Chapter 2- New beginnings

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The photo is of Dee :)

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 I began to regain feeling in different parts of my body, I scrunched up my hands and started trying to move the other parts of my body but everywhere ached. I then came to the tragic conclussion shouldn't I be dead, maybe I am dead. I began to feel I on a bed? How did i get on a bed. Dead or not its really time i open my eyes, its like i have forgotten how to control my body parts open eyes open. My eyes opened adjusting to the room i was in some torn down room wallpaper torn, giant chips in the floorboards one chest of drawers beside the window and another bed that seemed to be the same as mine was a few footsteps away from mine the bed was unmade and in a mess, i couldn't comprehend where was I? Think Kit think all last night is a hazy blur i was attacked wanted to die i should have died last night those footsteps that liquid this really isn't helping, I tried to push myself up 

"Uggh good god" I panted the pain in my chest was heavy i could feel the bandage i looked down at myself "These aren't my clothes" i mumbled to myself.

I heard voices in hallway "I will see you guys later" i heard faintly, the door opened an a girl with a dark brown pixie cut hair average height quite petite she went straight to the window and opened it then looked over at me

"Shit sorry your awake, its stuffy right?" she waited for an answer from me i didn't talk she sat on her bed folding her legs examining me "You were banged up pretty bad" she took out a packet of cigarettes lighting one up "Want one" she offered 

I shook my head then winced "My names Kit" I said rustly 

She smiled "Denise but absolutely everyone calls me Dee good to see you can talk i suppose i'm the one that supposed to tell you about here" she muttered some stuff to herself then began "Well you are in the institute never heard of it ? not suprised its a secret run by Master Callum for people like me and you people that can disappear and die but no one cares i don't know how Callum finds us but he does he takes you on your death bed brings you back here heals you, houses you, feeds you everything don't get me wrong look as you can see its hardly 5 star accomadtion" she laughed to herself, her eyes sparkled dangerously "here it is kill or be killed you were brought here because saw strength in you, you are expected to fight the stronger fighter you are the higher up the ranks you go i'm around about a B rank" she said matter-of-factly and proud "its good for someone that only got here 3 months ago"

I looked at her scepticially she must have noticed 

"i look petite right? I know but i cant kick half the guys asses in this place, you answer to Master Callum his second in command is lady lila if i were you i would stay out of her way she doesn't get on well with anyone except Callum"

I nodded trying to take it all in didn't help i was in still in pain 

"Wake up call at 9am every morning for breakfast then training from 10 am to 1pm lunch at 1pm to 2pm then more training from 2pm to 7pm then were free to do whatever we have a common room with a tv only has 3 channels but its still tv dinner is left overs from lunch so nothing special always try fit in a shower before 9pm thats when the hot water goes, provisions like soap and stuff are always around and anything else that should be explained will be explained by Callum himself anytime a new person espiciailly a girl is brought to his chambers for dinner he will explain the more important stuff its not in my place to tell"

I gulped the idea of Callum scared me "So 3 months here hows it been how did you end up here ?"

She gave me a scarce look "I'm gonna give you a warning i'm one of the nice ones here don't try and ask anyone there story they will get annoyed and alot of people here won't blink twice about killing you, tomorow at breakfast i will point out who you should stay clear off you can stick with me you will like Amber, Tori, Ian and Jay all nice enough of course i'm the nicest and your new best friend alright?" she said threateningly with a hint of joking behind it

"Sure" i wasn't going to piss her off a friend is a friend and it would seem i would be needing her to learn my way around

"Right a day of training and fighting takes it out of you I'm gonna hit the sack" she said while changing into a tatty looking robe she crawled into her bed letting out a sigh of relief "OH OH OH one more thing don't try an escape you are now Callums property you stay here understood?"

"Em...yes" i said 

"I like you Kit i can see you and me getting along, were gonna try make sure you don't get killed" she said with a smirk whilst turning over falling asleep 

Holy shit Kit what have you gotten yourself into talking to myself i stared at the ceiling i was supposed to die last night not end up here i looked over at Dee she seemed nice enough but i was in a crazy house was i actually supposed to trust her so many thoughts ran through my head as i faded into a nightmarish sleep not ready for anything that could be instore for me....

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