Chapter 44:Weird Day

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At School.........


Rio:"Papa.What are you thinking?You look like you have something on your mind".

Rinne:"Yeah,did yesterday's event still bugging your mind?".

Yuzuru:"Need us to help you?".

Arthur:"Nah,I'm good just tired only".

Suddenly Jin Along With Mayuri Burst Throw The Door.....

Jin:"Big bro!".

Arthur:"What happened jin!?".

Jin:"Where is shido!?How dare he do that to mayuri?!".

Arthur:"What he do?".

Jin:"He slap mayuri!".

All Of Them:"What?!".

Then Tohka Also Enter The Class......

Tohka:"Where is he?How dare he run after doing that to me?!".

Arthur:"Oh, what now?".

Then Kaguya Also Enter The Class.......

Kaguya:"Where he is?!".

Arthur:"Let me make a prediction,a group of female student enter this class and ask where is him".

Later On,What Arthur Say Literally Happen Where A Group Of Female Student Enter The Class And Asking Where Is Shido........

Arthur:"And then shido enter the class with his innocent face where he say what happened".

Shido Then Enter The Class......

Shido:"What happened?Did I miss something?".

Jin:"That's him!Caught him you all!".

Then They All Start To Chase Him........

Rinne:"Wow,what you predict really happened".

Arthur:"Yeah,sometime I hate myself of that.Anyway,give me a second".

He Then Open A Mini Portal Using Yamato And Pulled Out Shido From The Portal...........

At The Same Time.........

Jin:"Catch him!".

Shido:"What I even do to you guys?!".

Suddenly He Get Pulled By Arthur And Disappear........

Jin:"He disappear!".

Back To Arthur...........

Arthur:"You have many things to explain.Tell us something".


Shido Then Explain What Happened Yesterday And The Probably Reason Why This Thing Happened........

Arthur:"I see this is the work of the spirit".

Rinne:"From what you say,this is the work of witch".

Shido:"Yes and her name is natsumi".

Rio:"Papa!Papa!Why shido is outside?".

Arthur:"He's right in front of....... what?!".

Then They All Looks At The Window And Can See Another Shido Outside The Class.With Quick Reflex,Arthur Then Pull Out Hunter Shot The Other Shido...........

Shido:"Hoi,calm down!We inside the school!".

Other Shido:"Hey!What's your problem?!".

Arthur:"After him!".

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