A Place That Looks Like A Space

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