Chapter 19- I know what you did last night

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I groaned turning over in my bed opening my eyes, my head was throbbing and i felt like crap. Not only that but Callum was hogging the covers....wait Callum? 

I shot up quickly the blood rushing to my head, shit this isn't my room this was Callums room how did i get here? Did I? NOOO.

I tried to think off last night getting ready, dancing, music, drinking alot of drinking i felt sick at the thought, then Callum nope i couldn't remember anything between me and him.

Surely I hadn't done IT. Well I had done it before but please just please tell me I hadn't. I looked at him the picture of perfect innocence lying there wrapped in his duvet asleep.

I grabbed a pillow and started whacking him in the head with it.

"What the.." he shouted jumping up

I narrowed my eyes at him gritting my teeth "Why am I in YOUR bed"

He smirked at me lying back down "Didn't you get sex ed in your school?"

"WHAT?" I grabbed the pillow and started hitting him with it again but then stopped my hangover kicking in. I let out a breath of air closing my eyes.

"You ok?" 

I frowned at him "Do I look ok?"

"I think you look as hot as always"

"I hate you, you know that?" i thought a minute "Actually no to say i hate you would mean i would have to give up my time hating you i don't hate you I-I-I NOTHING you"

"Nothing me? You nothing me?" he was laughing at me

"Yes thats what I said, how stupid are you?"

"Wow i have had alot of people hate me before but nothing me that could be a first" he was stilling laughing, Jerk.

I sighed i was too hungover for this he must have noticed he opened a drawer tossing me painkillers.

I took two out of the packet "Vampires use painkillers" I asked swallowing the tablets dry.

He scoffed "Hardly I had them there for you"

I could feel my blood reach boiling point "DID.YOU.PLAN.ALL.THIS" I need to stop shouting so not helping my hangover.

"Whos stupid now" he was smirking 

"Is this like a pastime for you pissing me off, is that how get your kicks"

He rolled his eyes "Kit calm down ok, we didn't do the 'deed' got close but i stopped"

I beamed "Really?"

He sighed "Yes I know you don't have a very high opinion of me but i do have some sort of moral compass I want you to remember our first time"

I rolled my eyes "Your so romantic"

He shrugged "So you think Daniel is hot?" he smirked but there was a hint of jealousy..

"Wait what?" What did i say, what did i do? Kids this is why drinking is never good steer clear.

"One of many things you said and did last night"

I sighed better get this over with "Tell me"

"Well there was grinding with me which i enjoyed very much, sitting on my lap making front off everyone, you called daniel 'hot daniel'" he stopped in thought "You asked me to kiss you, we got to my room, some more serious making out, you tried to take my shirt off, you kissed up and down my very hot body,and then..."

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