Chapter 13: Kotori Date

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At Arthur House......

Arthur:"Today is the day isn't it.Time to help shido save his little sis".

He Then Gets Ready Himself And Heads To The Water Park Where He Already Been Waited By Shido........

Arthur:"Sorry late.You know me,I hate wake up early".

Shido:"Nah it's ok.We also just arrived and same outfit from before".

Arthur:"Yeah.Just too lazy to buy new and I heard yesterday you have problem buying swimsuit".

Shido:"Let's forget about that.It's embarrassing".

Arthur:"Hahaha,I can see that on your face.Anyway,before we start,just confident on yourself to say to kotori. I will assist if you don't know what to do and don't worry,this time fraxinus only observing us".

Shido:"Alright and thanks for helping me arthur".

Arthur:"No problem".

Shido Mind:"I wonder what happened to kannazuki.If I remember,he the one who will take the command if kotori not there".

Meanwhile At The Fraxinus.........

Reine:"Make sure he doesn't get out from there".

Guard:"Yes ma'am".

Kannazuki:"Why you do this reine?!I want to see commander in her swimsuit!".

Reine:"Sorry vice commander,but this is for her good.Your decision probably gonna shin into downfall".

Back To Current Time...........

Arthur:"Looks like the princess is here.Hello kotori".

Kotori:"You here arthur.As I expected. It must be reine idea".

Arthur:"Nah,I'm just third wheel here. After all,who gonna look after them".


Tohka And Yoshino:"Shido,big bro. We're here".


From The Earpiece..........

Reine:"Sorry not to tell you early shin. They gonna join you".

Arthur:"Anyway,let's have fun and great time here.After all,that's our purpose here isn't it?".

All Of Them:"Yeah".

Then They Head To The Water Park.......

Time Skip.........

Tohka:"Woah,is this a water park!?It's amazing!".


Arthur:"Hai,hai.Be careful you guys. Shido,you know what to do.I take care of them and you just focus on your date.Just ask me for a tip".

Shido:"Hai,I will".

Kotori:"What are you waiting for shido?".

Kotori Then Appear With Her Swimsuit That Make Shido Silent.......

Kotori:"What?Shocked seeing me?".

From The Earpiece........

Arthur:"Shido,calm down and in confident say this.......".

Shido:"Kotori,you looks great on that swimsuit.I like it".

Kotori:"Ohh,thank you.It must be reine or kannazuki who help you isn't it?".

Shido:"No,that's what I'm really think about".

Kotori:"Such a confident.I would test your confident.Why you like it?".

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