Chapter 11- Why are you so happy

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Dee and I walked in silence to dinner i appreciated it she knew my mind was all over the place. When she threw open the doors the talking stopped from all the tables as they stared at me i rubbed my arm uncomfortably Dee noticed how uncomfortable i was getting.

"YES I KNOW I AM GOOD LOOKING PEOPLE NO NEED TO STARE" she yelled. I laughed as everyone looked away


"For what ? they were so looking at me not you" she winked sticking her tongue out.

We reached the food counter and a horrible looking stew was placed in her bowl she looked at it and groaned i put out my tray expecting the same when she took out a plate from the oven with steak, mash and green beans i looked down at the plate then at Dee.

"Is this normal after you fight?" i asked hoping it was anything other then me being Callums soulmate

"Nope" she said popping the 'P'

i groaned she looked at me as if i had two heads as we continued to our table.

We sat down and jay ian and amber stared at my food.

"Tell me how you get that sort of food" Ian asked gaping

"Are you sleeping with Callum? I will sleep with Callum for a steak" Jay said and the table laughed

"I always knew you played for the other team" i joked and Jay bated his eyelashes at me that was when Tori skipped in excitedly

"GUYS GUYS guess what guess what" she exclaimed jumping up and down"

"What" Dee asked sighing seeming exhausted by everything that happened today.

"Be more excited" Tori yelled

"Please tell us why your so excited" Amber asked

"I am going on my revenge mission tomorow night" she grinned

"What" the table spluttered I was just confused.

"Who is going?" Jay asked

"I don't know they said Daniel will go round to the others going tonight and that we will be called together in the morning thats all i know" she shrugged still smiling

"Can someone explain?" i muttered

"Oh right sorry" Tori said "When your here a year in my case 8 months your given the chance to seek revenge on people in your past life there given me that chance"

"By revenge you mean kill?" i asked a little taken back

"Em well yeah" Tori answered awkwardly

"Well I'm happy for you" i said doing my best to go along with this

"Thanks Ms A-rank" i looked down at my food embarassed but would they let me away with that not a chance they all started clapping, jay and ian stood up as they all started singing "A-rank A-rank A-rank"

At this point everyone was looking and guards were laughing Callum was no where to be seen thank god.

They stopped i let out a sigh of relief "Well i want to sleep" i muttered stlll embarassed

"I'll come too" Dee followed as we go to the doors the guards opened them for me and slightly bowed i blushed and left.

Dee's mouth fell open "What was that"

"Don't worry about it" i murmured

We walked in silence again Dee dropping it i felt bad for not telling her but it made me uneasy and i really wasn't ready to talk.

We got to our room and a guard was standing outside i stiffened as he flashed a grin at me he grabbed my hand kissing it "I'm Daniel"

"And why are you here" i groaned i had enough of vampires i just wanted sleep

"I need to talk to you your going with Tori tomorow"

"I really don't want to" i pleaded

"We can talk in private in a moment" as he looked at Dee

She shifted uncomfortably "Sorry I'll be leaving then I will stay up for you Kit"

I opened my mouth to respond when Daniel spoke "Denise you will be going too the group meeting will be tomorow morning i just need to speak to Kit on a seperate matter first"

"Great" she smiled as she went into our room.

"Why can't you be easy and have that reaction"

I didn't respond. He sighed "Follow me" he muttered

He led me a little down the corridor to what seemed to be a lounge area he extended his arm beckoning me to take a seat. i sat on the couch.

He looked at me and smiled i frowned "Just get on with it"

He laughed at me then handed me a paper bag i looked in it to see a pair of heels and black lacy underwear. I stared at it shocked.


He smirked "No its not-"

I cut him off "OR YOU" i yelled

He laughed "Whoa whoa whoa just listen you don't have to have sex with me, Callum is a different story but the underwear is for the mission"

"Why do i have to wear underwear?"

"Sex sells" he smiled "Tori is getting revenge on her cousin he runs a slave trading business he sold her and well the rest is her story so tomorow you will be going into the building you will be getting sold but then you will fight a secret weapon there will be alot of men there so be prepared your starting off the fight the others will come soon"

"I-I-I i can't do this they will kill me" i panted

"Kit sssh you will be fine your an exceptional fighter and guards will be there to keep you safe you think Callum would let anything happen to you"

'Probably' i thought "What if i run away" i mused

"We will catch you and you will regret it"

I tested the waters "You would hurt Callums soul mate?"

He glared "No we would catch you bring you back to Callum who wouldn't be very happy and i can't promise what he would do"

"Fine can i go now"

"Yes i will explain the rest to you and the others tomorow"

"Who are the others?"

"You, Dee, Tori and Marc"

I nodded why was Marc coming i internally groaned.

"Fine i will go along with everything on one condition"

He raised his eyebrows "Which is?"

"Tell me why vampires are getting involved with people like us and why we are sent out on missions what is in it for you"

He pursed his lips "When you get back i will get Callum to tell you"

I frowned that means i have to be face to face with Callum i pushed that aside "Promise?"

"You have my word my lady"

I got up to go.

"Wait" Daniel laughed "take your present" holding out the paper bag with underwear

I grabbed it roughly frowning at him god he was annoying must be a vampire thing. I walked down the corridor.

"I don't blame you if you keep the underwear for Callum" he shouted after me

I could feel myself going red as i turned and flipped him the bird he just laughed.

I got into our room to see Dee passed out as i threw the bag at the wall i feel into bed still in my leggings and top i didn't care this day just wouldn't end i closed my eyes touched my lips thinking of my kiss with Callum....

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