Chapter 7- Bite in the neck

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I woke up with a groan, twisting my body over to see Dee's empty bed. Where did she go? and why do I feel like I have a hangover. I sat up slowly blood rushing to my head, I squinted my eyes the light coming through the window giving me a headache.

The door opened and Dee walked in holding a tray with food "Oh hey your up, how you feeling? I brought you breakfast and lots of water you really need to eat" her eyes filled with concern.

I laughed my neck hurting from the movement. I put my hand to see the bandage was still there "You know I'd get attacked more often to see you being this nice to me"

She frowned deeply "Was I really that bad, sorry" she put the tray down on my lap.

"I felt bad now" she mumbled rubbing her arm.

"No you weren't, don't mind me" I said smiling softly at her "How long have I been asleep?"

"Oh you have only been asleep through the night, the guards said you have training after lunch, you and I have the morning off" she said grinning like a fool she searched her drawers pulling out a cigarette clicking her lighter a few times with only a small weak flame sparking she cursed it and clicked it some more before throwing it at the wall.

"I'll be back in a minute I'm going to steal a lighter off someone" she muttered pissed off.

She went out slamming the door behind her. I looked down at the unappealing food on the tray porridge. I hate porridge. I pushed the tray away taking the apple and water. I waited for a while then got up walking to the mirror. The bandage stared me right in the eye, I was curious I wanted a look at it. I began to unwrap the bandage from my neck, there were two punctures marks looking red and raw, a huge bruise forming round my neck it hurt like hell.I groaned and closed my eyes.

The door opened and my eyes flew open. "Oh you took the bandage off, hey it doesn't look that bad" she said reassuringly "and you have a visitor" she said nodding to the doorway where hot boy stood oh shit he told me his name last night what was it again.

He swept a piece of hair out of his eyes looking at my face then my neck his eyes lingering there a little too long I cleared my throat he shook his head "Sorry, how you feeling?"

I sighed "I've felt better but have also felt alot worse kinda feels like I have an awful hangover and damaged my neck doing something stupid and drunk" I laughed

He smirked "So you found out Callum was a vampire on your second night impressive"

I frowned "So doesn't everyone know? Does he not do that to all the girls he goes to dinner with?"

"No he only tells A-ranks but everyone realises or goes into denial, the guards are vampires too and we are nearly positive Lady Lila is a vampire as well and no it doesn't happen to everyone he goes to dinner with actually I don't think I have ever seen that happen before well I think it happens to his servants but they are never in pain or bandaged up"

"I feel so honoured" I muttered my voice full of sarcasm.

He smirked. "I heard your ranking is today you ready?"

"WHAT?" I screamed.

Dee narrowed her eyes at Hot boy "Well done, couldn't have broken it to her easier no?" she said letting out a puff off smoke.

"Sorry I thought you knew" he smirked.

"No no I didn't" I said collapsing back on my bed a spasm of pain shooting up my neck, god damn Callum.

"Here" Dee murmured passing me another pain killer.

I swallowed it with ease. "So what do I have to do to rank or whatever."

Hot boy gave me a disapproving look "Kit not 'or whatever'. This could be your make or break moment you need to take this serious. Your given one fight a bit like a wrestling match you have to attack your opponent to the floor keeping them there for a minimum of 10 seconds"

I nodded, he was right I do need to take it more serious. "Who do I have to fight"

He looked away. "I don't know" he said guiltily. I knew he was lying he really wasn't a good liar. "Have you ever fought?"

"Eh no?" I said looking at my fingers then inspiration stuck "I've taken alot of blows an abusive father?"

He looked at me reassuringly "Yeah that should help" I knew he was just humouring me though, I had hit my father back on occasion I made his nose bleed a good few times too I thought too myself I was too embarrassed to tell him this, it seemed insignificant.

"Why is it so soon shouldn't I get actual training before I fight?"

"Callum thinks the best fighters have natural fighting abilities and should be ranked according to that every so often people are moved up and down but most people will stay in where they were firstly ranked"

"Great" I muttered exasperated and hating Callum even more.

"Right well I will be off got a job to do"

This sparked Dee's interest "Are you going after Lindseys murderers?"

"Apparently, no biggy just me Lindsey and Sam are going,oh but get this supposedly her brother was in part of the murder"

"NO" Dee gasped a sad look spreading cross her face. "she said she was close to her brother"

Hot boy shrugged "The feeling obviously wasn't mutual" he smiled at me "Bye Kit"

"Bye hot...em I mean bye"

"You forgot my name didn't you" mouth wide open in shock girls clearly don't forget his name.

I lowered my head ashamed but laughed "Yes"

"You sure no how to kick a guy down, so lets go over this again Marc, M-A-R-C?"

I giggled "Got it"

He edged towards the door opened the door putting his body out he turned towards me . "OH your fighting Lady Lila" and he slipped out of the room

"WHAT?" I screamed running after him to see him right down the corridor laughing his head off.

I slammed back down on my bed, hurting my neck again "Shit, Fuck, Bollox AGGGH"

Dee looked at me square in the eye "Don't worry you"ll be fine just don't get on her bad side from now to your fight she will go easy on you"

My mind went to last night the slap across the face and I came to the conclussion I was in her bad books.

Great....just great.

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