Chapter 50:Origami Vs Others

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After The Yesterday Event,For A While,Everything Is Back Like Normal.Natsumi is successfully sealed and nothing else happens for a week where it makes arthur and the others feel at peace......

At School..........

Arthur:"Ah,this feels good actually.For a while,nothing happened actually".

Jin:"Yeah,that's actually good".

Shido:"You guys.Have any of you see origami?".

Arthur:"Don't know.Last time we saw her,when natsumi kidnapped all of us and turn us to kid".

Jin:"Yup.After she get turned normal, she left and doesn't say anything".

Shido Mind:"She just disappear.But I saw her before".

Little Flashbacks........

Right After The Satellite Get Destroy, Shido Then Saw Someone Familiar From Afar.Where With A Glance,She Looks Like Origami But With D.E.M Equipment...........

Shido:"Is that origami?What she's doing here and why he use D.E.M equipment?".

Back To Current Time..........

Shido Mind:"Should I pay a visit to her house?".

Later Then,Tamae Sensei Enter The Class........

Tamae:"Alright you guys.Before we start the class,I have an announcement.Tobichi origami has moved to england and will not continue his school here anymore".



Arthur Mind:"Hmm.Something was off about this.For some reason I have a bad feeling".

Shido:"Tamae sensei,may I go to the toilet?".


He Then Leave The Class.........

Time Skip...........

At The End Of The School,Shido Didn't Back To Class Or Home That Make The Others Worries........

Kotori:"What do you mean he disappear?!".

Arthur:"Like I say,he disappeared like just vanished from this place.I even call him and he didn't pick it".

Kotori:"Alright give us a minute let us try to track him and you guys try to find him".


Tohka:"Big bro.Are shido alright?".

Jin:"Seeing your expression,this probably not good isn't it?".

Arthur:"Kinda of".

Rinne:"What should we do know?".

Arthur:"Let's split up and tell the other too.It more easier with the others help".

Then They Split Up To Find Shido.......


Shido:"Ugh.Where am I?Last thing I remember I enter origami house and.......".

Then Someone Open The Door And It Was Origami..........

Shido:"Origami!Why you doing this and where have you been?".

Origami:"I'm doing this for your own and now I'm work for D.E.M".

Shido:"What?!So this is wescott order isn't it".

Origami:"No,like I say.It's for your own good.I don't want you to disturb my mission".

Shido:"Why are you still into this thing.You already see it by yourself how tohka and the others".

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