Chapter 17- Mr. Predictable

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Well i suppose i had this coming from the start really, a face worth then death....telling Dee everything. 

"Dee sit down" I commanded

"Jeez touchy" she sighed then sat back down.

"What do you want to know" i asked

"Oh no you don't" she narrowed her eyes at me "I want to know everything Mrs getting steamy with Callum or guards bow to you or or or just tell me"

I thought to myself do I tell her everything is there stuff that i really can't tell her for her own good, I really don't know what to do in these situations. 

"Earth to Kit" i stayed quiet.

"Kitty Kat" I didn't talk

"KATHERINE" My eyes widened at the unfamiliar name, it was the name on my birth certificate but my name was Kit. 

"Don't call me that" i grumbled "Callums a vampire" I knew she knew that i was trying to beat around the bush.

"Paging doctor DUH" she shouted "I kinda knew that the night you came back here with bite marks"

I just shrugged.

She frowned "I thought we were friends why won't you tell me" she sobbed.

"Fine" i sighed.

So i told her everything. Callum and the guards being vampires, the real purpose of the institute, me supposed to be becoming a vampire on my birth day, the whole vampire history the curse and the vamps not being able to control themselves and then i began on Callum how he was my soulmate (supposedly I'm still not so sure i never signed a contract) and how he had just broke my heart.

She ran over and hugged me tight. "Oh sweety, you know what I'll do"

"What" i sniffled, why was i such a cry baby.

"I will march up to his room and castrate him then kill him" she smiled at the idea.

I sat up as much as it seemed she was joking there was a small piece of me telling me to convinve her otherwise Dee wasn't the wisest at times.

"Yep Dee great you do that so when should i prepare your funeral for" i said sarcasticallyy.

"I might have a chance" she said hopeful.

"Saturday it is" I chimed.

She shook her head in horror "No no no no no the dance is on saturday"

"Dance?" i questioned could this week get worse.

"Yep theres is gonna be a party,dance,disco whatever you want to call it on saturday and everyone has to go, should look presentable,there will be alcohol and this is the first one they have ever had" she was jumping up and down on the bed excitedly

"Your crazy you know that right?" i said staring at her in disbelief i had just told her about vampires and she didn't even care unbelievable but that was why i needed her in my life otherwise i think i would explode, hmm i wonder if a person can explode.

"Hey don't blame me for getting excited we never get to do anything in this place, but think how amazing it would be its hardly like an old school hall dance this building is all old and gothic like it will be so cool" she was beeming

"Yeah cool" I mumbled

She jumped off the bed grabbing my hands on sitting on mine she was now jumping on my bed with me 





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