Chapter 18-Slurred words and alcohol

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Order had been restored. Amber had told them how i got her out of there and i told them how they were safe and how it wouldn't happen again i expected them to hate me even for a while but they all forgave me.

Although now sitting on my bed i wish they hadn't, because if they hadn't they wouldn't be making me go to this stupid party and making such a fuss about making me go.

Dee, Amber, Tori and I were all cramped into my room, and as much as I love them all they were pissing me off something awful.

Dee was wearing her red mini dress with safety pins going down then around it with a pair of black heels her hair was just a towel dried mess but it worked on her. Tori was in a one long shouldered short purple dress her hair half up and half down. Amber was wearing a little black dress her hair brushed back into a tight bun, and me you might ask I was sitting on my bed begging them to leave me alone.

I felt like crap, i hadn't seen Callum at all since the night i ruined his orgy and it was killing me i hated to admit it but it was. I missed him i couldn't close my eyes without seeing him it was funny though because it wasn't that i missed him and just wanted to be in his arms i actually missed fighting with him I had to talk myself out of asking the guards where he was I had spoken to Daniel a couple of times I avoided Callum talk though.

I sighed. "So what way should we do her hair" Tori giggled.

"Curls?" Amber thought looking at me 

Dee shook her head "Been there done that" 

"Up?" Tori asked

This time I shook my head. "No i want it down" i said giving in

They all squealed hugging me "Thats the spirit" Amber grinned

"Straight it is" Dee winked

I could see this behavior from Tori and Amber but i was kind of surprised at Dee but i suppose something like a party in the doom and glum institute full of vampires can make a person act different.

They began straightening my hair. Then doing my make-up it all felt like torture to me. I picked up my dress i had changed my mind Tori gave me a dress off hers, the top half was blue the bottom-half was a white-grey with subtle frills worn with a sort of grey diamond heel. 

"Masterpiece" Dee smiled

Amber frowned "Jealous" while Tori was acting like a princess spinning around in her dress, i know i was acting a bitch, spoilt, a buzz killington but i really couldn't help it.

"Thanks guys" mustering up the best fake smile i could.

There was a knock on the door. We had made an arrangement to go with the guys and if there so happened to be a slow dance we would have partners. Dee and Ian, Tori and Adam (the guy that went on her mission), Jay and Amber and it had somehow been arranged i would dance with Marc. There they all stood at our door wearing jeans and shirts looking like they got ready in the last 5 minutes.

"Well don't you all look damn right hot" Jay laughed.

"Come on people lets drink the night away" Adam shouted.

I stiffened at the word. Drink, Alcohol whatever you wanted to call it, it was bad i had been drinking since i was little, it didn't help my dad was an alcoholic monkey-see monkey-do you know? I had sort of gotten over my problem, well kind off. At first i had been getting friends and friends older siblings to buy me alcohol but eventually they couldn't afford it anymore. So then i went to stealing my Dads which worked for a while....until i drank so much i had to go to hospital to get my stomach pumped. You would think my father would have been concerned about me but no he beat the crap put of me because he finally realised i had been drinking his alcohol that was what had stopped my little problem lack of money not because i wanted too but now the idea of drinking made me feel sick.

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