Chapter 29- Someone listen?

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"No" I shook my head fiercely "Your not going"

They were all standing together ignoring me, Callum was pursing his lips "It could work you don't look to unsimilar just your hair is shorter, then again we could say you changed your hair so they wouldn't recognize you"

Daniel was staring at Dee intensely "Maybe its not such a good idea"

I swung my hands in the air "Finally someone is thinking rationally"

Dee looked at me "You have to let me do this, I'm your friend i would consider you a sister I never had"

"But there going to take you and I don't know what they will do to you, what if they hurt you"

"Are you telling me if this was reversed you wouldn't do the same for me" she eyed me 

"Well yeah but thats different" i fought

She raised an eyebrow "How exactly?"

"Oh I don't know" I said defeated 

Callum rested a hand on my shoulder "This has to be done, your safe keeping is essential you have to deal with people looking out for you"

Daniel stood back looking at Dee "Maybe we can just kill these 6" 

Callum shook his head "And risk a war this early?"

"Em I suppose" Daniel sighed looking away from Dee

"When should they be here" Dee asked seeming way to calm for someone who was going to be a prisoner

"3 days tops" Callum answered

Daniel left the courtyard without a word while Dee and Callum talked about the plan, when Lorenzos (A/N Callums fathers name its in an earlier chapter just giving you a reminder) guards come here to get me Callum and Dee will be joined at the hip, kissing on the cheek, looking at eachother like lovers basically keeping up a soulmate facade, when they come they will put up a struggle and fight to not take her away but then Dee will be gone.

"I suppose I should spend time with the guys since I'll be going soon" Dee nodded at me then at Callum 

"You have an amazing friend there" Callum nodded to the door Dee just left through 

I shook my head gently "Shes not a friend shes my sister" then I smacked Callum "And all this is your fault"

"I'm sorry but theres nothing that can be done" Callum ried to embrace me but I took a step back.

"No its not ok you can't fix this" I hit the wall with my fist "NO I'm not letting her go when the guards come I will serve myself on a plate Dee isn't taking my place"

I could see Callum looked angry "And I will have a good 20 off my men watching you if you persist with those thoughts I will have you locked up in the basement"

I looked at him fiercely "Then thats what you will have to do"

He rolled his eyes at me "Fine then if thats what you choose either way you will not be leaving with my fathers men"

"Ugggh, your so frustrating" I shouted in frustration storming out of the courtyard.

I was pacing through the building when I whacked into Ian "Get out of my way I don't want to listen to you"

"Whoa calm down" Ian spoke softly "What is wrong with you"

We were in the middle of the corridor with everyone walking by quickly, I slumped to the floor putting my head in between my knees. Ian sat down beside me he started rubbing my back gently.

"Callums Dads men are coming for me but there not really gonna get me there going to get Dee because she is going to take my place but I don't want her to go what if she gets hurt or they kill her" I was crying now.

"Ssh its fine" Ian stood up "You wait here"

Jerk, leaving me a crying girl on my own, but almost as soon as he was gone he was back but with Dee

Dee sat down beside me wrapping her arms around me we looked at eachother and just burst out crying like two blubbering idiots

"I love you" I sobbed

"I love you too" she sniffled rubbing my arm "Everything will be ok"

"But whos going to look after me" I cried

"I'm going to leave you in Callums capable hands which really isn't very comforting" she smirked

I just nodded knowing everything isn't going to be ok, nothing is ok anymore.

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