Chapter 19:Unexpected Turn Of A Event

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At The School...........

Right Now Arthur And The Others Are Helping Shido For The Preparation For The Ten Oh Festival Where He Suddenly Disappears..........

Jin:"Bro,we need more red paint here".

Kaguya:"Arthur,we need some curtains".

Tohka:"Where should I put this thing big bro?".

Yuzuru:"Question:Should I pick yellow or blue for the table".

Arthur:"Alright,alright.Just give me a damn second and shido,where are you at the moment".

After A While Working,They All Then Decide To Have A Break And Arthur Then Head To The Toilet And When He Arrives There Can Be Seen A Girl Is Washing Her Hand.........

After A While Working,They All Then Decide To Have A Break And Arthur Then Head To The Toilet And When He Arrives There Can Be Seen A Girl Is Washing Her Hand

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Arthur:"Wait,did I enter a wrong toilet?Sorry disturbing"

???:"Arthur wait.This is me".

Arthur:"Hmm,you actually kinda familiar.Wait,shido is that you?!What the fuck shido!You a girl?!".

Shido:"Lower your voice and yes it's me".

Arthur:"Before you answer let me guess.Yesterday spirit is kinda into a girl and in order to seal her you need to be girl isn't it where it is easier to approach her this way".

Shido:"Wow,that's surprising and how do you know".

Arthur:"Just a guess.After all,after seeing her mood seeing those A.S.T squad,I can assume she lesbian".

Shido:"Anyway,can you help me".

Arthur:"Go ahead".

Shido:"Can you be a butler and our school singer?I can help with the instrument but I can't find any singer".

Arthur:"Hmm,sounds good and repay with some strawberry sundae".


Arthur:"Yeah.After all,I have lifespan stocks of pizza and sundae is just enough for me".

Shido:"Thanks bro!".

Time Skip...........

Arthur:"Hmm,I have a song that I love to cover but it need someone who can sing along with me.Hah!I know who can sing with me".

He Then Head To Canteen Where The Others Is Take A Break........

Arthur:"Yuzuru!Yuzuru!Are you here?".

Yuzuru:"Arthur,I'm here. How can I help you".

Arthur:"Can you sing?".

Yuzuru:"Answer:Yes I can".

Arthur:"Good.Would you like to be my partner in the ten oh festival singing competition".

Yuzuru:"Answer:Sure.I'm happy to help you".

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