Chapter 51- Take my whole life too

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I apologise in advance.

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I scrunched my eyes more tightly shut, my head was throbbing and my legs felt like I was shot, when it hit me...I was.

My arms felt restricted was I sat on a chair?

I opened my eyes to see my arms were chained to the chair at the head of the table. Daniel sat on my left, Callum on my right. Both were passed out holes in their blood soaked clothing.

"Callum" I cried, but he didn't answer.

I yanked at my arms trying to free myself but it wouldn't budge, I cried out in frustration. I looked at the metal concentrating on it with my mind hoping to snap it, but it didn't work. I  tried to click my fingers to get a flicker of a flame I panted as I tried everything. My magic truly was put on hold.

"Daniel?" I begged.

"Seems they got the worst of it" Lorenzo barked.

"Lorenzo" I greeted bitterly.

"Surprise" he beamed. "Come on, I thought my performance before was good pretending I didn't have a clue who you were"

"Oscar worthy" I bit, my head lowering from the throbbing.

"Fuck" Daniel grunted, and I suddenly felt better, feeling slightly less alone.

"What do you want Lorenzo" I spat.

He took a seat at the other end of the table, the table wasn't that large his closeness causing a growing discomfort in my body. "Now is that anyway to talk to your host"

Daniel smirked over at Lorenzo "So when does the stuff ruin out so Kit can have her powers back and kick your ass"

Lorenzo snarled "I have never liked you" he smiled at me making my stomach curl. "Lets get to the point shall we"

"Nah I'm good on time" I tried shrugging which seemed to fail.

"Me too, actually" Daniel laughed

Ian walked in smirking I glared at him "There was me thinking the company in this room couldn't get any better"

Ian walked over to me punching me in the stomach, I spluttered "Best you got" I taunted.

He narrowed his eyes on me followed by him digging his thumb into where the bullet was pushing it in deeper I bit down on my lip gasping.

"I suggest you remove your hands from my wife" Callum growled so fiercely even I was scared. Ian took a step away as I got a look at Callum he gave me a 'I'm so sorry look'.

"Sit down Ian" Lorenzo barked 

"So my son, this would be your mate quite a keeper. Nice acting by the way, if I were you I would have bit my head off for kissing her but you never were loyal were you?" Lorenzo spat out.

Callum rolled his eyes "I think I'll pass on the mate advice from you, actually father I'm not quite caught up on the birds and bees care to explain?"

Daniel snorted "Well Callum its a special kind of hug" he laughed

Lorenzo just shook his head "Yes I have noticed you haven't fully mated with her son"

I stiffened "Pervy old man" 

Callum bellowed out a laugh "Really daddy I don't need the mate advice"

This time Lorenzo smashed his hands down on the table "This is the end of the two sides there will only be my side" he looked at me "I wasn't going to let you lift the curse so I would have the power in my hands, but it will be so much easier for you to lift the spell it will make it easier to dispose of you"

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