Chapter 55-I liked the look of the otherworld...

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"Kit are you awake" Callum murmured

"No you idiot" I muttered rubbing my forehead. "Ugh why do I feel so sore"

"Sorry I don't have much practice with people coming back from the bed" he laughed anxiously.

I opened eyes raising my brows at him, I looked around realising I had no idea where I was. "Eh?" I began.

"Your in my room, well my old room in the palace" he looked around a disgusted look on his face.

"So what have I missed then" I asked cautiously.

 "Well everyone is a little shaken up, your spell along with my dads death lifted everyones compulsion but there is still a divide between the two sides" he shrugged indifferently 

He rubbed the covers over my legs and I smiled at him "I don't understand why there is a divide"

"Kit just about two hundred years of a divide isn't going to fix itself instantly" he gave me a reassuring smile "Although some friends are already back talking again"

"Oh well thats good" I muttered "So basically everything is the same"

He shook his head "No not at all Kit don't think that"

"Are you going to be King" I searched his face looking for a reaction

He looked out the window "It looks like it I already have my sides following, and I am the rightful heir being the oldest and my sisters don't want it" 

"Have you spoke with them" I asked, smiling at the thought.

"Yeah they have visited you a couple of times brought you flowers" he pointed seeming spaced out.

"So what did everyone think of witchy girl coming back from the dead" I offered.

"Well vampires still have biased opinions from the past" he stumbled over his words

"I don't understand" I frowned

"Well some of them don't trust you" he mumbled awkwardly.

"Its more than that" I urged "Tell me"

"They may have suggested killing you" he murmured.

"WHAT?" I spluttered.

"You see they think if they get rid of you and Ian so we have no more witch problems" he flinched.

I folded my arms raising a brow, the idea of having stayed in the otherworld seeming more promising  "What and you agree with them?" I asked incredulously.

"Obviously not Kit, I didn't fight much for Ian but I said I would kill every single vampire that tried to get their hands on you, which made the light side less welcoming to me as King but I don't care they can fight me for it if they want" he shrugged.

"Why don't you let someone else take it" 

"I could but its in my blood to be king, and if I let someone else take it, it will make it so much easier for them to put a hit on you" he brushed his hand along my cheek "I'm taking it for you" 

I rolled my eyes at him "Right" I drawled out sarcastically.

"There is no need to be annoyed with me" he sighed squeezing the bridge of his nose.

Before I could respond there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" Callum hollered looking relieved from the distraction 

I glared at him "I"m not finished with you"

Anne and Rachel walked in standing at the end of my bed. 

"They're easy to distinguish between the blonde one is Rachel and Anne is the brown haired one" Callum explained.

I nodded smiling at them. Rachel stepped forward "I just wanted to thank you for eveything you have done for our race, I know some people aren't as welcoming towards you but I think your an amazing individual and I want to thank you for setting us free from our father, letting my soulmate and I live in peace"

I waved my hand at her "All in a days work" I yawned getting tired.

Ann frowned at me "Are you always this calm"

Callum snorted "Shes just being nice to you, she is horrible to me"

I punched his arm half heartily my body still to weak "I am not horrible to him"

Anne chastised him "I hope your not being mean to her"

His eyes widened and he winced slightly "No"

I snickered at him "No he is good to me most of the time"

He pecked my lips and I kissed him back, feeling a little disappointed in myself not being able to stay angry at him.

There was a sniff and when Callums lips left mine Rachel was crying "Eh? Are you ok?" I asked feeling awkward.

"Yeah its just mum would be so proud of you Callum" Rachel explained "She would have loved you, you really fixed him"

"Fixed him?" I laughed

"Yeah Anne and I sometimes thought he was going to turn into a monster like our father, but I don't think that will happen with you around" she laughed her twinkling laughter and happiness bringing tears to my eyes.

Callum looked at me amused "Are you crying?"

"What? Me? No..your nasty body odour is making my eyes water" I shrugged.

Anne and Rachel looked at each other smiling when Rachel tilted her head to the door "We're going to leave you two alone"

I nodded "It was nice finally meeting you two"

"Oh we will be seeing so much more of each other now sis" they laughed.

Callum stared at me when it hit me "Wheres Daniel and Ian?"

"Ian is around somewhere he is sticking around to apologise apparently" he licked his lips

"Oh" I murmured 

He scratched his neck awkwardly "Well Daniel left, well more like ran when you died and I don't think hes coming back after what I did" he shrugged trying to act indifferently.

"He'll forgive you one day" I offered seeing through his brave facade.

"Nah he won't I wouldn't if he did it to me" he sighed "So I don't blame him"

"Thats great but why is he taking it out on me and leaving me with you" I sighed jokingly.

He frowned at me "Kit"

"I'm sorry baby" I shrugged "I guess I'm a little hyper being re-alive and all"

"Yeah I know" he smiled lying beside me on the bed 

"I was so worried Kit" he looked at me looking unbelievably vulnerable "I felt like I was torn apart, when your body hit the ground you destroyed me"

"Well I came back for you didn't I?" I whispered.

He smiled holding me tightly "Now exactly how weak are you right now" he laughed raising his brows suggestively. 

"Fit as a fiddle" I breathed out kissing his lips, knowing I couldn't have given him up.

"I love you" he mumbled on my lips.

"Your alright" I laughed

"Don't start that again" he groaned.

"I love you too" confirming it through my kiss.

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