Chapter 52- You can't follow...

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"What does he mean Callum" Daniel murmured.

His face read grief as he looked at Daniel "This wasn't supposed to happen, we were supposed to rescue her after we knew Kit was safe" 

"Well that didn't happen!" Daniel growled "You knew Callum"

"I'm sorry" Callum begged 

"No Callum this is it you have really done it you have always been an asshole but this a new low" Daniel snarled he looked away seeming to contemplate then launched himself at Callum. I grit my teeth as Daniel pounded into Callum who just lay there not blocking or stopping him.

I slowly got up gently moving Dees lifeless body to the side. There was a building lump in my throat but I pushed it all aside right now wasn't the time for emotions.

I looked at Lorenzo who had a building smile as he watched the chaos around him.

"Are you proud of yourself" I spat, he finally looked at me.

"I don't think your in any position to be speaking to me like that" he smirked a dangerous glint in his eye as he gave my body a one over.

I folded my arms across my chest looking around seeing I had gotten everyones attention "This isn't Callums fault Dee would have been fine you killed her" I bit.

Lorenzo snorted "Ha my son knew exactly what he was doing" 

"Your son was trying to protect everyone" I shook my head at him as I looked at the Daniel and Callum who had stopped "Just not very well"

"He is more like me then you know it girl" he glared

"Well actually he hasn't tried to kill me, then he would be like you right?" I smirked raising my brows.

The crowd around us shifted as a mumbling erupted. I turned my back to Lorenzo looking at them "Oh thats right you don't know, you king" I spat the word "Killed his mate" I put a finger to my lips Lorenzo made a move towards me I looked him in the eye "Don't move" I compelled he stopped. "Now how would the king cover up such a crime" I clicked my finger "Thats right exterminate the race that could find out with a simple touch" I walked over to Lorenzo looking at Callum he frowned at me. 

I had everyones eyes on me at this point I trailed an arm up his arm "So easy to read" I pursed my lips "But you couldn't have that could you, so instead you kill every witch you can get your hands on, you never did like witches did you something you could never quite control"

He shook his head "I had a couple of witches in my time" he laughed with a nervous edge.

I had him exactly where I wanted him "Your right you had the one who put the curse on you all, Naya"

He laughed "Yeah, see everything is in my control"

I looked him dead in the eye "Now you see is you had Naya, you would have had to had cheated on Cornelia your wife your soul mate?" 

The crowd erupted into gasps as I took in a breath as the compelling I held over Lorenzo began to take its toll on me.

"Come on Lorenzo cards on the table tell everyone what you did, killing your wife when she found out you were cheating, blaming it on the innocent, killing off an entire race who had family, lovers- vampire and human, you compelled any vampire that came close enough to you, exiling your son, blackmailing your daughters or my personal favorite making your side the 'light' side drink animal blood when you have been drinking from humans and discarding the remains" I gasped as I fell to the ground completely drained of anything I had built up. Lorenzo stepped towards me I flinched as he kicked me in the stomach. I let the tears slowly travel down my face.

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