Chapter 16: Beach Day With Uninvited Guest

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Later On,They Then Decide To Go To Hot Springs At The Hotel..........

Later On,They Then Decide To Go To Hot Springs At The Hotel

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Arthur:"Huh,how do I get involved in this thing?".

Shido:"I don't know myself but at least,I don't need to do this alone this time".

Arthur:"Hahaha,yeah.Now I know how you feel every time you go on a mission".


Kaguya:"Looks like you guys are already here".

Yuzuru:"Response:Indeed.Time to join them".

Arthur:"What the fuck you guys doing here?It's male place".

Yuzuru:"Answering:Isn't it obvious why we here".

Kaguya:"We gonna seduce one of you and make you choose between of us".

Shido:"For some reason,I have a bad feeling about".

Yuzuru:"Question:Arthur,do you find yuzuru more attracting then kaguya?".

Arthur:"Honest answer,I can say yes. You indeed more attractive then kaguya".

Yuzuru:"Response:Thanks for the compliment.It's now,one point for me".

Kaguya:"Cihh.Shido,am I cuter then yuzu yuck?".

Shido:"Yes you do in my point of view".

Kaguya:"Hahaha,hear that.I'm more cuter then you".

Arthur:"Let's slide this thing first.You guy avoid my question.Why you guys here.Isn't this male place".

Yuzuru:"Answering:Simple, we just swap the male and female sign".

Shido:"Wait,did you just say you swap it?".

Kaguya:"Yup,we did it".


Suddenly Can Be Hear Tohka Voice Jumping Inside The Hot Springs.......

Tohka:"Ah,it's feel good.Ahhh!What you guys doing here?!".

Arthur:"Not us,but they the one who swapped the sign".

Tohka:"You guys need to go out now. The others incoming".

Suddenly The Door Is Slowly Open......

Shido And Tohka:"Ohh no!".

Arthur:"Less talk,more action".

He Then Grabbed Shido And Throw Him To The Male Hot Springs And Then He Jump Before The Girls Enter........

Meanwhile At The Male Hot Springs.......

Jin:"Ahh,so this is hot springs.It's so nice.Hmm,what's that?".

Shido:"Catch me jin!".


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