Chapter 45:Surpise

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Right Now,Shido Is Observing All The Pictures That Have Been Given By Natsumi To See Which One Is Her Impersonating..........

Shido:"They all look the same to me".

Reine:"You must be careful about making a decision cause we don't know what would happen if you choose the wrong one".

Kotori:"Yeah,the consequences may be dangerous.Since there is a time limit, you must think fast".


He Then Leave The House To Clean His Mind..........

Shido:"Haih.This is frustrating.But I still need to make the decision".

Arthur:"Hey you look stress.Take this".

He Then Pass Some Pizza And Strawberry Sundae.........


Arthur:"No problem.Don't really stressed on this thing just calm down and I'm sure you can do it".

Shido:"Yeah,you a have point,I need to calm down and slowly take this thing and I'm sure I will manage to know who is natsumi disguising".

As Reine Say,Shido Then Start To Having A Date Each Of The Girl Except Yuzuru,Barghest,Rinne And Mayuri Cause That's Is Arthur And Jin Date.After A Long Date,He Found Out That There Is No Something Strange About All The Girl That Make Him Even Frustrates..........

Shido:"Ahhh!Come on!They all is normal.Nothing unusual.Even arthur and jin date also goes smoothly like their normal date".

Kotori:"Either I.Since I also observe every date,yeah it's kinda nothing unsual but you still need to make the decision.Among those date,which one is unusual or anyone personality that kinda different from usual?".

Shido:"Wait,after you say unusual,I just remembered something".

Kotori:"What it is?".


He Then Explained To Kotori About Something..........

Kotori:"Are you sure about it?".


Then The They Reached The Time Limit Where Exactly Ten O'clock, Natsumi Suddenly Appears At Infront Of Them In Some Sort Of Hologram......

Natsumi:"So,shido.Did you find who I'm impersonate?".

Shido:"Yes,I do".

Natsumi:"Then,what your answer?".

Shido:"It's arthur isn't it?Cause I know,real arthur would not share his pizza and strawberry sundae with someone else and this morning he suddenly give me some.So, lock my answer and it's arthur".

Natsumi:"Interesting but wrong answer".


Natsumi:"Not him.You need to try again and I have a surprise for you. Bye".

She Then Disappear From The Place......

Shido:"Oh no!What have I done?!".

Meanwhile At Arthur House........

Arthur:"Hey you guys!What do you want for supper?".

Rio:"Want some strawberry sundae. Can I papa?".


Yuzuru:"Like father like daughter".

Barghest:"Yeah,they indeed similar in some way.She really you and arthur daughter".

Rinne:"Don't say something like you guys.It makes me feel embarrassed".

Arthur:"I hope shido likes that pizza and strawberry sundae.I made it myself so I can see if it's good or not
Woah!What is happening.......!".

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