Chapter 6:Problem

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After The Green Hoodie Girl Leaves, Shido Then Meets Arthur And Tohka.........

Shido:"Are you guys alright?".

Arthur:"So far so good for me but not for her".

Tohka:"I hate you shido!".

She Then Runaway From The Place.......

From The Earpiece........

Kotori:"Now,we have another situation.What happened arthur?!Why you bring her here".

Arthur:"Sorry,my bad.It's just she is just too worried about shido and I can't help but bring her here.I'm really sorry".

Kotori:"Haih,well the thing already happened.So we need to deal with it".

Shido:"So what we gonna do now?".

Kotori:"Be patient and wait until hermit appear again".

Arthur:"Let me handle tohka.You just deal with the spirit".


Arthur:"Anything call me.I will try to calm tohka".

He Then Opened His Portal And Head To Shido's House.........

He Then Opened His Portal And Head To Shido's House

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At Shido's House.........

Arthur:"Tohka,it's me big bro.Open the door please".

Tohka:"Are shido with you?".

Arthur:"No.Why you ask?".

She Then Slowly Open Her Room Door And Let Arthur Enter Her Room.......

Tohka:"Big bro,are shido hate me and  want to leave me alone".

Arthur:"No he don't.Who says that?".

Tohka:"The green girl doll says.That's why shido meet them".

Arthur:"It's not like that tohka.He actually try to safe them".

Tohka:"What do you mean by that?".

Arthur:"Tohka,you are not the only spirit that exists from what kotori says to me.Outside there are many more like you".

Tohka:"That's mean,the reason why shido meet that girl is for........".

Arthur:"Yup,to safe her so she can have a good and safe life like you".

Tohka:"So that's mean he doesn't hate me?".

Arthur:"Why would he hate you,after all he the one who safe you".

Tohka:"I see.Then,I need to say sorry to him and thanks big bro for help me understanding".

Arthur:"No problem.After all,I always deal with someone like you".

Tohka:"Deal someone like me?What do you mean by that big bro?".

Arthur:"Well,my brother and I take care of an orphanage that is full of kids with an attitude like you.Since we are the eldest,we need to take care those kid.Your attitude and personality really reminds me of them".

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