Chapter 41: Something Not Right

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Arthur:"Something was off for sure. It's like the event didn't happen but it's actually happened.What's going on here?".

Arthur Is Confused Right Now.He Ask All His Friend About Did They Remember What Happened Yesterday And All Of Them Giving The Same Answer Where They Did Not Remember............

Arthur:"Maybe I should ask her".

He Then Headed To Nearby Park And Waited Where While Waiting A Group Of Thug Try To Robe Him But The Results.........

He Then Headed To Nearby Park And Waited Where While Waiting A Group Of Thug Try To Robe Him But The Results

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Arthur:"Done doing stupid thing?".


Then They Run Where After A Short Run Can Be Hear They Are Screaming And The One Is Attacking Them Is Kurumi The One That Arthur Is Waiting..........

Arthur:"Took you long enough".

Kurumi:"Well you know me".

Arthur:"Yeah.Anyway,why suddenly all my friends doesn't remember what happened yesterday and where's rinne?".

Kurumi:"Oh,you still remember it.Anyway,in order to safe you, rinne use her power to alter the reality that the yesterday event never occurred and that's how you are here and the consequences they all will not remember it and rinne right now I can say out of radar.Cause I can't find her.Probably rest to recover back her power".

Arthur:"I see.Thank for the info and one more.Are you still into on.......".

Kurumi:"Yes,I still on it.I'm gonna try to take shido power by devouring him".

Arthur:"Well you say so.I will always stop you and thanks for today and good to see you again".

Kurumi:"You too.Good to see you back arthur".

He Then Leave And Head Back To His House.On His Way,He Meet Someone Unexpected To Him,His Brother Nero.........

Arthur:"Nero?!What are you doing here?".

Nero:"Bro are you alright?Nothing happened to you?".

Arthur:"Yeah I'm good nothing happened and both of my arm are still intact same goes with this prosthetic".

Nero:"Good to know that.I have a bad feeling yesterday and that's why I came here to check you".

Arthur:"Since you already here,how about you stay for a while.Let me show you around".

Nero:"Sounds good but let me tell kyrie that I stay here for a while first".

Meanwhile At The Sky.........

Dante:"Looks like he's good.But what kind of disturbens that we fell yesterday".

Vergil:"I don't know myself.But I'm sure something really happened yesterday".

Dante:"Anyway,let's go before.......".

Suddenly They Get Attacked By Bandersnatche..........

Ellen:"Looks like I hit two bird with one stone today".

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