Chapter 16-Adopted siblings

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I clutched my side wincing at the pain when going down the stairs i tried to do what i did for Daniel last night i don't know what came over me i felt his pain and it was hurting me so i took it away i just , i sighed i just don't know anymore.

People were everywhere lots of talking these corridors were usually empty unless its after dinner, was it after dinner? what time was it?

Everyones eyes were on me could i blame them i must look like shit i had a bloody bandage wrapped around my waist and i was still in my underwear from last night and the occasional tear still falling down my face. Next off all i felt a hand on my shoulder, I gasped jumping the pain in my waist sharp through my body. I turned to see it was Ian i was suprised its not that we didn't get on we just never really talked.

"You alright?" he asked concerned

I bit my lip and shook my head i wasn't going to lie.

He understood "I'm going to get you cleaned up ok?"

"Thanks" i smiled wiping away another tear i wish i could stop crying i was doing my best not to think about Callum and everything but it was hard my heart hurt.

"Here put your arm around my neck put all you weight on me i would carry you but i think that might actually hurt you more" 

I put my arm around him letting him take my weight until he looked at me and stopped he took off his hoody and draped it around me. Why was he being so nice?

"Why wouldn't I be nice?" wait did i say that out loud? I must have i thought he can hardly read minds i mused.

"I just haven't done anything for you to be this nice" 

He considered this "You have been nothing but nice, I consider you a friend?"

I smiled "Well then i consider you a friend"

He just nodded as we walked until we reached the canteen. "Em why are we here?"

"We are going to clean you up in the kitchen" 

"But wait are we allowed?" i asked

He grinned raising his eyebrows "Whos going to stop us, espicially you"

I thought about it really what was anyone going to do about us going into the kitchen. He pushed open the doors the whole kitchen was empty. The quiet was refreshing. We went behind the food counter and into the actual kitchen Ian lifted me up onto a counter

"Stay there a minute" 


He went off into a room in the back of the kitchen coming back with a huge first aid kit he began rooting through it to find another bandage,some sort of cream and a scissors.

"I need you to take off the hoody" he murmured 

I smirked "Do you just want to see me in my underwear" i joked

He went red, aww how cute. Then he rolled his eyes just take it off Kit i took it off placing it aside as he began to unravel the blood-stained bandage I bit down on my lip hard. 

"I wouldn't look down if your squimish"

I amn't that squimish i was torn to look or not to look, screw it. I looked down at my side to see a deep puckered up cut i thought about it this deep stab wound looked like i cut myself a little with glass "It looks so much better" I mused

He wet a cloth and began wiping around it getting rid of all the dried up blood "You have been healing it over night" he shrugged

He put on some cream saying it would numb the pain a little then he wrapped the bandage around my waist tying it tight i winced at that part.

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